NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Accessible Objects
  • Field Types
  • Objects
  • Calendar Events
  • Calendar Event Guests
  • Calendar Potential Guests
  • Calendar Templates
  • Calendar Event Types
  • Campaign Builder Items
  • Contacts
  • Commissions
  • Credit Cards
  • Forms
  • Groups
  • Inboxes
  • Inbox Channels
  • Inbox Conversations
  • Inbox Spam Conversations
  • Landing Pages
  • Messages
  • Offers
  • Open Orders
  • Orders
  • Products
  • Purchase History Logs
  • Purchases
  • Rules
  • Transactions
  • Tags
  • Tasks
  • Webhooks
  • Webhook Events
  • Webhook Log
  • Use Cases
  • API Change Log
  • Introduction

    The base URL for all of the requests detailed in this documentation is:

    All requests must be made over HTTPS. Any insecure requests are redirected to the HTTPS equivalent URL. The /1/ prefix in the URL is the version number. When substantial changes to the API are released, this number will change.

    Welcome to the new documentation for the Ontraport API! If you are looking for the old documentation, you can find it here.

    Our API offers a simple, RESTful interface with JSON-formatted responses. With it, you can manage contacts, process transactions, add and remove tags and sequences, and much more.

    This documentation contains detailed information about our most widely used API endpoints and general information about best practices.

    We currently offer an official PHP client library for our API to simplify building your integration. Code examples using this library and cURL are offered on the right side of the page. You can toggle between languages using the tabs at the top.

    Getting Started

    Obtain an API Key

    In order to get started making requests on our API, you must obtain a unique API key and App ID. These credentials can be requested in your Administration settings. Your API key provides access to powerful functionality and should not be shared with anyone.

    Once you have an API key, you can also try out some requests on your account using our live documentation. These requests will be performed on your actual data, so use caution in deciding which requests to make.

    Obtain a sandbox

    Any requests made using your API key will be performed using real data in your Ontraport account. You can email with any questions you may have.

    To obtain a sandbox account, submit an application here.


    # Using curl, you can just pass the correct header with each request
    curl -X "API endpoint here" \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    // Authentication occurs when the API Key and App ID are sent as request headers
    // These headers are set when you create a new instance of the Ontraport client
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");

    Example values are used for API key and App ID, your unique credentials must be used in your request.

    To interact with our API, authentication credentials must be sent with each HTTP request as headers. These credentials include a unique API key and App ID. Any requests sent without valid credentials in the headers will fail.

    Header Value
    Api-Key Set to your unique API key. This must be used in conjunction with your unique site ID or your request will not authenticate. Required.
    Api-Appid Set to your unique site ID. Required.

    Rate limiting

    Each Ontraport account is allowed up to 180 requests per minute. This is a rolling limit that resets each minute.

    If you find that your application needs more than the allotted number of calls, you may wish to check that you are utilizing our pagination tools and/or consider implementing cache functionality.

    Our support staff will consider reasonable requests to increase rate limits on a per-account basis.

    You can track your rate limit status via response headers:

    Header Description
    X-Rate-Limit-Limit The upper limit of API requests allowed per minute.
    X-Rate-Limit-Remaining The number of requests remaining in this one-minute period.
    X-Rate-Limit-Reset The number of seconds until the rolling limit resets.

    Object identifiers

    Each Ontraport object has both an object type ID and an object ID. In this documentation, object type ID refers to the identifier that differentiates one object type from another. All objects of the same type have the same object type ID.

    ID refers to the identifier for that specific object. For example, a contact will always have an object type ID of 0, but each contact will also have a unique ID by which it can be accessed. All objects of the same type will have a different ID.

    Plural and singular endpoints

    Example retrieving a contact with the unique ID of 15:

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $queryParams = array(
        "id" => 15
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->contact()->retrieveSingle($queryParams);

    Example retrieving first name, last name and email for contacts with the last name "Smith":

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $queryParams = array(
        "condition"     => "[{
        "listFields" => "firstname,lastname,email"
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->contact()->retrieveMultiple($queryParams);

    Many of our objects have plural and singular endpoints. Through utilizing plural endpoints with pagination and criteria, you can minimize the number of API calls needed for your integration. Singular endpoints should be used only in the case that you want to retrieve or delete a specific object by its ID. If you wish to perform operations on a collection of objects, the plural endpoints should be used.

    Retrieving an object using its singular endpoint will bring back all the data for that object, whereas using plural endpoints allows you to specify exactly which fields you would like to retrieve.


    Example retrieving the count for a contacts collection:

    # The response data contains a "count" field which holds the object count
    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->contact()->retrieveCollectionInfo(array());
    $response = json_decode($response, true);
    $count = $response["data"]["count"];

    Example retrieving a collection of contacts:

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $start = 0;
    $range = 50;
    $requestParams = array(
        "start" => $start,
        "range" => $range
    $contacts = $client->contact()->retrieveMultiplePaginated();

    When making requests on collections of objects, the number of results returned defaults to the maximum, which is 50. This means that without using pagination to iterate through your collections, you will only ever access the first 50 objects. The start and range parameters allow you to navigate through larger data sets.

    To determine the count of objects in your collection, you can make a call to getInfo for your desired resource and retrieve the count.

    Parameter Type Description
    start integer The offset from which your requested data should begin.
    range integer The number of records returned per request.


    Example: "email ="


    Example: "id IN (1, 2)"


    Example: "email IS NULL OR email = ''"


    We offer additional parameters to ensure that you are retrieving only those objects you specifically want. For example, if you would like to perform an action on contacts with the last name "Smith", it is better to target those records in your query as opposed to retrieving all your contacts and then filtering the results.

    Parameter Type Description
    search string The string to search your object collection for.
    searchNotes boolean Indicates whether or not notes should be searched for the search string. This parameter can't be used independently of the search parameter.
    condition string This JSON-encoded field allows you to very specifically evaluate objects for a condition. You can check whether or not fields in your object meet a particular condition. field is where you designate what field you want to check for a condition. op indicates the comparison operator you would like to use. value is where you can set a value or list of values to compare field to. Possible operators include:
    > : Greater than
    < : Less than
    >= : Greater than or equal to
    <= : Less than or equal to
    = : Equal to
    IN : Field is one of a list of values
    You can also string conditions together with AND, to check that both conditions are true, or OR, to check that at least one of the conditions is true. Examples can be seen to the right.

    Sometimes you may just be interested in a few object fields and not the entire object. If you have a relationship between two objects, you may wish to gather information from the related object as well. In these cases, you can describe a list of the fields you would like returned.

    Parameter Type Description
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of object fields to retrieve.
    externs string An array as a comma-delimited list of related external fields to retrieve.

    Instead of retrieving objects by specific IDs, you can also perform actions on a collection of objects by group ID. Group ID should be accompanied by the performAll parameter. However, if you set performAll = 1, remember that a value of 0 for group_id effectively selects all objects in a collection.

    Parameter Type Description
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group.

    Standard requests

    Unique URLs

    Each resource in our API is identified by a unique URL. For example, contacts can be created, retrieved, updated and deleted at:

    HTTP Methods

    When making an HTTP request, you must specify the method to be used. Our API accepts GET, PUT, POST and DELETE methods. Each of these methods corresponds to a persistent storage CRUD operation:

    Method Operation Usage
    POST Create Adds new data to your database.
    GET Retrieve Brings back data from your database.
    PUT Update Replaces old data with new.
    DELETE Delete Permanently removes data from your database.

    Request Headers

    API requests must be accompanied by headers to specify what data formats will be sent and received. All responses will be JSON-encoded regardless of request method. The following is a list of all the headers you may be expected to send with your requests.

    Header Description
    Api-Key Set to your unique API key. This must be used in conjunction with your unique site ID or your request will not authenticate. Required.
    Api-Appid Set to your unique site ID. Required.
    Content-Type Specifies the format of data being sent with your request. Set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded or application/json. Required for POST and PUT requests. See the documentation for specific endpoints in these cases.

    Request Parameters

    Parameters for GET and DELETE requests should be encoded to a query string and appended to the URL:

    Parameters for PUT and POST requests are sent in the request body. The data type expected in the request body is indicated in the Content-Type header.

    When JSON is expected, parameters should be JSON-encoded:


    When form data is expected, parameters should be URL-encoded:


    Extended Functionality

    Simple object endpoints typically handle basic CRUD functionality for that object. For many objects, we have extended endpoints to allow for additional functionality. For example, you can obtain detailed information about the contact object by appending "getMeta" to the URL:

    Requests must be made over HTTPS. Any insecure requests are redirected to the HTTPS equivalent URL.

    Standard responses

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "owner": "1",
        "firstname": "Frodo",
        "lastname": "Baggins",
        "email": "",
        "address": null,
        "city": null,
        "state": null,
        "zip": null,
        "birthday": null,
        "date": "1487705750",
        "notes": null,
        "status": null,
        "category": null,
        "lead_source": null,
        "cell_phone": null,
        "home_phone": null,
        "sms_number": null,
        "dla": "1487705750",
        "contact_cat": "",
        "bulk_mail": "1",
        "bulk_sms": "0",
        "lastvisit": null,
        "referer": "0",
        "lastaction": null,
        "office_phone": null,
        "fax": null,
        "dlm": "1487705765",
        "company": null,
        "address2": null,
        "title": null,
        "website": null,
        "country": null,
        "system_source": "0",
        "source_location": null,
        "import_id": "0",
        "ip_addy": null,
        "visits": "0",
        "freferrer": "0",
        "lreferrer": "0",
        "n_lead_source": "0",
        "n_content": "0",
        "n_term": "0",
        "n_media": "0",
        "n_medium": "0",
        "n_campaign": "0",
        "referral_page": null,
        "aff_sales": "0",
        "aff_amount": "0",
        "program_id": "0",
        "aff_paypal": null,
        "fb_birthday": "0",
        "fb_gender": null,
        "fb_likes": null,
        "fb_groups": null,
        "fb_website": null,
        "fb_hometown": null,
        "fb_location": null,
        "mrcAmount": "0",
        "mrcUnpaid": "0.00",
        "mriInvoiceNum": "0",
        "mriInvoiceTotal": "0",
        "ccType": "0",
        "ccExpirationMonth": "0",
        "ccExpirationYear": "0",
        "ccExpirationDate": "0",
        "ccNumber": null,
        "mrcResult": "0",
        "bindex": "0",
        "last_inbound_sms": null,
        "spent": null,
        "num_purchased": null,
        "updateSequence": "",
        "grade": "0.00"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Every successful API call returns a JSON-formatted response containing:

    Element Type Description
    code integer Indicates the success or failure of the call. If code is 0, this indicates an HTTP 200 successful call.
    data object Contains object-specific attributes and data
    account_id integer ID of the account making the API call

    Error and response codes

    Both successful and unsuccessful calls will return HTTP response codes. The most common codes you will encounter using our API are as follows:

    Code Description
    200 OK - Your request was completed successfully.
    400 Bad Request - Your request data is not properly formed.
    401 Unauthorized - You are not authenticated.
    403 Forbidden - You do not have permissions to access this resource.
    404 Not Found - You are requesting a resource that does not exist.
    422 Unprocessable Entity - One or more of the fields you included were not able to be processed. Currently used for invalid email addresses.
    429 Too Many Requests - You have exceeded your maximum rate limit of 180 requests per minute.
    500 Internal Server Error - Something has gone wrong on the website's server.

    Click here to see a full listing of possible codes.

    Accessible Objects

    The following is a list of objects exposed by the API, along with their object type ID and corresponding permissions.


    Object Object Type ID GET PUT POST DELETE
    Automation Log Item 100 x
    Blast 13 x x x
    Calendar 175 x
    Calendar Event 160 x x x x
    Calendar Event Guest 161 x
    Calendar Event Type 177 x x x
    Calendar Potential Guest 174 x
    Calendar Template 164 x x x x
    Campaign 75 x
    Campaign Builder 140 x
    Commission 38 x
    Contact 0 x x x x
    Content 78 x x x
    Coupon 123 x x x x
    Coupon Code 124 x
    Coupon Product 125 x
    Credit Card 45 x x
    Custom Domain 58 x
    Custom Object 99 x
    Custom Object Relationship 102 x
    Customer Value 96 x
    Deleted Open Order 146 x
    Facebook App 53 x
    Form 22 x
    Form (ONTRAForms) 122 x
    Fulfillment List 19 x x x x
    Gateway 70 x
    Group 3 x x
    IMAP Setting 101 x
    Landing Page 20 x x x x
    Lead Router 69 x x x x
    Lead Source 76 x x x
    Log Item 4 x
    Medium 77 x x x
    Message 7 x x x x
    Message Template 68 x
    Note 12 x x x x
    Offer 65 x x x
    Open Order 44 x
    Order 52 x x
    Partner 36 x
    Partner Product 87 x
    Partner Program 35 x x x x
    Partner Promotional Item 40 x x x x
    Postcard Order 27 x
    Product 16 x x x x
    Product Sales Log 95 x
    Purchase 17 x
    Purchase History Log 30 x
    Referral 37 x
    Role 61 x
    Rule 6 x x x x
    Sales Report 94 x
    Scheduled Broadcast 23 x
    Sequence 5 x x x x
    Sequence Subscriber 8 x
    Shipped Package 47 x
    Shipping Collected 97 x
    Shipping Fulfillment Run 49 x
    Shipping Method 64 x x x x
    Subscriber Retention 92 x
    Subscription Sale 93 x
    Tag 14 x x x x
    Tag Subscriber 138 x
    Task 1 x x
    Task History 90 x
    Task Note 89 x x
    Task Outcome 66 x
    Tax 63 x x x x
    Taxes Collected 98 x
    Term 79 x x x
    Tracked Link 80 x x x x
    Transaction 46 x
    Upsell Form 42 x
    URL History 88 x
    User 2 x x
    Webhook 145 x x x x
    Wordpress Membership 43 x x x x
    Wordpress Site 67 x

    Field Types


    A string representing an address.

    Valid values:
    Any string will be considered valid.


    Check represents a boolean checkbox.

    Valid values:

    0, 1


    A color field is a dropdown field with colored labels. It is formatted similarly to dropdown fields, but the label name and color are specified separately.

    Valid values:

    Colors can be supplied in hexadecimal code format (ex. #1f1e33), with or without the leading '#', or in comma-separated RGB format (ex. 31,30,51).

    Example of a 'type' field:

    "type": {
      "alias": "Sales Stage",
      "type": "drop",
      "options": {
        "add": [
            {"label": "Closed - Lost", "color": "#ff00ff"},
            {"label": "Closed - Won", "color": "#00ffff"},
            {"label": "Committed", "color": "#ffff00"},
            {"label": "Consideration", "color": "#aa05bb"},
            {"label": "Demo Scheduled", "color": "#03ccaa"},
            {"label": "Qualified Lead", "color": "#aaaaaa"},
            {"label": "New Prospect", "color": "#1f1e33"}


    Represents a selectable country.

    Valid values:

    Real countries
    • "US"=>"United States"
    • "CA"=>"Canada"
    • "GB"=>"United Kingdom"
    • "AF"=>"Afghanistan"
    • "AX"=>"Åland"
    • "AL"=>"Albania"
    • "DZ"=>"Algeria"
    • "AS"=>"American Samoa"
    • "AD"=>"Andorra"
    • "AO"=>"Angola"
    • "AI"=>"Anguilla"
    • "AQ"=>"Antarctica"
    • "AG"=>"Antigua and Barbuda"
    • "AR"=>"Argentina"
    • "AM"=>"Armenia"
    • "AW"=>"Aruba"
    • "AU"=>"Australia"
    • "AT"=>"Austria"
    • "AZ"=>"Azerbaijan"
    • "BS"=>"Bahamas"
    • "BH"=>"Bahrain"
    • "BD"=>"Bangladesh"
    • "BB"=>"Barbados"
    • "BY"=>"Belarus"
    • "BE"=>"Belgium"
    • "BZ"=>"Belize"
    • "BJ"=>"Benin"
    • "BM"=>"Bermuda"
    • "BT"=>"Bhutan"
    • "BO"=>"Bolivia"
    • "BQ"=>"Bonaire"
    • "BA"=>"Bosnia and Herzegovina"
    • "BW"=>"Botswana"
    • "BV"=>"Bouvet Island"
    • "BR"=>"Brazil"
    • "IO"=>"British Indian Ocean Territory"
    • "VG"=>"British Virgin Islands"
    • "BN"=>"Brunei"
    • "BG"=>"Bulgaria"
    • "BF"=>"Burkina Faso"
    • "BI"=>"Burundi"
    • "KH"=>"Cambodia"
    • "CM"=>"Cameroon"
    • "CA"=>"Canada"
    • "CV"=>"Cape Verde"
    • "KY"=>"Cayman Islands"
    • "CF"=>"Central African Republic"
    • "TD"=>"Chad"
    • "CL"=>"Chile"
    • "CN"=>"China"
    • "CX"=>"Christmas Island"
    • "CC"=>"Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
    • "CO"=>"Colombia"
    • "KM"=>"Comoros"
    • "CK"=>"Cook Islands"
    • "CR"=>"Costa Rica"
    • "HR"=>"Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)"
    • "CU"=>"Cuba"
    • "CW"=>"Curacao"
    • "CY"=>"Cyprus"
    • "CZ"=>"Czech Republic"
    • "CD"=>"Democratic Republic of the Congo"
    • "DK"=>"Denmark"
    • "DJ"=>"Djibouti"
    • "DM"=>"Dominica"
    • "DO"=>"Dominican Republic"
    • "TL"=>"East Timor"
    • "EC"=>"Ecuador"
    • "EG"=>"Egypt"
    • "SV"=>"El Salvador"
    • "GQ"=>"Equatorial Guinea"
    • "ER"=>"Eritrea"
    • "EE"=>"Estonia"
    • "ET"=>"Ethiopia"
    • "FK"=>"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
    • "FO"=>"Faroe Islands"
    • "FJ"=>"Fiji"
    • "FI"=>"Finland"
    • "FR"=>"France"
    • "GF"=>"French Guiana"
    • "PF"=>"French Polynesia"
    • "TF"=>"French Southern Territories"
    • "GA"=>"Gabon"
    • "GM"=>"Gambia"
    • "GE"=>"Georgia"
    • "DE"=>"Germany"
    • "GH"=>"Ghana"
    • "GI"=>"Gibraltar"
    • "GR"=>"Greece"
    • "GL"=>"Greenland"
    • "GD"=>"Grenada"
    • "GP"=>"Guadeloupe"
    • "GU"=>"Guam"
    • "GT"=>"Guatemala"
    • "GG"=>"Guernsey"
    • "GN"=>"Guinea"
    • "GW"=>"Guinea-Bissau"
    • "GY"=>"Guyana"
    • "HT"=>"Haiti"
    • "HM"=>"Heard Island and McDonald Islands"
    • "HN"=>"Honduras"
    • "HK"=>"Hong Kong"
    • "HU"=>"Hungary"
    • "IS"=>"Iceland"
    • "IN"=>"India"
    • "ID"=>"Indonesia"
    • "IR"=>"Iran"
    • "IQ"=>"Iraq"
    • "IE"=>"Ireland"
    • "IM"=>"Isle of Man"
    • "IL"=>"Israel"
    • "IT"=>"Italy"
    • "CI"=>"Ivory Coast"
    • "JM"=>"Jamaica"
    • "JP"=>"Japan"
    • "JE"=>"Jersey"
    • "JO"=>"Jordan"
    • "KZ"=>"Kazakhstan"
    • "KE"=>"Kenya"
    • "KI"=>"Kiribati"
    • "XK"=>"Kosovo"
    • "KW"=>"Kuwait"
    • "KG"=>"Kyrgyzstan"
    • "LA"=>"Laos"
    • "LV"=>"Latvia"
    • "LB"=>"Lebanon"
    • "LS"=>"Lesotho"
    • "LR"=>"Liberia"
    • "LY"=>"Libya"
    • "LI"=>"Liechtenstein"
    • "LT"=>"Lithuania"
    • "LU"=>"Luxembourg"
    • "MO"=>"Macao"
    • "MG"=>"Madagascar"
    • "MW"=>"Malawi"
    • "MY"=>"Malaysia"
    • "MV"=>"Maldives"
    • "ML"=>"Mali"
    • "MT"=>"Malta"
    • "MH"=>"Marshall Islands"
    • "MQ"=>"Martinique"
    • "MR"=>"Mauritania"
    • "MU"=>"Mauritius"
    • "YT"=>"Mayotte"
    • "MX"=>"Mexico"
    • "FM"=>"Micronesia"
    • "MD"=>"Moldova"
    • "MC"=>"Monaco"
    • "MN"=>"Mongolia"
    • "ME"=>"Montenegro"
    • "MS"=>"Montserrat"
    • "MA"=>"Morocco"
    • "MZ"=>"Mozambique"
    • "MM"=>"Myanmar (Burma)"
    • "NA"=>"Namibia"
    • "NR"=>"Nauru"
    • "NP"=>"Nepal"
    • "NL"=>"Netherlands"
    • "NC"=>"New Caledonia"
    • "NZ"=>"New Zealand"
    • "NI"=>"Nicaragua"
    • "NE"=>"Niger"
    • "NG"=>"Nigeria"
    • "NU"=>"Niue"
    • "NF"=>"Norfolk Island"
    • "KP"=>"North Korea"
    • "MK"=>"North Macedonia"
    • "MP"=>"Northern Mariana Islands"
    • "NO"=>"Norway"
    • "OM"=>"Oman"
    • "PK"=>"Pakistan"
    • "PW"=>"Palau"
    • "PS"=>"Palestine"
    • "PA"=>"Panama"
    • "PG"=>"Papua New Guinea"
    • "PY"=>"Paraguay"
    • "PE"=>"Peru"
    • "PH"=>"Philippines"
    • "PN"=>"Pitcairn Islands"
    • "PL"=>"Poland"
    • "PT"=>"Portugal"
    • "PR"=>"Puerto Rico"
    • "QA"=>"Qatar"
    • "CG"=>"Republic of the Congo"
    • "RE"=>"Réunion"
    • "RO"=>"Romania"
    • "RU"=>"Russia"
    • "RW"=>"Rwanda"
    • "BL"=>"Saint Barthélemy"
    • "SH"=>"Saint Helena"
    • "KN"=>"Saint Kitts and Nevis"
    • "LC"=>"Saint Lucia"
    • "MF"=>"Saint Martin"
    • "PM"=>"Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
    • "VC"=>"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
    • "WS"=>"Samoa"
    • "SM"=>"San Marino"
    • "SA"=>"Saudi Arabia"
    • "SN"=>"Senegal"
    • "RS"=>"Serbia"
    • "SC"=>"Seychelles"
    • "SL"=>"Sierra Leone"
    • "SG"=>"Singapore"
    • "SX"=>"Sint Maarten"
    • "SK"=>"Slovakia (Slovak Republic)"
    • "SI"=>"Slovenia"
    • "SB"=>"Solomon Islands"
    • "SO"=>"Somalia"
    • "ZA"=>"South Africa"
    • "GS"=>"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
    • "KR"=>"South Korea"
    • "SS"=>"South Sudan"
    • "ES"=>"Spain"
    • "LK"=>"Sri Lanka"
    • "SD"=>"Sudan"
    • "SR"=>"Suriname"
    • "SJ"=>"Svalbard and Jan Mayen"
    • "SZ"=>"Swaziland"
    • "SE"=>"Sweden"
    • "CH"=>"Switzerland"
    • "SY"=>"Syria"
    • "ST"=>"São Tomé and Príncipe"
    • "TW"=>"Taiwan"
    • "TJ"=>"Tajikistan"
    • "TZ"=>"Tanzania"
    • "TH"=>"Thailand"
    • "TG"=>"Togo"
    • "TK"=>"Tokelau"
    • "TO"=>"Tonga"
    • "TT"=>"Trinidad and Tobago"
    • "TN"=>"Tunisia"
    • "TR"=>"Turkey"
    • "TM"=>"Turkmenistan"
    • "TC"=>"Turks and Caicos Islands"
    • "TV"=>"Tuvalu"
    • "UM"=>"U.S. Minor Outlying Islands"
    • "VI"=>"U.S. Virgin Islands"
    • "UG"=>"Uganda"
    • "UA"=>"Ukraine"
    • "AE"=>"United Arab Emirates"
    • "GB"=>"United Kingdom"
    • "US"=>"United States"
    • "UY"=>"Uruguay"
    • "UZ"=>"Uzbekistan"
    • "VU"=>"Vanuatu"
    • "VA"=>"Vatican City"
    • "VE"=>"Venezuela"
    • "VN"=>"Vietnam"
    • "WF"=>"Wallis and Futuna"
    • "EH"=>"Western Sahara"
    • "YE"=>"Yemen"
    • "ZM"=>"Zambia"
    • "ZW"=>"Zimbabwe"


    A dropdown field.

    Valid values:

    For a dropdown field, you must provide options for users to select.

    Example of a 'type' field:

    "type": {
      "alias": "Sales Stage",
      "type": "drop",
      "options": {
        "add": [
            "Closed - Lost",
            "Closed - Won",
            "Demo Scheduled",
            "Qualified Lead",
            "New Prospect"


    A string that represents an email address.

    Valid values:

    Strings will be checked to be of the format X@Y.Z


    A URL which refers to a file for an object.
    Updating and adding files via the API is not supported. Only the file's URL can be retrieved via a GET request.

    Valid values:

    A URL, similar to


    (may be listed as 'date' in older accounts)

    A fulldate type represents a date. The info for time is stored, but not typically displayed. (use a 'Date & Time' field if you want to display a date AND time)

    Valid values:

    A unix timestamp

    Example: 1580854597 (which is 02/04/2020)


    Deprecated and no longer used.


    A unique image name referring to an image hosted by Ontraport. The API accepts image field updates via image URLs. API requests containing Ontraport image fields (except profile_image field) are rehosted to Ontraport which generates a new image URL for the same image.

    Note: As the image URL changes in the response, do not rely on utilizing the same image URL you sent in your request

    Example request

    A request to POST /objects:

        "objectID" : 0, 
        "firstname" : "Bob",
        "yourimagefield" : "https://yourserver.jpeg"

    A plausible response for this is:

        "objectID" : 0, 
        "firstname" : "Bob",
        "yourimagefield" : ""

    Valid values:

    Image URLs starting with are valid values

    Example profile_image field:

        "id": 1679,
        "alias": "Profile Image",
        "field": "profile_image",
        "type": "image",
        "required": 0,
        "unique": 0,
        "editable": 1,
        "deletable": 1,
        "options": ""


    Text meant to be interpreted as JSON.

    Valid values:

    Any string is valid input, but may not be valid JSON.


    A list selection field.

    Valid values:

    For a list selection field, you must provide options for users to select. When updating a list type field, the option ID values must be separated by this delimiter: */*. For example, */*55*/*97*/*.

    Example of a 'list' field:

    "f1792": {
        "alias": "Example List",
        "type": "list",
        "required": 0,
        "unique": 0,
        "editable": 1,
        "deletable": 1,
        "options": {
            "123": "One",
            "124": "Two",
            "125": "Three"


    A long section of text, usually multiple lines.

    Valid values:

    Any string.


    A combination of other fields' values. These fields cannot be created or directly modified.

    Valid values:

    Code example provided on the right.

    Example of a full name (combining first name and last name):

    <op:merge field='firstname'>X</op:merge> <op:merge field='lastname'>X</op:merge>

    The field overall shows up in field editor like:

        "id": 198,
        "alias": "Name",
        "field": "fn",
        "type": "mergefield",
        "required": 0,
        "unique": 0,
        "editable": 0,
        "deletable": 0,
        "options": "<op:merge field='firstname'>X</op:merge> <op:merge field='lastname'>X</op:merge>"


    A numeric value.

    Valid values:

    A number.


    Related to a parent or child object.

    Valid values:

    The value is an ID referring to the specific 'parent' object.

    The parent's object type will be specified as 'parent_object' in the meta call.

    Example of /meta call:

    "f1723": {
        "alias": "Offspring(Parent)",
        "type": "parent",
        "required": 0,
        "unique": 0,
        "editable": 1,
        "deletable": 0,
        "parent_object": "10002"

    Example of /fieldeditor call:

        "id": 1723,
        "alias": "Offspring(Parent)",
        "field": "f1723",
        "type": "parent",
        "required": 0,
        "unique": 0,
        "editable": 1,
        "deletable": 0,
        "options": "{\"model\":\"10002\"}"


    A numeric value representing a percentage. Also displays the count of the numerator to the left of the percentage.

    Valid values:

    No value directly stored. 'mergefield' is the numerator field.

    The 'extra_data' field will carry some more info, such as the denominator field and precision.

    Example: {"ref_field":"mcsent","precision":2,"link_sprintf":{"url":"/#!/%s/listAll&bmasks=[[\"%i\",\"11\",true,\"AND\"]]", "fields":["url","id"]}}


    A phone number.

    Valid values:

    Something in the form of +X XXX-XXX-XXXX


    A value representing a currency amount.

    Valid values:

    Some integer or decimal number with 2 decimal spaces. A dollar sign at the front is allowed, but not necessary.

    Valid examples: 3, $7, or $2.10

    Invalid examples: 1.54356 or 12.01$


    Same as percentage, just displayed as only the percentage.

    Related data is a way to grab the field info of some related data object.

    Valid values:

    The value will directly store and update to match the targeted data.

    The way this is handled is through 'options', visible in the /fieldeditor call. It will be a chain of fields separated by '//'. This chain shows the path of relations, going to the final object and then its field. A maximum of two relations is currently supported.

    Example of a simple relation (Child->Parent->Name):

        "id": 1738,
        "alias": "ParentName",
        "field": "f1738",
        "type": "related_data",
        "required": 0,
        "unique": 0,
        "editable": 0,
        "deletable": 1,
        "options": "f1736//f1708"

    Example of a three-layered relation (Child->Parent->Grandparent->Name):

        "id": 1738,
        "alias": "GrandData",
        "field": "f1738",
        "type": "related_data",
        "required": 0,
        "unique": 0,
        "editable": 0,
        "deletable": 1,
        "options": "f1736//f1722//f1709"


    A string value representing a SMS number

    Valid values:

    Integers will be validated as long as they are numeric and less than 16 characters. The backend will reformat them as well as it can.


    A state within a country. Available countries are US, AU, ZA, and IN.

    Valid values:

    Available states
    • "AL"=>"Alabama"
    • "AK"=>"Alaska"
    • "AZ"=>"Arizona"
    • "AR"=>"Arkansas"
    • "CA"=>"California"
    • "CO"=>"Colorado"
    • "CT"=>"Connecticut"
    • "DE"=>"Delaware"
    • "DC"=>"D.C."
    • "FL"=>"Florida"
    • "GA"=>"Georgia"
    • "HI"=>"Hawaii"
    • "ID"=>"Idaho"
    • "IL"=>"Illinois"
    • "IN"=>"Indiana"
    • "IA"=>"Iowa"
    • "KS"=>"Kansas"
    • "KY"=>"Kentucky"
    • "LA"=>"Louisiana"
    • "ME"=>"Maine"
    • "MD"=>"Maryland"
    • "MA"=>"Massachusetts"
    • "MI"=>"Michigan"
    • "MN"=>"Minnesota"
    • "MS"=>"Mississippi"
    • "MO"=>"Missouri"
    • "MT"=>"Montana"
    • "NE"=>"Nebraska"
    • "NV"=>"Nevada"
    • "NH"=>"New Hampshire"
    • "NM"=>"New Mexico"
    • "NJ"=>"New Jersey"
    • "NY"=>"New York"
    • "NC"=>"North Carolina"
    • "ND"=>"North Dakota"
    • "OH"=>"Ohio"
    • "OK"=>"Oklahoma"
    • "OR"=>"Oregon"
    • "PA"=>"Pennsylvania"
    • "PR"=>"Puerto Rico"
    • "RI"=>"Rhode Island"
    • "SC"=>"South Carolina"
    • "SD"=>"South Dakota"
    • "TN"=>"Tennessee"
    • "TX"=>"Texas"
    • "UT"=>"Utah"
    • "VT"=>"Vermont"
    • "VA"=>"Virginia"
    • "WA"=>"Washington"
    • "WV"=>"West Virginia"
    • "WI"=>"Wisconsin"
    • "WY"=>"Wyoming"
    • "AB"=>"Alberta"
    • "BC"=>"British Columbia"
    • "MB"=>"Manitoba"
    • "NB"=>"New Brunswick"
    • "NL"=>"Newfoundland and Labrador"
    • "NS"=>"Nova Scotia"
    • "NT"=>"Northwest Territories"
    • "NU"=>"Nunavut"
    • "ON"=>"Ontario"
    • "PE"=>"Prince Edward Island"
    • "QC"=>"Quebec"
    • "SK"=>"Saskatchewan"
    • "YT"=>"Yukon"
    • "ACT"=>"(AU) Australian Capital Territory"
    • "NSW"=>"(AU) New South Wales"
    • "VIC"=>"(AU) Victoria"
    • "QLD"=>"(AU) Queensland"
    • "AU_NT"=>"(AU) Northern Territory"
    • "AU_WA"=>"(AU) Western Australia"
    • "SA"=>"(AU) South Australia"
    • "TAS"=>"(AU) Tasmania"
    • "GP"=>"(ZA) Gauteng"
    • "WP"=>"(ZA) Western Cape"
    • "EC"=>"(ZA) Eastern Cape"
    • "KZN"=>"(ZA) Kwa-Zulu Natal"
    • "NW"=>"(ZA) North West"
    • "AF_NC"=>"(ZA) Northern Cape"
    • "MP"=>"(ZA) Mpumalanga"
    • "FS"=>"(ZA) Free State"
    • "INASM" => "(IN) Assam"
    • "INANP" => "(IN) Andaman and Nicobar Islands"
    • "INARP" => "(IN) Andhra Pradesh"
    • "INAUP" => "(IN) Arunachal Pradesh"
    • "INBIH" => "(IN) Bihar"
    • "INCHA" => "(IN) Chandigarh"
    • "INCHH" => "(IN) Chhattisgarh"
    • "INDEL" => "(IN) Delhi"
    • "INDAM" => "(IN) Daman and Diu"
    • "INDAD" => "(IN) Dadra and Nagar Haveli"
    • "INGOA" => "(IN) Goa"
    • "INGUJ" => "(IN) Gujarat"
    • "INHAR" => "(IN) Haryana"
    • "INHIM" => "(IN) Himachal Pradesh"
    • "INJAM" => "(IN) Jammu and Kashmir"
    • "INJHA" => "(IN) Jharkhand"
    • "INKAR" => "(IN) Karnataka"
    • "INKER" => "(IN) Kerala"
    • "INLAK" => "(IN) Lakshadweep"
    • "INMIZ" => "(IN) Mizoram"
    • "INMAD" => "(IN) Madhya Pradesh"
    • "INMEG" => "(IN) Meghalaya"
    • "INMAN" => "(IN) Manipur"
    • "INMAH" => "(IN) Maharashtra"
    • "INNAG" => "(IN) Nagaland"
    • "INODI" => "(IN) Odisha"
    • "INPUD" => "(IN) Puducherry"
    • "INPUN" => "(IN) Punjab"
    • "INRAJ" => "(IN) Rajasthan"
    • "INSIK" => "(IN) Sikkim"
    • "INTRI" => "(IN) Tripura"
    • "INTAM" => "(IN) Tamil Nadu"
    • "INUTK" => "(IN) Uttarakhand"
    • "INUTP" => "(IN) Uttar Pradesh"
    • "INWBG" => "(IN) West Bengal"
    • "_NOTLISTED_" => "My State is not listed"


    Refers to some type of subscription value (tags, campaigns, or sequences).

    Valid values:

    If you want to update these values, refer to /objects/subscribe (for campaigns and sequences) and /objects/tag (for tags)

    Refer to Tag Subscribers or Sequence Subscribers objects for more details.


    A text field.

    Valid values:

    Any string.


    A unix timestamp that is treated as a time and date adjusted to timezone.

    Valid values:

    Any unix timestamp.

    Example: 1580854597 (which is 02/04/2020 @ 10:16pm (UTC))


    A timezone, represented as a string and interpreted where necessary.

    Valid values:



    A unique ID.

    Valid values:

    A system-generated string that doesn't match any other unique ID of any object across the account.


    A string representing a URL.

    Valid values:

    Input type is string, but validated to be a proper URL.


    The objects API provides powerful and versatile functionality for a wide variety of our objects. Although we provide many endpoints for specific object types, using generic object endpoints with an object type ID provides an interface for most objects.

    You can create new objects, get or delete single objects or collections of objects, and update object data. You can also retrieve meta for all objects or a single object to obtain more detailed information about object attributes, and retrieve information about a collection of objects.

    This API also contains functionality allowing you to tag and untag, add and remove objects from sequences, and pause and unpause rules and sequences.

    To perform a request on any object endpoint, you must provide a valid object type ID. All other parameters are specific to the object you are accessing.

    The generic object


    Generic object endpoints are unique because of their flexibility. Functions can be performed on any object using these endpoints given that a valid object type ID and correctly structured data is provided. However, if the data for your API request is not supplied as expected for that object type, your request will fail.

    If you are not sure what the correct parameters are to send with your request, you can use the objects/meta endpoint to retrieve information about object fields before proceeding.

    Custom Objects

    Custom objects created in Ontraport accounts will automatically have accessible endpoints for GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE requests. Fields in custom objects can be modified through the /fieldeditor endpoint. However, all custom objects are created with the following default fields that cannot be deleted or edited.

    Attributes Type Description
    id integer The custom object's ID.
    unique_id integer System field. Can't be updated through the API. Identifies an object in the database. Not case-sensitive.
    owner integer The ID of the user who controls the custom object. This field must contain a value for a custom object to be saved properly.
    date timestamp The date the custom object was added, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    dla integer Date of the custom object's last activity. In this documentation, activity means that the custom object interacted with a form, website, or email link.
    dlm timestamp The date the custom object was last modified, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    system_source integer System field. Can't be updated through the API. Identifies the source from which the custom object was added to the database.
    source_location string System field. Can't be updated through the API. Identifies the specific location from which the custom object was added to the database.
    import_id integer System field. Can't be updated through the API. The ID of the import batch the custom object was imported with, if any.
    ip_addy string Deprecated. The custom object's IP address. This is an old version of ip_addy_display and is not used anymore.
    ip_addy_display string The custom object's IP address.
    contact_cat string Deprecated. The tags a custom object is subscribed to. Each tag has an ID, and in this field the tags are appended together with the delimiter */*. A contact_cat entry containing multiple tags looks like this: */*1*/*2*/*3*/*. Tags are now related to custom objects in a separate tag subscriber object.
    bulk_mail integer A flag that indicates a custom object's bulk email status. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Transactional Only
    1 => Opted-in
    2 => Double opt-in
    -2 => Hard bounce
    -5 => Under review
    You can only set the value to 0 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a custom object who has opted to receive only transactional mail.
    bulk_sms integer A flag that indicates whether or not a custom object is opted in to receive bulk texts. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Unconfirmed
    1 => Pending confirmation
    2 => Opted-in
    -1 => Hard bounced
    -3 => Unsubscribed
    -5 => Pending review
    You can only set the value to -3 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a custom object who has opted out.

    bindex updateSequence | string | Deprecated. The sequences a custom object is subscribed to. Each sequence has an ID, and in this field the sequences are appended together with the delimiter */*. An updateSequence entry containing multiple tags looks like this: */*1*/*2*/*3*/*. Sequences are now related to custom objects in a separate sequence subscribers object. If you want to subscribe a custom object to a sequence please see the /objects/subscribe endpoint. updateCampaign | string | Deprecated. The campaigns a custom object is subscribed to. Each campaign has an ID, and in this field the campaigns are appended together with the delimiter */*. This field will appear in responses, but should not be updated. If you want to subscribe a custom object to a campaign please see the /objects/subscribe endpoint. Note : "campaign" throughout this doc is called "automation" throughout the Ontraport app.

    Create an object

    curl -X POST -d '{
      "objectID": 0,
      "firstname": "Mary",
      "lastname": "Smith",
      "email": ""
    }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"  => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "firstname" => "Mary",
        "lastname"  => "Smith",
        "email"     => ""
    $response = $client->object()->create($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "firstname": "Mary",
        "lastname": "Smith",
        "email": "",
        "id": "7",
        "owner": "1",
        "address": null,
        "city": null,
        "state": null,
        "zip": null,
        "birthday": null,
        "date": "1492557339",
        "cell_phone": null,
        "home_phone": null,
        "sms_number": null,
        "dla": "1492557339",
        "contact_cat": "",
        "bulk_mail": "1",
        "bulk_sms": "0",
        "office_phone": null,
        "fax": null,
        "dlm": "1492557339",
        "company": null,
        "address2": null,
        "title": null,
        "website": null,
        "country": null,
        "system_source": "3",
        "source_location": null,
        "import_id": "0",
        "ip_addy": null,
        "ip_addy_display": null,
        "visits": "0",
        "freferrer": "0",
        "lreferrer": "0",
        "n_lead_source": "0",
        "n_content": "0",
        "n_term": "0",
        "n_media": "0",
        "n_medium": "0",
        "n_campaign": "0",
        "referral_page": null,
        "aff_sales": "0",
        "aff_amount": "0",
        "program_id": "0",
        "aff_paypal": null,
        "fb_birthday": "0",
        "fb_gender": null,
        "fb_likes": null,
        "fb_groups": null,
        "fb_website": null,
        "fb_hometown": null,
        "fb_location": null,
        "mrcAmount": "0",
        "mrcUnpaid": "0.00",
        "mriInvoiceNum": "0",
        "mriInvoiceTotal": "0",
        "ccType": "0",
        "ccExpirationMonth": "0",
        "ccExpirationYear": "0",
        "ccExpirationDate": "0",
        "ccNumber": null,
        "mrcResult": "0",
        "last_inbound_sms": null,
        "spent": null,
        "num_purchased": null,
        "updateSequence": "",
        "updateCampaign": "",
        "grade": "0.00"
      "account_id": "12345"

    This endpoint will add a new object to your database. It can be used for any object type as long as the correct parameters are supplied. This endpoint allows duplication; if you want to avoid duplicates you should merge instead.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.

    *All other parameters depend upon the object.

    Note when using custom fields of the list selection type as a parameter, it must have the option's id wrapped with the delimiter */*. If a list selection field has "field" => "f1500" with options mapped as follows: "1" => "one", "2" => "two". An entry containing multiple options looks like this: "f1500": "*/*1*/*2*/*". You can obtain information regarding your custom fields with the GET /objects/meta endpoint.

    Create or merge an object

    curl -X POST -d 'objectID=0&firstname=Marie&' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"  => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "firstname" => "Marie",
        "email"     => "" // The unique field for the contact object
    $response = $client->object()->saveOrUpdate($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "attrs": {
          "firstname": "Marie",
          "dlm": "1500506335",
          "id": "7"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Looks for an existing object with a matching unique field and merges supplied data with existing data. If no unique field is supplied or if no existing object has a matching unique field, a new object will be created. While merging on the unique_id field is supported for ORM objects, merging on the id field is not, and may cause unintended consequences. If you would like to update an object based on its ID, you should use the update endpoint.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    ignore_blanks boolean Whether or not blank strings should be ignored upon update. Defaults to false: blank strings passed to this endpoint will overwrite existing value. This option will not ignore 0's or boolean false.
    unique_id string A unique identifier for the object (only ORM objects have a unique_id field). This field is system generated and can't be updated. If a unique_id is sent that matches an object in the account, that object's data will be updated. This field will take precedence over other unique fields.

    *All other parameters depend upon the object.

    Create fields and sections in an object record

    curl -X POST -d '{
    "objectID": 0,
    "name": "Contact Information",
    "fields": [
          "alias": "My New Field",
          "type": "text",
          "required": 0,
          "unique": 0
          "alias": "My New Dropdown",
          "type": "drop",
          "options": {
            "add": [
              "first", "second", "third"
    }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\FieldEditor\ObjectField;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\FieldEditor\ObjectSection;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $myField = new ObjectField("My New Field", ObjectField::TYPE_TEXT);
    $myDropDown = new ObjectField("My New Dropdown", ObjectField::TYPE_DROP);
    $myDropDown->addDropOptions(array("first", "second", "third"));
    $mySection = new ObjectSection("Contact Information", array($myField, $myDropDown));
    $requestParams = $mySection->toRequestParams();
    $requestParams["objectID"] = ObjectType::CONTACT;
    $response = $client->object()->createFields($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "success": [
            "f1558": "My New Field"
            "f1559": "My New Dropdown"
        "error": []
      "account_id": "12345"

    Create new fields and sections in an object record. If the section name doesn't exist, a new one will be created with that name.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    name string The name of the Section. Required.
    fields array An array of columns containing fields containing arrays of field objects. Required.
    Example of how these are nested: [[{field1}],[{field2}],[{field3}]]


    This field object

    Parameter Type Description
    alias string The name of the field. Required.
    type string The field type. Required. Can be one of the following:
    required integer If this field should be required. Default 0.
    unique integer If this field should be unique. Default 0.
    options object Extra options for certain field types.
    If the field is a drop or list type, specify if you want to add the values and provide an array of names:
    "add":["first", "second", "third"]

    Retrieve a single object

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::TAG, // Object type ID: 14
        "id"       => 1
    $response = $client->object()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "tag_id": "1",
        "tag_name": "Contact Tags",
        "group_id": "0",
        "object_type_id": "0"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing object of the specified object type.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    id integer The ID of the specific object. Required.

    Retrieve multiple objects

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"   => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "sort"       => "lastname",
        "sortDir"    => "desc",
        "listFields" => "id,firstname,lastname,email"
    $response = $client->object()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "firstname": "Mary",
          "lastname": "Smith",
          "email": "",
          "owner": "1"
          "id": "2",
          "firstname": "Fred",
          "lastname": "Brown",
          "email": "",
          "owner": "1"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of objects based on a set of parameters.

    You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all objects of specified type being selected.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.
    user_readable String A string that allows you to select between user readable info with 'CSV' and raw data with 'RAW'.

    Retrieve objects having a tag

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "objectID"     => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "tag_id"       => 2,
        "listFields" => "id,firstname,lastname,email"
    $response = $client->object()->retrieveAllWithTag($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "3",
          "owner": "1",
          "firstname": "John",
          "lastname": "Doe",
          "email": ""
          "id": "4",
          "owner": "1",
          "firstname": "Jane",
          "lastname": "Doe",
          "email": ""
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of objects having a specified tag.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    tag_id integer The ID of the tag you would like to filter your objects by. Either tag_id or tag_name is required. If both are provided, tag_id will be prioritized.
    tag_name string The name of the tag you would like to filter your objects by. Either tag_id or tag_name is required. If both are provided, tag_name will be ignored.
    count boolean Indicates whether to retrieve a count of the collection instead of the collection itself.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve an object ID by email

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "email"    => "",
        "all"      => 0
    $response = $client->object()->retrieveIdByEmail($requestParams);

    Example Response: (retrieving single ID)

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "6"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Example Response: (retrieving array of IDs)

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "ids": [
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the IDs of contact objects or custom objects by their email fields. You can retrieve an array of all the IDs of objects with matching emails, or you can retrieve the first matching ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    email string The email of the object you would like to retrieve. Required.
    all integer A binary integer flag indicating whether you would like to retrieve an array of all IDs for objects with a matching email. The default value of 0 indicates that you just want the first matching ID. A value of 1 indicates that you would like an array of all matching IDs.

    Retrieve object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::MESSAGE, // Object type ID: 7
        "format"   => "byId"
    $response = $client->object()->retrieveMeta($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "7": {
          "name": "Message",
          "fields": {
            "alias": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "text",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": "1",
              "deletable": "0"
            "name": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "mergefield",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": "1"
            "subject": {
              "alias": "Subject",
              "type": "text",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": "1"
            "spam_score": {
              "alias": "Spam Score",
              "type": "",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": null,
              "deletable": "1"
            "type": {
              "alias": "Type",
              "type": "drop",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": "1",
              "options": {
                "e-mail": "Email",
                "e-mail transactional": "Email (Transactional)",
                "Task": "Task",
                "sms": "SMS",
                "Postcard": "Postcard",
                "[\"e-mail\",\"Template\"]": "Email/ONTRAmail",
                "Template": "ONTRAmail",
                "template transactional": "ONTRAmail (Transactional)"
            "mcsent": {
              "alias": "Sent",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": "0",
              "deletable": "1"
            "mcopened": {
              "alias": "Opened",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": "0",
              "deletable": "1"
            "mcclicked": {
              "alias": "Clicked",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": "0",
              "deletable": "1"
            "mcabuse": {
              "alias": "Complaints",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": "0",
              "deletable": "1"
            "mcunsub": {
              "alias": "Opt Outs",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": "0",
              "deletable": "1"
            "date": {
              "alias": "Date Created",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": "0",
              "deletable": "1"
            "mcnotopened": {
              "alias": "Not Opened",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": "0",
              "deletable": "1"
            "mcnotclicked": {
              "alias": "Not Clicked",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": "0",
              "deletable": "1"
            "dlm": {
              "alias": "Date Modified",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": "0",
              "unique": "0",
              "editable": "0",
              "deletable": "0"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the field meta data for the specified object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. If none is supplied, meta for all objects will be retrieved.
    format string Indicates whether the list should be indexed by object name or object type ID. Possible values are byId and byName (default).

    Retrieve object collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"  => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "search"    => "Mary"
    $response = $client->object()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "count": "2"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves information about a collection of objects, such as the number of objects that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects you wish to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Retrieve fields and sections in an object record

    curl -X GET \
        '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    // Get all sections and fields
    $response = $client->object()->retrieveFields(array(
        "objectID" => 0
    // Get the fields in a particular section
    $response = $client->object()->retrieveFields(array(
        "objectID" => 0,
        "section" => "Contact Information"
    // Get information for a single field
    $response = $client->object()->retrieveFields(array(
        "objectID" => 0,
        "field" => "firstname"

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Contact Information",
        "description": "",
        "fields": [
              "id": 1,
              "alias": "First Name",
              "field": "firstname",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "options": null
              "id": 2,
              "alias": "Last Name",
              "field": "lastname",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "options": null
              "id": 3,
              "alias": "Email",
              "field": "email",
              "type": "email",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "options": null
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieve information about the fields and sections an object has. If a section name is passed, only the fields in that section will be returned. If a field name is passed, only that field information will be returned. By default, this endpoint returns all sections and fields for a specified object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    section string The name of the Section.
    field array The name of the field e.g. f1234

    Update an object's data

    curl -X PUT -d '{
       "objectID": 0,
       "id": 7,
       "lastname": "Smyth"
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"  => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "id"        => 7,
        "lastname"  => "Smyth"
    $response = $client->object()->update($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "attrs": {
          "lastname": "Smyth",
          "dlm": "1500506494",
          "id": "7"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Updates an existing object with given data. The object type ID and ID of the object to update are required. The other fields should only be used if you want to change the existing value.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    id integer The ID of the object. For ORM objects, either id or unique_id is required. For non-ORM objects, id is required.
    unique_id string In ORM objects only. A unique identifier for the object. This field is system generated and can't be updated. If the unique_id sent matches an object in the account, that object's data will be updated. Either id or unique_id are required. If both are sent, unique_id will be ignored.

    *All other parameters depend upon the object.

    Update fields and sections in an object record

    curl -X PUT -d '{
    "objectID": 0,
    "name": "Contact Information",
    "description": "Fields for contacts",
    "fields": [
          "field": "f1558",
          "alias": "Changed New Field",
          "type": "longtext"
    }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\FieldEditor\ObjectField;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\FieldEditor\ObjectSection;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $myField = new ObjectField("Changed New Field", ObjectField::TYPE_LONGTEXT);
    $mySection = new ObjectSection("Contact Information", array($myField));
    $requestParams = $mySection->toRequestParams();
    $requestParams["objectID"] = ObjectType::CONTACT;
    $response = $client->object()->updateFields($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "success": [
            "f1558": "Changed New Field"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Update fields and sections in an object record. The section MUST exist in order to update it. Any fields that do not already exist will be created. Fields can be matched either by their alias (displayed name), or by the actual name of the field e.g. f1234


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    name string The name of the Section.
    description string A description for the new Section.
    fields array An array of columns containing fields containing arrays of field objects. Required.
    Example of how these are nested: [[{field1}],[{field2}],[{field3}]]


    This field object

    Parameter Type Description
    field string The name of the field. Required unless alias is sent.
    alias string The display name of the field.
    If sent along with field, the alias will be renamed to what is provided.
    type string The field type. This is only used for converting text to longtext.
    options object Extra options for certain for certain field types.
    If the field is a drop or list type, specify if you want to remove or replace the values and providing an array of names:
    "remove":["first", "second", "third"]

    Delete a single object

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"  => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "id"        => 4
    $response = $client->object()->deleteSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes an existing object of the specified object type.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID to delete. Required.
    id integer The ID of the specific object to delete. Required.

    Delete multiple objects

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"  => ObjectType::TAG, // Object type ID: 14
        "ids"       => "1,2"
    $response = $client->object()->deleteMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Deleted",
      "account_id": "12345"

    This endpoint deletes a collection of objects. Use caution with this endpoint.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of objects to delete. Entering a value of 0 will result in all objects of specified type being selected.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects you want to delete. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Delete fields and sections in an object

    curl -X DELETE -d 'objectID=0&field=f1234'\
        '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->object()->deleteFields(array(
        "objectID" => 0,
        "field" => "f1234"

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Deleted",
      "account_id": "50"

    Deletes a field, or section in an object record. If attempting to delete a section, the section MUST be empty.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    section string The name of the Section.
    field array The name of the field e.g f1234

    Add an object to a sequence

    curl -X PUT -d 'objectID=0&add_list=1&ids=6' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"  => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "ids"       => 6,
        "add_list"  => 1
    $response = $client->object()->addToSequence($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "The subscription is now being processed.",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Adds one or more objects to one or more sequences.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    add_list string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the sequence(s) to which objects should be added. Required.
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to be added to sequences. Required.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects to include in your query. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects should be affected. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Tag an object

    curl -X PUT -d 'objectID=0&add_list=2&ids=6' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "ids"      => 6,
        "add_list" => 2
    $response = $client->object()->addTag($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "The tag is now being processed.",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Adds one or more tags to one or more objects.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    add_list string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the tag(s) which should be added to objects. Required.
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to be tagged. Required.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects to include in your query. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects should be affected. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Tag an object by name

    curl -X PUT -d '{
      "objectID": 0,
      "ids": [
      "add_names": [
    }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"  => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "ids"       => array(7),
        "add_names" => array(
    $response = $client->object()->addTagByName($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "The tag is now being processed.",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Adds one or more tags to one or more objects by the tag name. This endpoint will create the tag if it doesn't exist.

    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key} Api-Appid: {app_id} Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    add_names string An array of the names of the tag(s) which should be added to objects. Required.
    ids string An array of the IDs of the objects to be tagged. Required.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects to include in your query. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects should be affected. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Subscribe an object to a campaign or sequence


    "campaign" throughout this doc is called "automation" throughout the Ontraport app.

    curl -X PUT -d 'objectID=0&add_list=3&ids=2&sub_type=Campaign' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "ids"      => 2,
        "add_list" => 3,
        "sub_type" => "Campaign"
    $response = $client->object()->subscribe($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "The subscription is now being processed.",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Subscribes one or more objects to one or more campaigns or sequences.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key} Api-Appid: {app_id} Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    add_list string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the campaign(s) or sequence(s) the objects should be subscribed to. Required.
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to be subscribed. Required.
    sub_type string Either Campaign or Sequence. If no value is supplied, Campaign will be used.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects should be affected. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Remove an object from a sequence

    curl -X DELETE -d 'objectID=0&remove_list=1&ids=6' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"     => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "ids"          => 6,
        "remove_list"  => 1
    $response = $client->object()->removeFromSequence($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "The subscription is now being processed.",
      "account_id": "12345"

    This endpoint removes one or more objects from one or more sequences.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    remove_list string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the sequences(s) from which to remove objects. Required.
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to be removed from sequence(s). Required.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects to include in your query. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects should be affected. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Remove a tag from an object

    curl -X DELETE -d 'objectID=0&remove_list=2&ids=6' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"     => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "ids"          => 6,
        "remove_list"  => 2
    $response = $client->object()->removeTag($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "The tag is now being processed.",
      "account_id": "12345"

    This endpoint removes one or more tags from one or more objects.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    remove_list string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the tag(s) to be removed from objects. Required.
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to remove from tag(s). Required.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects to include in your query. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects should be affected. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Remove a tag from an object by name

    curl -X DELETE -d '{
      "objectID": 0,
      "ids": [
      "remove_names": [
    }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"      => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "ids"           => array(7),
        "remove_names"  => array(
    $response = $client->object()->removeTagByName($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "data": "The tag is now being processed.",
      "account_id": "12345"

    This endpoint removes one or more tags from one or more objects by the tag name.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    remove_names string An array of the names of the tag(s) to be removed from objects. Nonexistent tag names will be ignored and will not cause a failure. Required.
    ids string An array of the IDs of the objects to remove from tag(s). Required.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Unsubscribe an object from a campaign or sequence


    "campaign" throughout this doc is called "automation" throughout the Ontraport app.

    curl -X DELETE -d 'objectID=0&remove_list=3&ids=2&sub_type=Campaign' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"     => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "ids"          => 2,
        "remove_list"  => 3,
        "sub_type"     => "Campaign"
    $response = $client->object()->unsubscribe($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "The subscription is now being processed.",
      "account_id": "12345"

    This endpoint unsubscribes one or more objects from one or more campaigns or sequences.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    remove_list string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the campaign(s) or sequence(s) to unsubscribe objects from. Required.
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to unsubscribe. Required.
    sub_type string Either Campaign or Sequence. If no value is provided, Campaign will be used.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects should be affected. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Pause rules and sequences for an object

    curl -X POST -d 'objectID=5&ids=1' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"     => ObjectType::SEQUENCE, // Object type ID: 5
        "ids"          => 1
    $response = $client->object()->pause($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    This endpoint pauses rules, sequences, and sequence subscribers.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Possible object types are rules, sequences, and sequence subscribers. Required.
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to be paused. Required.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects to include in your query. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects should be affected. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Unpause rule and sequences for an object

    curl -X POST -d 'objectID=5&ids=1' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID"     => ObjectType::SEQUENCE, // Object type ID: 5
        "ids"          => 1
    $response = $client->object()->unpause($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Unpauses rules, sequences, and sequence subscribers.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID to be unpaused. Possible object types are rules, sequences, and sequence subscribers. Required.
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to unpause. Required.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects to include in your query. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects should be affected. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Custom objects

    # Retrieving a custom object using the generic objects endpoints
    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    # Retrieving a custom object using the specific endpoint for an example object
    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    // Retrieving a sample custom object with object type ID 10003
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
                "id" => 1
    $response = $client->custom(10003)->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    If you have custom objects you have created in the app, these can also be accessed through the API. All custom object attributes depend upon the object you have created.

    Like other object types, you can use the objects API with the object type ID to access CRUD functionality for custom objects. You also can use the plural and singular endpoints which are dynamically created for your account for each custom object type in your database. For example, if you created a "Company" object you would have the following two endpoints:


    A listing of the endpoints available to you can be viewed in our live documentation.

    Object type IDs for custom objects are always greater than 10000. You can spot these objects if you make a call to retrieve meta for all objects and look for IDs meeting that criteria.

    Responses for these calls will follow the same model as responses for other resources, but the content of the data array will vary.

    Calendar Events

    Object Type ID: 160

    A calendar event object can be created manually or added to your account via a google calendar sync. Each recurring calendar event has a single entry which represents all possible entries, unless edits have been made to a single occurrence or a group of occurences that differ from the parent event.

    Through the calendar events API, you can retrieve a single calendar event entry or a collection of calendar events. You can add and remove guests from events and change their RSVP status. You can create events, update events, and delete events.

    Throughout this documentation, you will see the term "composite ID" used frequently, both with respect to calendar event instances, and with respect to calendar event guests. Calendar events can be recurring, and they can reoccur infinitely. Each instance of the series has the same base ID, and a different recurrence timestamp. Therefore, an event composite ID is composed of the base ID, an underscore, and the recurrence timestamp. An event instance with a base ID of 4 and a recurrence timestamp of 1625713200 would have a composite ID of 4_1625713200. When events are not recurring, we can assume their recurrence timestamp is 0.

    Calendar events can have guests, and these guests can be one of two Ontraport object types: contacts and users. Guests will have a unique identifier, but most of the time we will refer to them by a composite ID as well. The guest composite ID is composed of the object type ID of the guest, an underscore, and the unique identifier of the contact or user tied to that guest. For example, contact ID 4 would have a guest composite ID of 0_4.

    The calendar event object

        "id": "2_1625601600",
        "recurrence_timestamp": "0",
        "location": "2040 Alameda Padre Serra, Santa Barbara, CA, USA",
        "title": "Team meeting",
        "start_time": 1625601600,
        "end_time": 1625605200,
        "description": "Ontraport team meeting.",
        "duration": "3600",
        "status": "0",
        "repeat_every_count": "1",
        "repeat_every_frequency": "2",
        "repeat_monthly_modifier": "",
        "repeat_on_days": "Tuesday",
        "repeat_end_type": "0",
        "repeat_end_date": "0",
        "repeat_end_modifier": "",
        "computed_end_date": "0",
        "is_recurring": "1",
        "is_repeat_custom": "0",
        "is_all_day": "0",
        "staff_id": "1",
        "type_id": "1",
        "event_template": "0",
        "calendar_id": "0",
        "repeat_rule_string_rfc5545": "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU",
        "visibility": "1",
        "notifications": "{\"event_notification\":[{\"notification_trigger_type\":\"action\",\"notification_send_to\":\"all\",\"notification_action_type\":\"email\",\"notification_trigger_action_type\":\"event_update\",\"notification_trigger_action_field_type\":\"start_time\",\"notification_action_email\":\"2\"}]}",
        "remote_id": "",
        "remote_parent_id": "",
        "dla": "1624572693",
        "dlm": "1624572693",
        "remote_start_timezone": "",
        "remote_end_timezone": "",
        "repeat": "weekly",
        "calendar_read_only": 0,
        "is_remote": 0,
        "calendar_access_role": "owner"

    Calendar event attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id string The calendar event's composite ID.
    actual_id integer The base ID for the entire event or recurrence series. All events belonging to the same series have the same base ID.
    recurrence_timestamp timestamp For exceptions made to recurring event series, the timestamp of the date of the original start time of that recurrence. This remains the same even if the actual start time is modified.
    location string The event location.
    title string The event title.
    start_time timestamp The UNIX timestamp of the event's start time. If the event is recurring, this represents the start time of the first event in the series.
    end_time timestamp The UNIX timestamp of the event's end time. If the event is recurring, this represents the end time of the first event in the series.
    description string A description of the event.
    duration integer The length of the event, in seconds.
    repeat_every_count integer For recurring events, given a frequency like weekly, the interval the event should repeat. For example, 1 for every week, 3 for every third week.
    repeat_every_frequency integer How often a recurring event should repeat. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Yearly
    1 => Monthly
    2 => Weekly
    3 => Daily. Ontraport does not support finer granularity than daily.
    repeat_monthly_modifier integer For monthly recurring events, an indicator of what type of monthly repeat. Repeats can be based on the ordinal day of the month (e.g. the 5th of every month) or a specific day of the week (e.g. the 3rd Tuesday). Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Repeat on a specific ordinal day of the month
    1 => Repeat on a specific day of the week
    repeat_on_days string/integer For a recurring event, either a comma-separated list of the the day(s) of the week (for weekly recurring events or monthly recurring events on a particular day of the week) or the day number of the month (for monthly recurring events on a particular day of the month).
    repeat_end_type integer The indicator for when a recurring event should end. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Never
    1 => After a number of recurrences
    2 => On a specific date.
    repeat_end_date timestamp If the repeat_end_type is on a specific date, the UNIX timestamp for the date the recurring event should end.
    repeat_end_modifier integer If the repeat_end_type is a number of recurrences, the number of recurrences it should continue.
    computed_end_date timestamp Available for some recurrence cases, the computed end date for a recurring series.
    is_recurring integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not the event is recurring.
    is_repeat_custom integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this event contains custom recurrence settings.
    is_all_day integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this event lasts all day.
    staff_id integer The user ID for the owner of this event.
    type_id integer The event type ID for this event.
    event_template integer The template ID for this event.
    calendar_id integer The calendar ID (synced or local) for this event.
    repeat_rule_string_rfc5545 string The RFC standard recurrence rule for this event. Find documentation on RFC standards here.
    visibility integer The event visibility. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Root event
    (When a recurring event has instances which have been modified, the original recurrence settings are retained for future calculations in this record.)
    1 => Visible
    2 => Deleted
    notifications string [Notifications]. A JSON-encoded string of the notification rules for this event.
    remote_id string For events imported from Google calendar, Google's ID for the event.
    remote_parent_id string For events imported from Google calendar, Google's ID for this recurring event series.
    dla timestamp The date this event was created.
    dlm timestamp The date this event was last modified.
    remote_start_timezone string For events imported from Google calendar, the timezone of the start time.
    remote_end_timezone integer For events imported from Google calendar, the timezone of the end time.
    calendar_read_only integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this event is read only. An event is read-only if the linked calendar staff_id differs from the event staff_id, or if the calendar_access_role is not writer or owner. This setting is not editable.
    is_remote integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this event originated from a remote (synced) calendar.
    owner string An ineditable string representation of the event owner's name. Note that this is generated from the staff_id and is a separate field.
    is_multi_day integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this event was created to span multiple days. This flag is set internally and not editable.
    calendar_access_role string For events imported from Google calendar, whether we have write or owner permissions on the event.
    guest_status integer The guest RSVP status. Options are mapped as follows:
    0 => Unconfirmed
    1 => No
    2 => Maybe
    3 => Yes. This field can only be included when retrieving guests in sucollection mode so that events are limited to one guest.

    Create a calendar event object

    curl -X POST -d '{ 
       "title": "Repeat Every Day for 5 Days", 
       "start_time": 1625248800, 
       "duration": 1800, 
       "location": "My House", 
       "description": "Recurring Daily for 5 Days", 
       "repeat_every_frequency": 3, 
       "repeat_end_type": 1, 
       "repeat_end_modifier": 5, 
       "is_recurring": 1,  
       "staff_id": 1, 
       "guestInfo": {  
         "guestList": [ 
             "id": "0_1", 
             "fieldUpdates": { 
               "status": 2 
     }' ''
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "objectID": 160,
        "title": "Repeat Every Day for 5 Days",
        "start_time": 1625248800,
        "duration": 1800,
        "location": "My House",
        "description": "Recurring Daily for 5 Days",
        "repeat_every_frequency": 3,
        "repeat_end_type": 1,
        "repeat_end_modifier": 5,
        "is_recurring": 1,
        "staff_id": 1,
        "guestInfo": {
          "guestList": [
              "id": "0_1",
              "fieldUpdates": {
                "status": 2
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "repeat_on_days": "",
        "repeat_end_date": "",
        "end_time": 1625250600,
        "status": 0,
        "repeat_every_count": 1,
        "is_multi_day": 0,
        "repeat_rule_string_rfc5545": "FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=5",
        "computed_end_date": 1625594400,
        "id": "5_0",
        "calendar_read_only": 0,
        "is_remote": 0,
        "calendar_access_role": "owner"
      "account_id": 12345

    Creates a new calendar event.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    location string The event location.
    title string The event title.
    start_time timestamp The UNIX timestamp of the event's start time. If the event is recurring, this represents the start time of the first event in the series.
    end_time timestamp The UNIX timestamp of the event's end time. If the event is recurring, this represents the end time of the first event in the series.
    description string A description of the event.
    duration integer The length of the event, in seconds.
    repeat_every_count integer For recurring events, given a frequency like weekly, the interval the event should repeat. For example, 1 for every week, 3 for every third week.
    repeat_every_frequency integer How often a recurring event should repeat. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Yearly
    1 => Monthly
    2 => Weekly
    3 => Daily. Ontraport does not support finer granularity than daily.
    repeat_monthly_modifier integer For monthly recurring events, an indicator of what type of monthly repeat. Repeats can be based on the ordinal day of the month (e.g. the 5th of every month) or a specific day of the week (e.g. the 3rd Tuesday). Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Repeat on a specific ordinal day of the month
    1 => Repeat on a specific day of the week
    repeat_on_days string/integer For a recurring event, either a comma-separated list of the the day(s) of the week (for weekly recurring events or monthly recurring events on a particular day of the week) or the day number of the month (for monthly recurring events on a particular day of the month).
    repeat_end_type integer The indicator for when a recurring event should end. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Never
    1 => After a number of recurrences
    2 => On a specific date.
    repeat_end_date timestamp If the repeat_end_type is on a specific date, the UNIX timestamp for the date the recurring event should end.
    repeat_end_modifier integer If the repeat_end_type is after a certain number of recurrences, the number of occurrences.
    is_recurring integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not the event is recurring.
    is_repeat_custom integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this event contains custom recurrence settings.
    is_all_day integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this event lasts all day.
    staff_id integer The user ID for the owner of this event.
    type_id integer The event type ID for this event.
    event_template integer The template ID for this event.
    calendar_id integer The calendar ID (synced or local) for this event.
    notifications string [Notifications]. A JSON-encoded string of the notification rules for this event.
    guestInfo array [Guest Info]. An array of information managing guest adds, guest removes, and guest status changes.

    Guest Info

    An array of information managing guest adds, guest removes, and guest status changes. Optionally can be included with calendar event creates and updates.

    Parameter Type Description
    guestList array [Guest List]. An array of guest additions and / or status changes for the calendar event.
    removedList array An array of composite guest IDs to be removed from current guest list.

    Guest List

    An array of information managing guest adds and guest status changes.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The composite ID of the guest to add or update.
    fieldUpdates array If updating the guest status, an array containing a status key. Options for status are mapped as follows:
    0 => Unconfirmed
    1 => No
    2 => Maybe
    3 => Yes


    Notifications are an array of data controlling rules that fire based on some calendar event action or relative time. They are sent to the API as a json-encoded string.

    curl -X PUT -d '{  
       "id": "6_1625248800",  
       "title": "Edited Recurring",  
       "guestInfo": {  
         "removedList": ["0_1"]  
       "notifications": "{\"event_notification\":[{\"notification_trigger_type\":\"action\",\"notification_send_to\":\"contact\",\"notification_action_type\":\"email\",\"notification_trigger_action_type\":\"event_update\",\"notification_trigger_action_field_type\":\"any\",\"notification_action_email\":\"2\"}]}",  
       "edit_scope": 2  
     }' ''
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "6_1625248800",
        "recurrence_timestamp": "0",
        "location": "My House",
        "title": "Edited Recurring",
        "start_time": 1625248800,
        "end_time": 1625250600,
        "description": "Recurring Daily for 5 Days",
        "duration": "1800",
        "status": "0",
        "repeat_every_count": "1",
        "repeat_every_frequency": "3",
        "repeat_monthly_modifier": "",
        "repeat_on_days": "",
        "repeat_end_type": "1",
        "repeat_end_date": "0",
        "repeat_end_modifier": "5",
        "computed_end_date": "1625594400",
        "is_recurring": "1",
        "is_repeat_custom": "0",
        "is_all_day": "0",
        "staff_id": "1",
        "type_id": "0",
        "event_template": "0",
        "calendar_id": "0",
        "repeat_rule_string_rfc5545": "FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=5",
        "visibility": "1",
        "notifications": "{\"event_notification\":[{\"notification_trigger_type\":\"action\",\"notification_send_to\":\"contact\",\"notification_action_type\":\"email\",\"notification_trigger_action_type\":\"event_update\",\"notification_trigger_action_field_type\":\"any\",\"notification_action_email\":\"2\"}]}",
        "remote_id": "",
        "remote_parent_id": "",
        "dla": "1625681964",
        "dlm": "1625690463",
        "remote_start_timezone": "",
        "remote_end_timezone": "",
        "repeat": "daily",
        "calendar_read_only": 0,
        "is_remote": 0,
        "calendar_access_role": "owner",
        "objectID": 160,
        "edit_scope": 2,
        "guest_ids": {
          "remove": {
            "0_1": "1"
          "all": []
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "is_multi_day": 0
      "account_id": 1234560

    Parameters used to control the type of notification:

    Parameter Type Description
    notification_trigger_type string Whether the notifications will be triggered by an action taken in the account, or by a time relative to the event start or end. time for time-based and action for action-based notifications. Required

    Parameters needed for the trigger on time-based notifications:

    Parameter Type Description
    notification_time_count integer The quantity of the time unit you are using for your notifications. For example, if you want to trigger notifications 1 day before an event, this number will be 1. The total time cannot add up to more than one year. Required
    notification_time_interval string The indicator for the time unit the notifications should trigger based on relative to the target. Options are as follows:
    notification_time_relative_direction string The indicator for when the notifications should trigger with respect to the target. before or after. Required
    notification_time_relative_target string The event bound you wish to trigger notifications based on. start_time or end_time. Required

    Parameters needed for the trigger on action-based notifications:

    Parameter Type Description
    notification_trigger_action_type string The event triggering the notification for this event. Options are as follows:
    event_update => Trigger a notification when a particular field or any field is updated in the event.
    event_cancel => Trigger a notification when the event is deleted.
    guest_added => Trigger a notification when a guest is added to an event.
    guest_removed => Trigger a notification when a guest is removed from an event.
    notification_trigger_action_field_type string For event_update triggers only, the field to trigger notifications on for event updates. Defaults to any. Specific fields include: title, start_time, end_time, location, staff_id, description, location.

    Parameters needed for the action on all notifications:

    Parameter Type Description
    notification_send_to string Who this notification will be sent to. Options are as follows:
    all => Send to all guests
    contacts => Send to all guests who are contacts
    owner => Send to the guest who is the owner of the event. This option cannot be used for campaign rules.
    users => Send to all guests who are users. This option cannot be used with campaign rules.
    attending => Send to all guests who have RSVP'd that they are attending this event
    unconfirmed => Send to all guests who have not responded to this event
    this => Send to only the collection of guests an action occurred on. This option can be used only for guest_added and guest_removed rules.
    email => Send to a specific email address.
    sms => Send to a specific SMS number.
    notification_action_type string What type of notification this is. Options are as follows:
    email => Send an email when this notification is triggered.
    sms => Send an SMS when this notification is triggered.
    campaign => Add the guests who are contacts only to a campaign when this notification is triggered.
    notification_action_email integer If the notification should send an email, the email ID.
    notification_action_sms integer If the notification should send an sms, the SMS ID.
    notification_action_campaign integer If the notification should add contacts to a campaign, the campaign ID.
    notification_specific_email string If the notification should sent to a specific email, the email it should send to.
    notification_specific_sms string If the notification should sent to a specific SMS number, the SMS number it should send to.
    notification_action_sms_number string If the notification should send an SMS, the SMS number in the account it should send from.

    Retrieve a single calendar event

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    coming soon

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "2_1625601600",
        "recurrence_timestamp": "0",
        "location": "2040 Alameda Padre Serra, Santa Barbara, CA, USA",
        "title": "Team meeting",
        "start_time": 1625601600,
        "end_time": 1625605200,
        "description": "Ontraport team meeting.",
        "duration": "3600",
        "status": "0",
        "repeat_every_count": "1",
        "repeat_every_frequency": "2",
        "repeat_monthly_modifier": "",
        "repeat_on_days": "Tuesday",
        "repeat_end_type": "0",
        "repeat_end_date": "0",
        "repeat_end_modifier": "",
        "computed_end_date": "0",
        "is_recurring": "1",
        "is_repeat_custom": "0",
        "is_all_day": "0",
        "staff_id": "1",
        "type_id": "1",
        "event_template": "0",
        "calendar_id": "0",
        "repeat_rule_string_rfc5545": "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU",
        "visibility": "1",
        "notifications": "{\"event_notification\":[{\"notification_trigger_type\":\"action\",\"notification_send_to\":\"all\",\"notification_action_type\":\"email\",\"notification_trigger_action_type\":\"event_update\",\"notification_trigger_action_field_type\":\"start_time\",\"notification_action_email\":\"2\"}]}",
        "remote_id": "",
        "remote_parent_id": "",
        "dla": "1624572693",
        "dlm": "1624572693",
        "remote_start_timezone": "",
        "remote_end_timezone": "",
        "repeat": "weekly",
        "calendar_read_only": 0,
        "is_remote": 0,
        "calendar_access_role": "owner"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves all the information for an existing calendar event.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id string The calendar event's composite ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple calendar events

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1_0",
          "actual_id": "1",
          "staff_id": "1",
          "type_id": "4",
          "title": "Haircut",
          "description": "",
          "location": "",
          "start_time": 1624581000,
          "end_time": 1624582800,
          "duration": "1800",
          "dla": "1624579571",
          "dlm": "1624579571",
          "is_recurring": "0",
          "repeat_every_count": "1",
          "repeat_every_frequency": "",
          "repeat_on_days": "",
          "repeat_end_type": "0",
          "repeat_end_modifier": "",
          "is_repeat_custom": "0",
          "is_all_day": "0",
          "status": "0",
          "repeat_end_date": "0",
          "owner": "joe tester",
          "guest_status": null,
          "guests": null,
          "calendar_id": "0",
          "remote_start_timezone": "",
          "remote_end_timezone": ""
          "id": "2_0",
          "actual_id": "2",
          "staff_id": "1",
          "type_id": "5",
          "title": "Dinner with client",
          "description": "",
          "location": "Dario's Pizza, Bridgeway, Sausalito, CA, USA",
          "start_time": 1624761000,
          "end_time": 1624766400,
          "duration": "5400",
          "dla": "1624579612",
          "dlm": "1624579612",
          "is_recurring": "0",
          "repeat_every_count": "1",
          "repeat_every_frequency": "",
          "repeat_on_days": "",
          "repeat_end_type": "0",
          "repeat_end_modifier": "",
          "is_repeat_custom": "0",
          "is_all_day": "0",
          "status": "0",
          "repeat_end_date": "0",
          "owner": "joe tester",
          "guest_status": null,
          "guests": null,
          "calendar_id": "0",
          "remote_start_timezone": "",
          "remote_end_timezone": ""
          "id": "3_0",
          "actual_id": "3",
          "staff_id": "1",
          "type_id": "5",
          "title": "Disneyland",
          "description": "",
          "location": "Disneyland Park, Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, CA, USA",
          "start_time": 1625099400,
          "end_time": 1625101200,
          "duration": "1800",
          "dla": "1624579645",
          "dlm": "1624579645",
          "is_recurring": "0",
          "repeat_every_count": "1",
          "repeat_every_frequency": "",
          "repeat_on_days": "",
          "repeat_end_type": "0",
          "repeat_end_modifier": "",
          "is_repeat_custom": "0",
          "is_all_day": "0",
          "status": "0",
          "repeat_end_date": "0",
          "owner": "joe tester",
          "guest_status": null,
          "guests": null,
          "calendar_id": "0",
          "remote_start_timezone": "",
          "remote_end_timezone": ""
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves a collection of calendar events based on a set of parameters. Each of the different possible modes mimics the way the data is retrieved in the Ontraport app. Pagination works differently for calendar events. Rather than passing in a range value for items desired per page, the range is fixed based on the mode. For the primary mode, events, each page will return 50 events, in addition to all the events on the first and last day of that range. For the subcollection mode, that range is lowered to 25.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    start_time timestamp The timestamp you would like to begin retrieving events from. Calendar event pagination is different from regular event pagination, and is controlled by changing the start time. Required
    search string A string to search your calendar event objects for. Search fields include: title, location, description, start_time, and end_time. Additionally, in subcollection mode, guest_status can be searched.
    group_id integer The group ID of calendar events to retrieve.
    calendarEventOwner string Which staff member or staff members to retrieve events for. Options are as follows:
    all: Retrieve all events regardless of owner.
    me: Retrieve only the events belonging to the owner of your API keys.
    team: Return the events for the owner of your API keys and their subordinates
    You can also pass in the ID of any user on the account to retrieve only the events belonging to them.
    mode string Calendar events can be retrieved in slightly different ways to mimic the behavior of the Ontraport app. Options are as follows:
    events: This is the default option. This mode's pagination is controlled by the start_time parameter, and will return 50 events per page, plus all of the other events on the first and last day of the page. Events spanning multiple days will be represented by an event on each day of the date range.
    subcollection: This option mimics the subcollection in the Ontraport app. This mode's pagination is controlled by start_time and the relative_paginate parameter, and will return 25 events per page, plus all of the other events on the first and last day of the page. Events spanning multiple days will be represented by a single event record. For this mode, the guestsearch parameter must be set.
    bullets: This mode's pagination is controlled by the start_time parameter, and will return for the entire relevant month the day numbers that have existing events. No other event data is returned for this option.
    submenu: This option does not allow for pagination and will return a list of event IDs from the context of today, with all events up to one month in the past and six months in the future. No other filter applies to the submenu.
    recents: Returns the ten most recently edited events.
    relative_paginate string This option can only be used with mode set to subcollection, and is a set of controls that allows skipping to the previous or next page, all the way to the beginning, or all the way to the end of the event collection. Skipping to the end is not supported where infinitely recurring events are present. These options must be used in conjunction with the start_time parameter. Options map as follows:
    -2 => Skip to the beginning
    -1 => Skip to previous page
    1 => Skip to next page
    2 => Skip to the end.
    guestsearch string The composite ID of a guest to search for. This option is necessary when mode is set to subcollection.

    Update a calendar event

    curl -X PUT -d '{  
       "id": "6_1625248800",  
       "title": "Edited Recurring",  
       "guestInfo": {  
         "removedList": ["0_1"]  
       "notifications": "{\"event_notification\":[{\"notification_trigger_type\":\"action\",\"notification_send_to\":\"contact\",\"notification_action_type\":\"email\",\"notification_trigger_action_type\":\"event_update\",\"notification_trigger_action_field_type\":\"any\",\"notification_action_email\":\"2\"}]}",  
       "edit_scope": 2  
     }' ''
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "6_1625248800",
        "recurrence_timestamp": "0",
        "location": "My House",
        "title": "Edited Recurring",
        "start_time": 1625248800,
        "end_time": 1625250600,
        "description": "Recurring Daily for 5 Days",
        "duration": "1800",
        "status": "0",
        "repeat_every_count": "1",
        "repeat_every_frequency": "3",
        "repeat_monthly_modifier": "",
        "repeat_on_days": "",
        "repeat_end_type": "1",
        "repeat_end_date": "0",
        "repeat_end_modifier": "5",
        "computed_end_date": "1625594400",
        "is_recurring": "1",
        "is_repeat_custom": "0",
        "is_all_day": "0",
        "staff_id": "1",
        "type_id": "0",
        "event_template": "0",
        "calendar_id": "0",
        "repeat_rule_string_rfc5545": "FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=5",
        "visibility": "1",
        "notifications": "{\"event_notification\":[{\"notification_trigger_type\":\"action\",\"notification_send_to\":\"contact\",\"notification_action_type\":\"email\",\"notification_trigger_action_type\":\"event_update\",\"notification_trigger_action_field_type\":\"any\",\"notification_action_email\":\"2\"}]}",
        "remote_id": "",
        "remote_parent_id": "",
        "dla": "1625681964",
        "dlm": "1625690463",
        "remote_start_timezone": "",
        "remote_end_timezone": "",
        "repeat": "daily",
        "calendar_read_only": 0,
        "is_remote": 0,
        "calendar_access_role": "owner",
        "objectID": 160,
        "edit_scope": 2,
        "guest_ids": {
          "remove": {
            "0_1": "1"
          "all": []
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "is_multi_day": 0
      "account_id": 1234560

    Updates an existing calendar event with given data. The composite ID of the calendar event to update is required.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id string The composite ID of the event.
    location string The event location.
    title string The event title.
    start_time timestamp The UNIX timestamp of the event's start time. If the event is recurring, this represents the start time of the first event in the series.
    end_time timestamp The UNIX timestamp of the event's end time. If the event is recurring, this represents the end time of the first event in the series.
    description string A description of the event.
    duration integer The length of the event, in seconds.
    repeat_every_count integer For recurring events, given a frequency like weekly, the interval the event should repeat. For example, 1 for every week, 3 for every third week.
    repeat_every_frequency integer How often a recurring event should repeat. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Yearly
    1 => Monthly
    2 => Weekly
    3 => Daily. Ontraport does not support finer granularity than daily.
    repeat_monthly_modifier integer For monthly recurring events, an indicator of what type of monthly repeat. Repeats can be based on the ordinal day of the month (e.g. the 5th of every month) or a specific day of the week (e.g. the 3rd Tuesday). Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Repeat on a specific ordinal day of the month
    1 => Repeat on a specific day of the week
    repeat_on_days string/integer For a recurring event, either a comma-separated list of the the day(s) of the week (for weekly recurring events or monthly recurring events on a particular day of the week) or the day number of the month (for monthly recurring events on a particular day of the month).
    repeat_end_type integer The indicator for when a recurring event should end. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Never
    1 => After a number of recurrences
    2 => On a specific date.
    repeat_end_date timestamp If the repeat_end_type is on a specific date, the UNIX timestamp for the date the recurring event should end.
    repeat_end_modifier integer If the repeat_end_type is after a certain number of recurrences, the number of occurrences.
    is_recurring integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not the event is recurring.
    is_repeat_custom integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this event contains custom recurrence settings.
    is_all_day integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this event lasts all day.
    staff_id integer The user ID for the owner of this event.
    type_id integer The event type ID for this event.
    event_template integer The template ID for this event.
    calendar_id integer The calendar ID (synced or local) for this event.
    notifications string [Notifications]. A JSON-encoded string of the notification rules for this event.
    guestInfo array [Guest Info]. An array of information managing guest adds, guest removes, and guest status changes.
    edit_scope integer For recurring events, the scope of the recurrences to be edited. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => This event
    1 => This and following events
    2 => All events Default is all events.

    Update guest status for calendar event(s)

    curl -X PUT -d 'guest_id=0_1&ids=3_1625358600&status=1' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "guest_id": "0_1",
        "event_ids": [
        "status": "1"
      "account_id": 12345

    Updates the guest status for one or more calendar events. Each event instance must be specified individually for this endpoint. The guest composite ID, a status, and at least one event composite ID are required. If a guest composite ID is passed and that guest is not currently on the event, they will be added with the status indicated.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    guest_id string The guest composite ID. Required
    ids array An array as a comma-separated list of the event instance composite ids to change the status of the guest for. Required
    status integer The guest attendance status. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Unconfirmed
    1 => No
    2 => Maybe
    3 => Yes

    Remove a guest from calendar event(s)

    curl -X PUT -d 'guest_id=0_1&ids=3_1625445000' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "guest_id": "0_1",
        "event_ids": [
      "account_id": 12345

    Removes a guest from one or more calendar event instances. Each event instance must be specified individually for this endpoint. The guest composite ID and at least one event composite ID are required.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    guest_id string The guest composite ID. Required
    ids array An array as a comma-separated list of the event instance composite ids to change the status of the guest for. Required

    Delete a specific calendar event

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "2_1625335200",
        "notify_event_guests": false,
        "isMultipleEvents": true
      "account_id": 12345

    Deletes a specific calendar event by its ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id string The composite ID of the calendar event to delete. Required.
    edit_scope integer For recurring events, the scope of the recurrences to be deleted. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => This event
    1 => This and following events
    2 => All events
    Default is all events.
    notify_event_guests integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not a system email should be sent to all event guests to notify them of event deletion.

    Calendar Event Guests

    Object Type ID: 161

    A calendar event guest is a contact or user who is invited to a calendar event. There is a limit of 300 guests per calendar event. The Ontraport API offers retrieval only on CalendarEventGuest endpoints. Guests can be added to events using the CalendarEvents POST/PUT endpoints, and their RSVP status can be changed using those endpoints or the dedicated endpoint for changing status.

    Sometimes in this documentation we will refer to a guest's composite ID. Guests will have a unique identifier, but most of the time we will refer to them by a composite ID as well. The guest composite ID is composed of the object type ID of the guest, an underscore, and the unique identifier of the contact or user tied to that guest. For example, contact ID 4 would have a guest composite ID of 0_4.

    The calendar event guest object

        "id": "2_1",
        "guest_id": "17",
        "owner": "1",
        "name": "joe tester",
        "firstname": "joe",
        "lastname": "tester",
        "email": "",
        "sms_number": null,
        "bulk_mail": "1",
        "bulk_sms": "2",
        "object_type_id": "2",
        "object_id": "1",
        "contact_id": "0",
        "staff_id": "1",
        "event_id": "7",
        "event_recurrence_ts": "1625266800",
        "recurrence_flag": "0",
        "external_id": "",
        "gcal_email": "",
        "date": "1625697168",
        "dlm": "1625697168",
        "deleted": "0",
        "status": "3"

    Calendar event attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The guest's composite ID.
    guest_id integer This is the unique identifier for a guest who belongs to a particular event instance or series. It is unique across the entire account and cannot be reused on multiple events.
    owner integer The ID of the user who owns this guest. The guest owner is the owner of the event the guest belongs to and cannot be changed.
    name string The first and last name of the contact or user who is a guest. This field will update as the corresponding fields in the contact or user records update.
    firstname string The first name of the contact or user who is a guest. This field will update as the corresponding field in the contact or user records update.
    lastname string The last name of the contact or user who is a guest. This field will update as the corresponding field in the contact or user records update.
    email string The email of the contact or user who is a guest. This field will update as the corresponding field in the contact or user records update.
    bulk_mail integer The bulk mail field of the contact or user who is a guest. If the guest is a user, the status will always be opted in. If the guest is a contact, this field will update as the corresponding field in the contact record updates. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Transactional Only
    1 => Opted-in
    2 => Double opt-in
    -2 => Hard bounce
    -5 => Under review
    bulk_sms integer The bulk sms field of the contact or user who is a guest. If the guest is a user, the status will always be opted in. If the guest is a contact, this field will update as the corresponding field in the contact record updates. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Opted-out
    1 => Opted-in
    2 => Double opt-in
    -2 => Hard bounce
    object_type_id integer The object type ID for the guest. All guests will be either contacts (0) or users (2).
    object_id integer The ID of the contact or user.
    contact_id integer The ID of the contact, if any.
    staff_id integer The ID of the staff, if any.
    event_id integer The ID of event the guest belongs to.
    event_recurrence_ts timestamp For exceptions made to recurring event series, the timestamp of the date of the original start time of that recurrence. This remains the same even if the actual start time is modified.
    recurrence_flag integer A binary flag indicating whether or not this guest is tied to a recurring event. This flag will be 0 for single events, and for single exceptions made to recurring events.
    external_id string A Google unique identifier imported from synced calendar.
    gcal_email string A Google email field imported from synced calendar.
    date integer A UNIX timestamp for the date the guest was added to the event.
    dlm integer A UNIX timestamp for the date the guest was last updated.
    deleted integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this guest has been deleted.
    status integer The guest RSVP status. Options are mapped as follows:
    0 => Unconfirmed
    1 => No
    2 => Maybe
    3 => Yes

    Retrieve a list of calendar event guests

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "0_5005",
          "guest_id": "320",
          "owner": "1",
          "name": "Clark Kent",
          "firstname": "Clark",
          "lastname": "Kent",
          "email": "",
          "sms_number": null,
          "bulk_mail": "1",
          "bulk_sms": "0",
          "object_type_id": "0",
          "object_id": "5005",
          "contact_id": "5005",
          "staff_id": "0",
          "event_id": "6",
          "event_recurrence_ts": "1629777600",
          "recurrence_flag": "1",
          "external_id": "",
          "gcal_email": "",
          "date": "1629843199",
          "dlm": "1629843221",
          "deleted": "0",
          "status": "0"
          "id": "2_1",
          "guest_id": "1",
          "owner": "1",
          "name": "joe tester",
          "firstname": "joe",
          "lastname": "tester",
          "email": "",
          "sms_number": null,
          "bulk_mail": "1",
          "bulk_sms": "2",
          "object_type_id": "2",
          "object_id": "1",
          "contact_id": "0",
          "staff_id": "1",
          "event_id": "6",
          "event_recurrence_ts": "1629777600",
          "recurrence_flag": "1",
          "external_id": "",
          "gcal_email": "",
          "date": "1629764006",
          "dlm": "1629843221",
          "deleted": "0",
          "status": "3"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves a collection of calendar event guests based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids array An array as a comma-delimited list of the composite IDs of the guests to retrieve. If this parameter is used, it must be used in conjunction with event_id for correct results.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of guests you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which guests to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your guest objects for.
    event_id string The calendar event composite ID. This parameter will limit guests retrieved by event instance. It must be included to retrieve a list of guests on a particular event. If the parameter is not included, a new event is assumed and the default guest (the current user) will be returned.

    Calendar Potential Guests

    Object Type ID: 174

    Potential guests are a list of contacts and users who can be added to an event as a guest. They can't be created, updated or deleted and are only returned as a list. The potential guests endpoint provides the ability to retrieve composite guest IDs corresponding to contacts and users. These can then be used in requests to add guests to events.

    The calendar potential guest object

        "label":"Two ("

    Calendar potential guest attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    type integer The potential guest's object type ID, or "suggested" if the contact belongs to the five most recently edited contacts or added users.
    value string The guest's composite ID.
    label string The potential guest's first name, last name, and email.

    Retrieve a list of calendar potential guests

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "type": "suggested",
          "value": "0_2",
          "label": "Two ("
          "type": "suggested",
          "value": "0_1",
          "label": "One ("
          "type": "2",
          "value": "2_1",
          "label": "joe tester ("
          "type": "0",
          "value": "0_2",
          "label": "Two ("
          "type": "0",
          "value": "0_1",
          "label": "One ("
      "account_id": 60

    Retrieves a list of potential guests based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of guests you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 200. The first request will return all suggested potential guests and user potential guests, as well as the first page of contacts. Subsequent pages will contain contact potential guests only.
    search string A string to search potential guests for.
    guestmode integer A binary integer flag indicating a change in the data returned. If this value is 1, email and object type will be returned in the data.

    Calendar Templates

    Object Type ID: 164

    Calendar templates are templates that can be applied to an event to fill in blank fields and add notifications. When a template is applied to an event, existing field values will take precedence, and the template data will be selectively applied to any empty fields.

    The calendar template object

        "id": "1",
        "name": "Test Template",
        "title": "Template Event",
        "staff_id": "1",
        "location": "123 XYZ St",
        "description": "My description",
        "notifications": "{\"event_notification\":[{\"notification_trigger_type\":\"action\",\"notification_send_to\":\"contact\",\"notification_action_type\":\"email\",\"notification_trigger_action_type\":\"event_update\",\"notification_trigger_action_field_type\":\"any\",\"notification_action_email\":\"2\"}]}",
        "date": "1626121179",
        "dlm": "1626121202",
        "deleted": "0",
        "type_id": "4"

    Calendar template attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The calendar template's ID.
    name string The template name.
    location string The event location.
    title string The event title.
    description string A description of the event.
    staff_id integer The user ID for the owner of this event.
    type_id integer The event type ID for this event.
    notifications string [Notifications]. A JSON-encoded string of the notification rules for this event.
    date integer The UNIX timestamp for when the template was created.
    dlm integer The UNIX timestamp for the last time the template was modified.

    Create a calendar template

    curl -X POST -d 'name=New%20Template&title=Template%20for%20Events&location=My%20House&staff_id=1&type_id=1&notifications=%7B%22event_notification%22%3A%5B%7B%22notification_trigger_type%22%3A%22action%22%2C%22notification_send_to%22%3A%22contact%22%2C%22notification_action_type%22%3A%22email%22%2C%22notification_trigger_action_type%22%3A%22event_update%22%2C%22notification_trigger_action_field_type%22%3A%22any%22%2C%22notification_action_email%22%3A%222%22%7D%5D%7D&description=Meeting' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "New Template",
        "title": "Template for Events",
        "location": "My House",
        "staff_id": "1",
        "type_id": "1",
        "notifications": "{\"event_notification\":[{\"notification_trigger_type\":\"action\",\"notification_send_to\":\"contact\",\"notification_action_type\":\"email\",\"notification_trigger_action_type\":\"event_update\",\"notification_trigger_action_field_type\":\"any\",\"notification_action_email\":\"2\"}]}",
        "description": "Meeting",
        "id": "2",
        "date": "1626123617",
        "dlm": "1626123617",
        "deleted": "0"
      "account_id": 12345

    Creates a new calendar template object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    location string The event location.
    name string The template name.
    title string The event title.
    description string A description of the event.
    staff_id integer The user ID for the owner of this event.
    type_id integer The event type ID for this event.
    notifications string [Notifications]. A JSON-encoded string of the notification rules for this event.

    Retrieve a specific calendar template

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "Test Template",
        "title": "Template Event",
        "date": 1626121202,
        "dlm": 1626121202,
        "location": "123 XYZ St",
        "staff_id": "1",
        "type_id": "4",
        "notifications": "{\"event_notification\":[{\"notification_trigger_type\":\"action\",\"notification_send_to\":\"contact\",\"notification_action_type\":\"email\",\"notification_trigger_action_type\":\"event_update\",\"notification_trigger_action_field_type\":\"any\",\"notification_action_email\":\"2\"}]}",
        "description": "My description",
        "id": "1",
        "owner": "1"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves all the information for an existing calendar template. The only parameter needed is the ID for the calendar template which is returned in the response upon template creation.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The calendar template ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple calendar templates

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "name": "Test Template",
          "title": "Template Event",
          "staff_id": "1",
          "location": "123 XYZ St",
          "description": "My description",
          "notifications": "{\"event_notification\":[{\"notification_trigger_type\":\"action\",\"notification_send_to\":\"contact\",\"notification_action_type\":\"email\",\"notification_trigger_action_type\":\"event_update\",\"notification_trigger_action_field_type\":\"any\",\"notification_action_email\":\"2\"}]}",
          "date": "1626121179",
          "dlm": "1626121202",
          "deleted": "0",
          "type_id": "4"
      "account_id": 12345,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a list of calendar templates based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the templates to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all templates being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of templates you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which templates to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your template objects for.
    group_id integer The group id of templates to retrieve.
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Update a calendar template

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=2&title=New%20Title%20-%20Template' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "attrs": {
          "title": "New Title",
          "staff_id": null,
          "location": null,
          "description": null,
          "notifications": null,
          "dlm": "1626968421",
          "deleted": "0",
          "type_id": "0",
          "id": "2"
      "account_id": 12345

    Updates an existing calendar template with given data. An ID is required. The other fields should only be used if you want to change the existing value.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The calendar template's ID.
    location string The event location.
    name string The template name.
    title string The event title.
    description string A description of the event.
    staff_id integer The user ID for the owner of this event.
    type_id integer The event type ID for this event.
    notifications string [Notifications]. A JSON-encoded string of the notification rules for this event.

    Delete a specific calendar template

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes a specific calendar template by its ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the calendar template to delete. Required.

    Calendar Event Types

    Object Type ID: 177

    Calendar event types are essentially tags that can be applied to events to label them as a particular type. There are some default types in every account, and you can also create new types and delete existing.

    The calendar event type object

        "id": "1",
        "name": "Meeting",
        "deleted": "0"

    Calendar event type attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The calendar event type's ID.
    name string The type name.
    deleted integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not the type is deleted.

    Create a calendar event type

    curl -X POST -d 'name=Check-in' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "Check-in",
        "id": "6",
        "deleted": "0"
      "account_id": 12345

    Creates a new calendar event type object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    name string The type name.

    Retrieve a specific calendar event type

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "name": "Meeting",
        "deleted": "0"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves all the information for an existing calendar event type. The only parameter needed is the ID for the calendar event which is returned in the response upon type creation.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The calendar event type's ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple calendar event types

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "name": "Meeting",
          "deleted": "0"
          "id": "2",
          "name": "Call",
          "deleted": "0"
          "id": "3",
          "name": "Conference Call",
          "deleted": "0"
          "id": "4",
          "name": "Appointment",
          "deleted": "0"
          "id": "5",
          "name": "Event",
          "deleted": "0"
          "id": "6",
          "name": "Check-in",
          "deleted": "0"
      "account_id": 12345,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a list of calendar event types based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the types to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all types being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of types you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which types to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your calendar event type objects for.
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Delete a specific calendar event type

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": 12345

    Deletes a specific calendar event type by its ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the calendar event type to delete. Required.

    Campaign Builder Items

    Object Type ID: 140

    These objects contain data on your CampaignBuilder campaigns, such as names, IDs, and current status. In this section, "campaign" refers to automated marketing campaigns. You can retrieve a single campaign or a list of campaigns. If you want to add a contact or custom object to a campaign, see this endpoint.


    "campaign" throughout this doc is called "automation" throughout the Ontraport app.

    The Campaign Builder object

        "id": "1",
        "name": "Test Campaign",
        "date": "1503016553",
        "dlm": "1503016553",
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "pause": "0",
        "deleted": "false"

    Campaign attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The campaign ID.
    name string The campaign name.
    date timestamp The date the campaign was created, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    dlm timestamp The date the campaign was last modified, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    object_type_id integer The ID of the object type the campaign relates to.
    pause integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not the campaign is paused.
    deleted boolean Whether or not the campaign has been deleted.

    Retrieve a specific campaign

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->campaignbuilder()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "name": "Test Campaign",
        "date": "1503016553",
        "dlm": "1503016553",
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "pause": "0",
        "deleted": "false"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves data on an existing campaign.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The campaign ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple campaigns

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "listFields" => "id,name"
    $response = $client->campaignbuilder()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "name": "Test Campaign"
          "id": "2",
          "name": "Test Campaign 2"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a list of Campaigns. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the campaigns to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all campaigns being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of campaigns you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which campaigns to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your campaign objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other task fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your campaign object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve campaign meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->task()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "140": {
          "name": "CampaignBuilder",
          "fields": {
            "name": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "text"
            "date": {
              "alias": "Date Created",
              "type": "fulldate"
            "state": {
              "alias": "State",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "0": "Live",
                "1": "Paused",
                "2": "Unpublished"
            "element_num": {
              "alias": "# Elements",
              "type": "numeric"
            "todos": {
              "alias": "# ToDos",
              "type": "numeric"
            "subs_ever": {
              "alias": "# On Campaign Ever",
              "type": "numeric"
            "subs": {
              "alias": "# On Campaign Now",
              "type": "numeric"
            "dlm": {
              "alias": "Date Modified",
              "type": "fulldate"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the field meta data for the campaign object.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters


    Retrieve campaign collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search"     => "Test"
    $response = $client->campaignbuilder()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "count": "2"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves information about a collection of campaigns, such as the number of campaigns that match the given criteria.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which campaigns to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your campaign objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other campaign fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.


    Object Type ID: 0

    Contact objects allow you to keep up-to-date records for all the contacts you are managing.

    Through the contacts API, you can create, retrieve, update, merge and delete contacts. You can also retrieve meta for a contact object to obtain more detailed information about its attributes and retrieve information about a collection of contacts.

    Contacts can be associated with many other objects such as tasks, tags, rules, and sequences. You can access additional functionality for tagging contacts and adding and removing contacts from sequences using the objects API with an objectID of 0.

    The contact object

        "id": "27",
        "owner": "1",
        "firstname": "First",
        "lastname": "Last",
        "email": "",
        "address": "2040 Alameda Padre Serra",
        "city": "Santa Barbara",
        "state": "CA",
        "zip": "93103",
        "birthday": "469569600",
        "date": "1531352701",
        "priority": "0",
        "status": null,
        "home_phone": null,
        "sms_number": "+18055555555",
        "dla": "1531352701",
        "contact_cat": "",
        "bulk_mail": "1",
        "bulk_sms": "0",
        "office_phone": "805-555-5555",
        "fax": null,
        "dlm": "1531352717",
        "company": "Ontraport",
        "address2": "Suite 220",
        "title": "Employee",
        "website": "",
        "country": "US",
        "system_source": "0",
        "source_location": null,
        "import_id": "0",
        "ip_addy": null,
        "freferrer": "0",
        "lreferrer": "0",
        "n_lead_source": "0",
        "n_content": "0",
        "n_term": "0",
        "n_media": "0",
        "n_medium": "0",
        "n_campaign": "0",
        "l_lead_source": "0",
        "l_content": "0",
        "l_term": "0",
        "l_medium": "0",
        "l_campaign": "0",
        "referral_page": null,
        "aff_sales": "0",
        "aff_amount": "0",
        "program_id": "0",
        "aff_paypal": null,
        "fb_gender": null,
        "mrcAmount": "0",
        "mrcUnpaid": "0.00",
        "mriInvoiceNum": "0",
        "mriInvoiceTotal": "0",
        "ccType": "0",
        "ccExpirationMonth": "0",
        "ccExpirationYear": "0",
        "ccExpirationDate": "0",
        "ccNumber": null,
        "mrcResult": "0",
        "last_inbound_sms": null,
        "timezone": null,
        "time_since_dla": "0",
        "spent": null,
        "num_purchased": null,
        "updateSequence": "",
        "grade": "0.00",
        "unique_id": "D4GD000"
    Attributes Type Description
    id integer The contact's ID.
    unique_id string A unique identifier for the contact. This field does not reveal the actual account contact ID. It is unique across all ORM objects in your account, making it useful for merging duplicate contacts in form fillouts. This field is system generated and can't be updated.
    owner integer The ID of the user who controls the contact. This field must contain a value for a contact object to be saved properly.
    firstname string The contact's first name.
    lastname string The contact's last name.
    email string The contact's email address.
    address string The contact's postal address.
    city string The contact's city.
    state string The contact's state.
    zip string The contact's postal code.
    birthday timestamp The contact's birthday, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    date timestamp The date the contact was added, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    priority integer The contact's priority.
    High => 8
    Medium => 9
    Low => 10
    None => 0
    status integer The contact's Sales Stage. Integer codes map as follows:
    1 => Closed - Lost
    2 => Closed - Won
    3 => Committed
    4 => Consideration
    5 => Demo Scheduled
    6 => Qualified Lead
    7 => New Prospect
    cell_phone string The contact's mobile phone number.
    home_phone string The contact's home phone number.
    sms_number string The mobile number where the contact prefers receive text messages.
    dla integer Date of the contact's last activity. In this documentation, activity means that the contact interacted with a form, website, or email link.
    contact_cat string Deprecated. The tags a contact is subscribed to. Each tag has an ID, and in this field the tags are appended together with the delimiter */*. A contact_cat entry containing multiple tags looks like this: */*1*/*2*/*3*/*. Tags are now related to contacts in a separate tag subscriber object.
    bulk_mail integer A flag that indicates a contact's bulk email status. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Transactional Only
    1 => Opted-in
    2 => Double opt-in
    -2 => Hard bounce
    -5 => Under review
    You can only set the value to 0 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a contact who has opted to receive only transactional mail.
    bulk_sms integer A flag that indicates whether or not a contact is opted in to receive bulk texts. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Unconfirmed
    1 => Pending confirmation
    2 => Opted-in
    -1 => Hard bounced
    -3 => Unsubscribed
    -5 => Pending review
    You can only set the value to -3 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a contact who has opted out.
    office_phone string The contact's office phone number.
    fax string The contact's fax number.
    dlm timestamp The date the contact was last modified, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    company string The company the contact is affiliated with.
    address2 string A second address field which is generally used for storing suite or unit numbers.
    title string The contact's job title.
    website string The contact's website.
    country string The contact's country.
    system_source integer System field. Can't be updated through the API. Identifies the source from which the contact was added to the database.
    source_location string System field. Can't be updated through the API. Identifies the specific location from which the contact was added to the database.
    import_id integer System field. Can't be updated through the API. The ID of the import batch the contact was imported with, if any.
    ip_addy string Deprecated. The contact's IP address. This is an old version of ip_addy_display and is not used anymore.
    ip_addy_display string The contact's IP address.
    freferrer integer The affiliate ID of the first affiliate to refer the contact.
    lreferrer integer The affiliate ID of the last affiliate to refer the contact.
    n_lead_source integer The lead source ID for the tracking URL the contact arrived from.
    n_content integer The content ID for the tracking URL the contact arrived from.
    n_medium integer The medium ID for the tracking URL the contact arrived from.
    n_campaign integer The tracking campaign ID for the tracking URL the contact arrived from.
    n_term integer The term ID for the tracking URL the contact arrived from.
    l_lead_source integer The last lead source ID for the tracking URL the contact arrived from.
    l_content integer The last content ID for the tracking URL the contact arrived from.
    l_medium integer The last medium ID for the tracking URL the contact arrived from.
    l_campaign integer The last tracking campaign ID for the tracking URL the contact arrived from.
    l_term integer The last term ID for the tracking URL the contact arrived from.
    referral_page string The page the contact was referred from.
    aff_sales integer If the contact is an affiliate, the total number of affiliate sale transactions.
    aff_amount double If the contact is an affiliate, the total amount of affiliate sales.
    program_id integer For affiliates, the partner program ID.
    aff_paypal string Affiliate email address for Paypal payments.
    fb_gender string The contact's gender as listed on Facebook.
    mrcAmount double The amount of the contact's most recent credit card charge.
    mrcUnpaid double Total contact transactions remaining unpaid.
    mriInvoiceNum integer The contact's most recent invoice number.
    mriInvoiceTotal double The contact's most recent invoice total.
    ccType integer The contact's credit card type. Integer codes map to card providers as follows:
    0 => none,
    1 => Visa
    2 => Mastercard
    3 => American Express
    4 => Discover
    5 => Paypal.
    ccExpirationMonth integer The expiration month of the contact's credit card. Integer values are mapped as follows:
    1 => January
    2 => February
    3 => March
    4 => April
    5 => May
    6 => June
    7 => July
    8 => August
    9 => September
    10 => October
    11 => November
    12 => December
    ccExpirationYear integer The year the contact's credit card expires.
    ccExpirationDate integer The day of the month that the contact's credit card expires.
    ccNumber string The last 4 digits of the contact's credit card number.
    mrcResult integer The result of the contact's most recent credit card charge. Integer values map as follows:
    0 => Success
    1 => Declined
    last_inbound_sms string The last text message that you received from the contact.
    timezone string The contact's timezone.
    time_since_dla integer The time since the contact's last activity. Only accounts after 2018 will have this field.
    spent double The total amount the contact has spent with your company.
    num_purchased integer The contact's total orders.
    updateSequence string Deprecated. The sequences a contact is subscribed to. Each sequence has an ID, and in this field the sequences are appended together with the delimiter */*. An updateSequence entry containing multiple tags looks like this: */*1*/*2*/*3*/*. Sequences are now related to contacts in a separate sequence subscribers object. If you want to subscribe a contact to a sequence please see the /objects/subscribe endpoint.
    updateCampaign string Deprecated. The campaigns a contact is subscribed to. Note: "campaign" throughout this doc is called "automation" throughout the Ontraport app. Each campaign has an ID, and in this field the campaigns are appended together with the delimiter */*. This field will appear in responses, but should not be updated. If you want to subscribe a contact to a campaign please see the /objects/subscribe endpoint.
    grade integer The contact's score based upon lead scoring rules.
    {custom fields} varies If you have created custom fields for your contact objects, they can be accessed through the API. These fields are unique to your account and will appear in the response when you retrieve a contact object. If you are not sure what a response field is used for, you can retrieve contact meta to check for the field name.

    Create a contact

    curl -X POST -d 'firstname=Angie&lastname=Lopez&' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "firstname" => "Angie",
        "lastname"  => "Lopez",
        "email"     => ""
    $response = $client->contact()->create($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "firstname": "Angie",
        "lastname": "Lopez",
        "email": "",
        "id": "1",
        "owner": "1",
        "address": null,
        "city": null,
        "state": null,
        "zip": null,
        "birthday": null,
        "date": "1493143903",
        "status": null,
        "priority": "0",
        "home_phone": null,
        "sms_number": null,
        "dla": "1493143903",
        "contact_cat": "",
        "bulk_mail": "-5",
        "bulk_sms": "0",
        "office_phone": null,
        "fax": null,
        "dlm": "1493143903",
        "company": null,
        "address2": null,
        "title": null,
        "website": null,
        "country": null,
        "system_source": "3",
        "source_location": null,
        "import_id": "0",
        "ip_addy": null,
        "ip_addy_display": null,
        "freferrer": "0",
        "lreferrer": "0",
        "n_lead_source": "0",
        "n_content": "0",
        "n_term": "0",
        "n_media": "0",
        "n_medium": "0",
        "n_campaign": "0",
        "l_lead_source": "0",
        "l_content": "0",
        "l_term": "0",
        "l_medium": "0",
        "l_campaign": "0",
        "referral_page": null,
        "aff_sales": "0",
        "aff_amount": "0",
        "program_id": "0",
        "aff_paypal": null,
        "fb_gender": null,
        "mrcAmount": "0",
        "mrcUnpaid": "0.00",
        "mriInvoiceNum": "0",
        "mriInvoiceTotal": "0",
        "ccType": "0",
        "ccExpirationMonth": "0",
        "ccExpirationYear": "0",
        "ccExpirationDate": "0",
        "ccNumber": null,
        "mrcResult": "0",
        "last_inbound_sms": null,
        "timezone": null,
        "time_since_dla": "0",
        "spent": null,
        "num_purchased": null,
        "updateSequence": "",
        "grade": "0.00",
        "unique_id": "D4GD000"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Creates a new contact object. This endpoint allows duplication; if you want to avoid duplicate emails you should merge instead.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    firstname string The contact's first name.
    lastname string The contact's last name.
    email string The contact's email address.
    freferrer integer The affiliate ID of the first affiliate to refer the contact.
    lreferrer integer The affiliate ID of the last affiliate to refer the contact.
    address string The contact's postal address.
    address2 string A second address field which is generally used for storing suite or unit numbers.
    city string The contact's city.
    state string The contact's state.
    zip string The contact's postal code.
    country string The contact's country.
    birthday timestamp The contact's birthday, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    priority integer The contact's priority.
    High => 8
    Medium => 9
    Low => 10
    None => 0
    status integer The contact's Sales Stage. Integer codes map as follows:
    1 => Closed - Lost
    2 => Closed - Won
    3 => Committed
    4 => Consideration
    5 => Demo Scheduled
    6 => Qualified Lead
    7 => New Prospect
    cell_phone string The contact's mobile phone number.
    home_phone string The contact's home phone number.
    sms_number string The mobile number where the contact prefers receive text messages.
    office_phone string The contact's office phone number.
    fax string The contact's fax number.
    company string The company the contact is affiliated with.
    title string The contact's job title.
    website string The contact's website.
    contact_cat string Deprecated. The tags a contact is subscribed to. Each tag has an ID, and in this field the tags are appended together with the delimiter */*. A contact_cat entry containing multiple tags looks like this: */*1*/*2*/*3*/*. Tags are now related to contacts in a separate tag subscriber object.
    bulk_mail integer A flag that indicates a contact's bulk email status. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Transactional Only
    1 => Opted-in
    2 => Double opt-in
    -2 => Hard bounce
    -5 => Under review
    You can only set the value to 0 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a contact who has opted to receive only transactional mail.
    bulk_sms integer A flag that indicates whether or not a contact is opted in to receive bulk texts. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Unconfirmed
    1 => Pending confirmation
    2 => Opted-in
    -1 => Hard bounced
    -3 => Unsubscribed
    -5 => Pending review
    You can only set the value to -3 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a contact who has opted out.
    n_lead_source integer/string The lead source for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the lead source name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    n_content integer/string The content for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the content name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    n_medium integer/string The medium for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the medium name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    n_campaign integer/string The tracking campaign for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    n_term integer/string The term for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_lead_source integer/string The lead source for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the lead source name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_content integer/string The content for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the content name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_medium integer/string The medium for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the medium name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_campaign integer/string The tracking campaign for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_term integer/string The term for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    use_utm_names boolean Used to indicate that utm variables will be passed by name rather than ID. Defaults to false.
    referral_page string The page the contact was referred from.
    aff_sales integer If the contact is an affiliate, the total number of affiliate sale transactions.
    aff_amount double If the contact is an affiliate, the total amount of affiliate sales.
    program_id integer For affiliates, the partner program ID.
    aff_paypal string Affiliate email address for Paypal payments.
    timezone string The contact's timezone.
    time_since_dla integer The time since the contact's last activity. Only accounts after 2018 will have this field.
    num_purchased integer The contact's total orders.
    updateSequence string Deprecated. The sequences a contact is subscribed to. Each sequence has an ID, and in this field the sequences are appended together with the delimiter */*. An updateSequence entry containing multiple tags looks like this: */*1*/*2*/*3*/*. Sequences are now related to contacts in a separate sequence subscribers object. If you want to subscribe a contact to a sequence please see the /objects/subscribe endpoint.
    updateCampaign string Deprecated. The campaigns a contact is subscribed to. Each campaign has an ID, and in this field the campaigns are appended together with the delimiter */*. This field will appear in responses, but should not be updated. If you want to subscribe a contact to a campaign please see the /objects/subscribe endpoint.

    Note when using custom fields of the list selection type as a parameter, it must have the option's id wrapped with the delimiter */*. If a list selection field has "field" => "f1500" with options mapped as follows: "1" => "one", "2" => "two". An entry containing multiple options looks like this: "f1500": "*/*1*/*2*/*". You can obtain information regarding your custom fields with the GET /Contacts/meta endpoint.

    Retrieve a specific contact

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 27
    $response = $client->contact()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "27",
        "owner": "1",
        "firstname": "First",
        "lastname": "Last",
        "email": "",
        "address": "2040 Alameda Padre Serra",
        "city": "Santa Barbara",
        "state": "CA",
        "zip": "93103",
        "birthday": "469569600",
        "date": "1491866009",
        "priority": "0",
        "status": null,
        "cell_phone": null,
        "home_phone": null,
        "sms_number": "+18055555555",
        "dla": "1491866009",
        "contact_cat": "",
        "bulk_mail": "1",
        "bulk_sms": "0",
        "office_phone": "805-555-5555",
        "fax": null,
        "dlm": "1491866203",
        "company": "Ontraport",
        "address2": "Suite 220",
        "title": "Employee",
        "website": "",
        "country": "US",
        "system_source": "0",
        "source_location": null,
        "import_id": "0",
        "ip_addy": null,
        "ip_addy_display": null,
        "freferrer": "0",
        "lreferrer": "0",
        "n_lead_source": "0",
        "n_content": "0",
        "n_term": "0",
        "n_media": "0",
        "n_medium": "0",
        "n_campaign": "0",
        "referral_page": null,
        "aff_sales": "0",
        "aff_amount": "0",
        "program_id": "0",
        "aff_paypal": null,
        "fb_gender": null,
        "mrcAmount": "0",
        "mrcUnpaid": "0.00",
        "mriInvoiceNum": "0",
        "mriInvoiceTotal": "0",
        "ccType": "0",
        "ccExpirationMonth": "0",
        "ccExpirationYear": "0",
        "ccExpirationDate": "0",
        "ccNumber": null,
        "mrcResult": "0",
        "last_inbound_sms": null,
        "time_since_dla": "0",
        "spent": null,
        "num_purchased": null,
        "updateSequence": "",
        "grade": "0.00",
        "unique_id": "D4GD000"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing contact. The only parameter needed is the ID for the contact which is returned in the response upon contact creation.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The contact ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple contacts

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids"        => "29,30,31",
        "sort"       => "lastname",
        "sortDir"    => "desc",
        "listFields" => "firstname,lastname,email"
    $response = $client->contact()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "firstname": "John",
          "lastname": "Smith",
          "email": "",
          "id": "29",
          "owner": "1"
          "firstname": "Jane",
          "lastname": "Doe",
          "email": "",
          "id": "30",
          "owner": "1"
          "firstname": "Mary",
          "lastname": "Brown",
          "email": "",
          "id": "31",
          "owner": "1"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of contacts based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the contacts to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all contacts being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of contacts you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which contacts to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your contact objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not contact notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other contact fields.
    group_id integer The group id of contacts to retrieve. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your contact object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Update a contact

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=29&firstname=Bob&' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id"        => 29,
        "firstname" => "Bob",
        "email"     => ""
    $response = $client->contact()->update($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "attrs": {
          "firstname": "Bob",
          "dlm": "1500507946",
          "id": "29"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Updates an existing contact with given data. Either the ID or the Unique ID of the contact to update is required. ID will take precedence over Unique ID. The other fields should only be used if you want to change the existing value.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The contact's ID. Either id or unique_id are required to update a contact.
    unique_id string A unique identifier for the contact. This field is system generated and can't be updated. If the unique_id sent matches a contact in the account, that contact's data will be updated. Either id or unique_id are required. If both are sent, unique_id will be ignored.
    firstname string The contact's first name.
    lastname string The contact's last name.
    email string The contact's email address.
    freferrer integer The affiliate ID of the first affiliate to refer the contact.
    lreferrer integer The affiliate ID of the last affiliate to refer the contact.
    address string The contact's postal address.
    address2 string A second address field which is generally used for storing suite or unit numbers.
    city string The contact's city.
    state string The contact's state.
    zip string The contact's postal code.
    country string The contact's country.
    timezone string The contact's timezone.
    birthday timestamp The contact's birthday, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    priority integer The contact's priority.
    High => 8
    Medium => 9
    Low => 10
    None => 0
    status integer The contact's Sales Stage. Integer codes map as follows:
    1 => Closed - Lost
    2 => Closed - Won
    3 => Committed
    4 => Consideration
    5 => Demo Scheduled
    6 => Qualified Lead
    7 => New Prospect
    cell_phone string The contact's mobile phone number.
    home_phone string The contact's home phone number.
    sms_number string The mobile number where the contact prefers receive text messages.
    office_phone string The contact's office phone number.
    fax string The contact's fax number.
    company string The company the contact is affiliated with.
    title string The contact's job title.
    website string The contact's website.
    bulk_mail integer A flag that indicates a contact's bulk email status. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Transactional Only
    1 => Opted-in
    2 => Double opt-in
    -2 => Hard bounce
    -5 => Under review
    You can only set the value to 0 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a contact who has opted to receive only transactional mail.
    bulk_sms integer A flag that indicates whether or not a contact is opted in to receive bulk texts. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Unconfirmed
    1 => Pending confirmation
    2 => Opted-in
    -1 => Hard bounced
    -3 => Unsubscribed
    -5 => Pending review
    You can only set the value to -3 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a contact who has opted out.
    n_lead_source integer/ string The lead source for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the lead source name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    n_content integer/string The content for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the content name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    n_medium integer/string The medium for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the medium name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    n_campaign integer/string The tracking campaign for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    n_term integer/string The term for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_lead_source integer/string The lead source for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the lead source name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_content integer/string The content for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the content name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_medium integer/string The medium for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the medium name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_campaign integer/string The tracking campaign for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_term integer/string The term for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    use_utm_names boolean Used to indicate that utm variables will be passed by name rather than ID. Defaults to false.
    referral_page string The page the contact was referred from.
    program_id integer For affiliates, the partner program ID.
    aff_paypal string Affiliate email address for Paypal payments.
    num_purchased integer The contact's total orders.

    Delete a specific contact

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 2
    $response = $client->contact()->deleteSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes a specific contact by its ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the contact to delete. Required.

    Delete multiple contacts

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids"        => "1,2,3",
        "sort"       => "lastname",
        "sortDir"    => "desc",
        "listFields" => "firstname,lastname,email"
    $response = $client->contact()->deleteMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Deleted",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes a collection of contacts based on a set of parameters. You can choose the ids for the contacts to delete or use our pagination tools for a mass delete. Be very careful using this endpoint with your API key. Specified contacts will be permanently deleted from your database.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the contacts to delete. Entering a value of 0 will result in all contacts being selected. Caution should be used with this endpoint.
    start integer The offset to delete results from.
    range integer The number of contacts you want to delete. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which contacts to delete. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your contact objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not contact notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other contact fields.
    group_id integer The group id of contacts to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Merge or create a contact

    curl -X POST -d 'firstname=John&lastname=Doe&' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    curl -X POST -d 'birthday=804798000&' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    // Creating a contact with an email that does not exist in the account
    $requestParams = array(
        "firstname" => "John",
        "lastname"  => "Doe",
        "email"     => ""
    // Updating birthday for contact with existing email in the account
    $requestParams = array(
        "birthday"  => "804798000",
        "email"     => ""
    $response = $client->contact()->saveOrUpdate($requestParams);

    Example Response for Creating a Contact:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "firstname": "John",
        "id": "1",
        "owner": "1",
        "lastname": "Doe",
        "email": "",
        "address": null,
        "city": null,
        "state": null,
        "zip": null,
        "birthday": null,
        "date": "1531352827",
        "priority": "0",
        "status": null,
        "home_phone": null,
        "sms_number": null,
        "dla": "1531352827",
        "contact_cat": "",
        "bulk_mail": "-5",
        "bulk_sms": "0",
        "office_phone": null,
        "fax": null,
        "dlm": "1531352827",
        "company": null,
        "address2": null,
        "title": null,
        "website": null,
        "country": null,
        "system_source": "3",
        "source_location": null,
        "import_id": "0",
        "ip_addy": null,
        "ip_addy_display": null,
        "freferrer": "0",
        "lreferrer": "0",
        "n_lead_source": "0",
        "n_content": "0",
        "n_term": "0",
        "n_media": "0",
        "n_medium": "0",
        "n_campaign": "0",
        "l_lead_source": "0",
        "l_content": "0",
        "l_term": "0",
        "l_medium": "0",
        "l_campaign": "0",
        "referral_page": null,
        "aff_sales": "0",
        "aff_amount": "0",
        "program_id": "0",
        "aff_paypal": null,
        "fb_gender": null,
        "mrcAmount": "0",
        "mrcUnpaid": "0.00",
        "mriInvoiceNum": "0",
        "mriInvoiceTotal": "0",
        "ccType": "0",
        "ccExpirationMonth": "0",
        "ccExpirationYear": "0",
        "ccExpirationDate": "0",
        "ccNumber": null,
        "mrcResult": "0",
        "last_inbound_sms": null,
        "timezone": null,
        "time_since_dla": "0",
        "spent": null,
        "num_purchased": null,
        "updateSequence": "",
        "grade": "0.00",
        "unique_id": "D4GD000"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Example Response for Updating a Contact:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "attrs": {
          "birthday": "804798000",
          "dlm": "1531348174",
          "id": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Looks for an existing contact with a matching unique field and merges supplied data with existing data. If no unique field is supplied or if no existing contact has a matching unique field field, a new contact will be created. Recommended to avoid unwanted duplicate mailings. While merging on the unique_id field is supported, merging on the id field is not, and may cause unintended consequences. If you would like to update a contact based on its ID, you should use the update endpoint.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key} Api-Appid: {app_id} Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    firstname string The contact's first name.
    lastname string The contact's last name.
    email string The contact's email address.
    unique_id string A unique identifier for the contact. This field is system generated and can't be updated. If a unique_id is sent that matches a contact in the account, that contact's data will be updated. This field will take precedence over other unique fields.
    freferrer integer The affiliate ID of the first affiliate to refer the contact.
    lreferrer integer The affiliate ID of the last affiliate to refer the contact.
    address string The contact's postal address.
    address2 string A second address field which is generally used for storing suite or unit numbers.
    city string The contact's city.
    state string The contact's state.
    zip string The contact's postal code.
    country string The contact's country.
    timezone string The contact's timezone.
    birthday timestamp The contact's birthday, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    priority integer The contact's priority.
    High => 8
    Medium => 9
    Low => 10
    None => 0
    status integer The contact's Sales Stage. Integer codes map as follows:
    1 => Closed - Lost
    2 => Closed - Won
    3 => Committed
    4 => Consideration
    5 => Demo Scheduled
    6 => Qualified Lead
    7 => New Prospect
    cell_phone string The contact's mobile phone number.
    home_phone string The contact's home phone number.
    sms_number string The mobile number where the contact prefers receive text messages.
    office_phone string The contact's office phone number.
    fax string The contact's fax number.
    company string The company the contact is affiliated with.
    title string The contact's job title.
    website string The contact's website.
    contact_cat string Deprecated. The tags a contact is subscribed to. Each tag has an ID, and in this field the tags are appended together with the delimiter */*. A contact_cat entry containing multiple tags looks like this: */*1*/*2*/*3*/*. Tags are now related to contacts in a separate tag subscriber object.
    bulk_mail integer A flag that indicates a contact's bulk email status. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Transactional Only
    1 => Opted-in
    2 => Double opt-in
    -2 => Hard bounce
    -5 => Under review
    You can only set the value to 0 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a contact who has opted to receive only transactional mail.
    bulk_sms integer A flag that indicates whether or not a contact is opted in to receive bulk texts. alues are mapped as follows:
    0 => Unconfirmed
    1 => Pending confirmation
    2 => Opted-in
    -1 => Hard bounced
    -3 => Unsubscribed
    -5 => Pending review
    You can only set the value to -3 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a contact who has opted out.
    n_lead_source integer The lead source ID for the tracking URL the contact arrived from.
    n_content integer/string The content for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the content name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    n_medium integer/string The medium for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the medium name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    n_campaign integer/string The tracking campaign for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    n_term integer/string The term for the first tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_lead_source integer/string The lead source for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the lead source name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_content integer/string The content for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the content name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_medium integer/string The medium for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the medium name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_campaign integer/string The tracking campaign for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    l_term integer/string The term for the last tracking URL the contact arrived from. This field accepts the tracking campaign name if use_utm_names has a value of true, and ID if it is not passed or has a value of false. Utm variables passed by name will be created if they do not exist.
    use_utm_names boolean Used to indicate that utm variables will be passed by name rather than ID. Defaults to false.
    referral_page string The page the contact was referred from.
    aff_sales integer If the contact is an affiliate, the total number of affiliate sale transactions.
    aff_amount double If the contact is an affiliate, the total amount of affiliate sales.
    program_id integer For affiliates, the partner program ID.
    aff_paypal string Affiliate email address for Paypal payments.
    num_purchased integer The contact's total orders.
    updateSequence string Deprecated. The sequences a contact is subscribed to. Each sequence has an ID, and in this field the sequences are appended together with the delimiter /. An updateSequence entry containing multiple tags looks like this: /*1/2/3/*. Sequences are now related to contacts in a separate sequence subscribers object. If you want to subscribe a contact to a sequence please see the /objects/subscribe endpoint.
    updateCampaign string Deprecated. The campaigns a contact is subscribed to. Each campaign has an ID, and in this field the campaigns are appended together with the delimiter */*. This field will appear in responses, but should not be updated. If you want to subscribe a contact to a campaign please see the /objects/subscribe endpoint.

    Retrieve contact object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->contact()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "0": {
          "name": "Contact",
          "fields": {
            "firstname": {
              "alias": "First Name",
              "type": "text"
            "lastname": {
              "alias": "Last Name",
              "type": "text"
            "email": {
              "alias": "Email",
              "type": "email"
            "freferrer": {
              "alias": "First Referrer",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 36
            "lreferrer": {
              "alias": "Last Referrer",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 36
            "address": {
              "alias": "Address",
              "type": "text"
            "city": {
              "alias": "City",
              "type": "text"
            "state": {
              "alias": "State",
              "type": "state"
            "zip": {
              "alias": "Zip Code",
              "type": "text"
            "birthday": {
              "alias": "Birthday",
              "type": "fulldate"
            "aff_paypal": {
              "alias": "Paypal Address",
              "type": "text"
            "program_id": {
              "alias": "Partner Program",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 35
            "contact_cat": {
              "alias": "Contact Tags",
              "type": "subscription"
            "bulk_mail": {
              "alias": "Bulk Email Status",
              "type": "check"
            "office_phone": {
              "alias": "Office Phone",
              "type": "phone"
            "fax": {
              "alias": "Fax",
              "type": "phone"
            "company": {
              "alias": "Company",
              "type": "text"
            "address2": {
              "alias": "Address 2",
              "type": "text"
            "website": {
              "alias": "Website",
              "type": "text"
            "title": {
              "alias": "Title",
              "type": "text"
            "country": {
              "alias": "Country",
              "type": "country"
            "date": {
              "alias": "Date Added",
              "type": "timestamp"
            "dlm": {
              "alias": "Date Modified",
              "type": "timestamp"
            "dla": {
              "alias": "Last Activity",
              "type": "timestamp"
            "spent": {
              "alias": "Spent",
              "type": "price"
            "n_lead_source": {
              "alias": "First Lead Source",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 76
            "n_campaign": {
              "alias": "First Campaign",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 75
            "n_content": {
              "alias": "First Content",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 78
            "n_medium": {
              "alias": "First Medium",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 77
            "referral_page": {
              "alias": "Referring Page",
              "type": "text"
            "aff_sales": {
              "alias": "Number of Sales",
              "type": "numeric"
            "aff_amount": {
              "alias": "Total Sales",
              "type": "price"
            "mriInvoiceNum": {
              "alias": "Last Invoice #",
              "type": "numeric"
            "mriInvoiceTotal": {
              "alias": "Last Total Invoice Amount",
              "type": "price"
            "mrcAmount": {
              "alias": "Last Charge Amount",
              "type": "price"
            "mrcUnpaid": {
              "alias": "Total Amount of Unpaid Transactions",
              "type": "price"
            "ccType": {
              "alias": "Card Type",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "0": "",
                "1": "Visa",
                "2": "Mastercard",
                "3": "American Express",
                "4": "Discover",
                "5": "Paypal",
                "6": "Other"
            "ccExpirationMonth": {
              "alias": "Card Expiration Month",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "1": "January",
                "2": "February",
                "3": "March",
                "4": "April",
                "5": "May",
                "6": "June",
                "7": "July",
                "8": "August",
                "9": "September",
                "10": "October",
                "11": "November",
                "12": "December"
            "ccExpirationYear": {
              "alias": "Card Expiration Year",
              "type": "numeric"
            "ccNumber": {
              "alias": "Card Number (Last 4)",
              "type": "numeric"
            "mrcResult": {
              "alias": "Last CC Status",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "0": "Success",
                "1": "Declined"
            "ccExpirationDate": {
              "alias": "Card Expiration Date",
              "type": "fulldate"
            "lnf": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "mergefield"
            "fn": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "mergefield"
            "grade": {
              "alias": "Score",
              "type": "numeric"
            "num_purchased": {
              "alias": "Orders",
              "type": "numeric"
            "id": {
              "alias": "Contact ID",
              "type": "numeric"
            "owner": {
              "alias": "Owner",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 2
            "bulk_sms": {
              "alias": "Bulk SMS Status",
              "type": "check"
            "sms_number": {
              "alias": "SMS Number",
              "type": "sms"
            "timezone": {
              "alias": "Timezone",
              "type": "timezone"
            "priority": {
              "alias": "Priority",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "8": "High",
                "9": "Medium",
                "10": "Low"
            "time_since_dla": {
              "alias": "Time Since Last Activity",
               "type": "drop",
               "required": 0,
               "unique": 0,
               "editable": 1,
               "deletable": 0,
               "options": {
                "60": "More than a month ago (Cold)",
                "61": "This month",
                "62": "This Week",
                "63": "Today (Hot!)"
            "status": {
              "alias": "Sales Stage",
              "type": "drop",
               "options": {
                  "1": "Closed - Lost",
                  "2": "Closed - Won",
                  "3": "Committed",
                  "4": "Consideration",
                  "5": "Demo Scheduled",
                  "6": "Qualified Lead",
                  "7": "New Prospect"
            "updateSequence": {
              "alias": "Sequences",
              "type": "subscription"
            "n_term": {
              "alias": "Term",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 79
            "last_note": {
              "alias": "Last Note",
              "type": "text"
            "ip_addy_display": {
              "alias": "IP Address",
              "type": "text"
            "last_inbound_sms": {
              "alias": "Last Inbound SMS",
              "type": "text"
            "timezone": {
              "alias": "Timezone",
              "type": "timezone"
            "l_lead_source": {
              "alias": "Last Lead Source",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 76
            "l_campaign": {
              "alias": "Last Campaign",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 75
            "l_content": {
              "alias": "Last Content",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 78
            "l_medium": {
              "alias": "Last Medium",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 77
            "l_term": {
              "alias": "Last Term",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 79
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the field meta data for the contact object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters


    Retrieve contact collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search" => "John"
    $response = $client->contact()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "count": "2"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves information about a collection of contacts, such as the number of contacts that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which contacts to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your contact objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not contact notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other contact fields.
    group_id integer The group id of contacts to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.


    Object Type ID: 38

    The Commission object allows you to keep up-to-date records for all commissions earned

    The Commission object

        "id": "1",
        "purchase_id": "1",
        "affiliate_id": "2",
        "contact_id": "3",
        "product_id": "4",
        "program_id": "5",
        "subid": "0",
        "date": "1645198001",
        "date_processed": "1645198005",
        "date_paid": "0",
        "dlm": "1645198005",
        "commission": "2",
        "total": "10",
        "status": "3",
        "type": "0"
    Attributes Type Description
    id integer The commission's ID.
    purchase_id integer The related purchase's ID.
    affiliate_id integer The related affiliate's (partner) ID.
    contact_id integer The related contact's ID.
    product_id integer The related product's ID.
    program_id integer The related partner program's ID.
    subid string A string identifier related to a sub_id string the partner used used while going through an affiliate link.
    date timestamp The date and time the commission was made measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    date_processed timestamp The date and time the commission was processed measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    date_paid timestamp The date and time the commission was paid measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    dlm timestamp The date and time the commission was last modified measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    commission double The commission earned.
    total double The total of the related transaction that commission was earned on.
    status integer The status of the commission. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Pending
    1 => Approve
    2 => Paid
    3 => Decline
    4 => Refund
    5 => Refund Approved
    6 => Refund Paid
    type Integer The type of commission earned: :
    0 => Percent
    1 => Flat Rate

    Retrieve a single Commision

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'

    Example Response:

        "id": "1",
        "purchase_id": "1",
        "affiliate_id": "2",
        "contact_id": "3",
        "product_id": "4",
        "program_id": "5",
        "subid": "0",
        "date": "1645198001",
        "date_processed": "1645198005",
        "date_paid": "0",
        "dlm": "1645198005",
        "commission": "2",
        "total": "10",
        "status": "3",
        "type": "0"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing Commission


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the specific Commission. Required.

    Retrieve multiple Commissions

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "purchase_id": "1",
          "affiliate_id": "9",
          "contact_id": "12",
          "product_id": "1",
          "program_id": "4",
          "subid": "0",
          "date": "1645198001",
          "date_processed": "1645198005",
          "date_paid": "0",
          "dlm": "1645198005",
          "commission": "10",
          "total": "50",
          "status": "3",
          "type": "0"
          "id": "1439",
          "purchase_id": "2",
          "affiliate_id": "9",
          "contact_id": "6",
          "product_id": "7",
          "program_id": "10",
          "subid": "0",
          "date": "1645198001",
          "date_processed": "1645198005",
          "date_paid": "0",
          "dlm": "1645198005",
          "commission": "4",
          "total": "20",
          "status": "3",
          "type": "0"
          "id": "178",
          "purchase_id": "3",
          "affiliate_id": "9",
          "contact_id": "7",
          "product_id": "4",
          "program_id": "4",
          "subid": "26",
          "date": "1645198001",
          "date_processed": "1645198005",
          "date_paid": "0",
          "dlm": "1645198005",
          "commission": "1",
          "total": "5",
          "status": "3",
          "type": "0"
          "id": "1779",
          "purchase_id": "4",
          "affiliate_id": "9",
          "contact_id": "10",
          "product_id": "6",
          "program_id": "4",
          "subid": "0",
          "date": "1645198001",
          "date_processed": "1645198005",
          "date_paid": "0",
          "dlm": "1645198005",
          "commission": "20",
          "total": "100",
          "status": "3",
          "type": "0"
          "id": "130",
          "purchase_id": "5",
          "affiliate_id": "9",
          "contact_id": "2",
          "product_id": "11",
          "program_id": "4",
          "subid": "49",
          "date": "1645198001",
          "date_processed": "1645198005",
          "date_paid": "0",
          "dlm": "1645198005",
          "commission": "20",
          "total": "100",
          "status": "3",
          "type": "0"
      "account_id": 60,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of Commissions based on a set of parameters.

    You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the commissions to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all commissions being selected.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of commissions you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which commissions to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your commissions for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other commission fields.
    group_id integer The group id of commissions to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all Commissions in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between commissions and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve Commission collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "cardViewSettings": {
          "fields": [
        "viewMode": [],
        "widgetSettings": {
          "map": [
          "widgets": {
            "overview": {
              "type": "object_widget_overview",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "tasks": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_task_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 1,
                "header": "Tasks"
            "notes": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_notes_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 12,
                "header": "Notes"
            "settings": {
              "type": "object_widget_settings",
              "options": {
                "placeAtEndOfColumn": true,
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "fields": {
              "type": "object_widget_fields",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true,
                "fields": [
          "listFields": [
        "count": "0",
        "sums": {
          "total": 0,
          "commission": 0
      "account_id": 60

    Retrieves information about Commissions, such as the number of Commissions and other totals.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which Commissions you wish to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your Commissions for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other Commission fields.
    group_id integer The group id of Commissions to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all Commissions in a collection.

    Retrieve Commissions meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "38": {
          "name": "Affiliate_Commission",
          "fields": {
            "date_processed": {
              "alias": "Date Processed",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "date": {
              "alias": "Transaction Date",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 0
            "total": {
              "alias": "Sale Amount",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "commission": {
              "alias": "Commission",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "date_paid": {
              "alias": "Date Paid",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "affiliate_id": {
              "alias": "Partner",
              "type": "parent",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1,
              "parent_object": 36
            "contact_id": {
              "alias": "Contact",
              "type": "parent",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1,
              "parent_object": 0
            "product_id": {
              "alias": "Product",
              "type": "parent",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1,
              "parent_object": 16
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves the field meta data for Commissions.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    format string Indicates whether the list should be indexed by name or ID. Possible values are byId and byName (default).

    Credit Cards

    Object Type ID: 45

    Credit cards objects store data for a contact's saved credit cards, including card information, type, status, and billing details.

    The credit card object

          "id": "1",
          "firstname": "Maria",
          "lastname": "Romero",
          "contact_id": "1",
          "last4": "1111",
          "type": "1",
          "exp_month": "11",
          "exp_year": "2027",
          "address": "2040 Alameda Padre Serra",
          "address2": "Suite 220",
          "city": "Santa Barbara",
          "state": "CA",
          "zip": "93103",
          "country": "US",
          "status": "3",
          "recent_sale": "0",
          "invoice_id": "1"

    Credit card attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The credit card ID.
    firstname string The first name of the credit card owner.
    lastname string The last name of the credit card owner.
    contact_id integer The ID of the contact associated with the credit card.
    last4 integer The last four digits of the credit card number.
    type integer The credit card issuer. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    1 => Visa
    2 => Mastercard
    3 => American Express
    4 => Discover
    6 => Other
    exp_month integer The two-digit integer representation of the credit card's expiration month.
    exp_year integer The four-digit credit card expiration year.
    address string The credit card's billing address.
    address2 string Additional information about the credit card's billing address, such as unit number.
    city string The credit card's billing address city.
    state string The credit card's billing address state.
    zip string The credit card's billing address zip code.
    country string The credit card's billing address country.
    status integer The current status of the credit card. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    1 => Active
    2 => Expired
    3 => Active Default
    4 => Expired Default
    recent_sale timestamp The date and time of the most recent charge measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    invoice_id integer The ID of the invoice generated in relation to the most recent charge to the credit card.

    Retrieve a specific credit card

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "id"  => 2
    $response = $client->creditcard()->retrieveSingle($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
          "id": "1",
          "firstname": "Maria",
          "lastname": "Romero",
          "contact_id": "1",
          "last4": "1111",
          "type": "1",
          "exp_month": "11",
          "exp_year": "2027",
          "address": "2040 Alameda Padre Serra",
          "address2": "Suite 220",
          "city": "Santa Barbara",
          "state": "CA",
          "zip": "93103",
          "country": "US",
          "status": "3",
          "recent_sale": "0",
          "invoice_id": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing credit card.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The credit card ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple credit cards

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "listFields" => "contact_id, last4, exp_month, exp_year, status"
    $response = $client->creditcard()->retrieveMultiple($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "contact_id": "1",
          "last4": "1111",
          "exp_month": "11",
          "exp_year": "2027",
          "status": "3",
          "id": "1"
          "contact_id": "1",
          "last4": "1111",
          "exp_month": "9",
          "exp_year": "2037",
          "status": "1",
          "id": "2"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of credit cards based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the credit cards to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all forms being selected.
    start integer The id to start your search after.
    range integer The number of credit cards you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which credit cards to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your form objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to native form fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your credit card object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve credit card collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $condition = new OntraportAPI\Criteria("contact_id", "=", 1);
    $queryParams = array(
        "condition"  => $condition->fromArray()
    $response = $client->creditcard()->retrieveCollectionInfo($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
        "data": {
          "listFields": [
          "listFieldSettings": [],
          "count": "2"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves information about a collection of credit cards, such as the number of credit cards that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which credit cards to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your credit card objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to native credit card fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Retrieve credit card meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->creditcard()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "45": {
          "name": "CreditCard",
          "fields": {
            "contact_id": {
              "alias": "Contact",
              "type": "parent"
            "last4": {
              "alias": "Card Number (last 4)",
              "type": "text"
            "type": {
              "alias": "Card Type",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "1": "Visa",
                "2": "Mastercard",
                "3": "AMEX",
                "4": "Discover",
                "6": "Other"
            "status": {
              "alias": "Card Status",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "0": "Hidden",
                "1": "Active",
                "2": "Expired",
                "3": "Active (Default)",
                "4": "Expired (Default)"
            "exp_month": {
              "alias": "Card Expiration Month",
              "type": "numeric"
            "exp_year": {
              "alias": "Card Expiration Year",
              "type": "numeric"
            "address": {
              "alias": "Billing Address",
              "type": "text"
            "address2": {
              "alias": "Billing Address 2",
              "type": "text"
            "city": {
              "alias": "Billing City",
              "type": "text"
            "state": {
              "alias": "Billing State",
              "type": "state"
            "zip": {
              "alias": "Billing Zip",
              "type": "text"
            "country": {
              "alias": "Billing \nCountry",
              "type": "country"
            "invoice_id": {
              "alias": "Invoice",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 46
            "firstname": {
              "alias": "Billing First Name",
              "type": "text"
            "lastname": {
              "alias": "Billing Last Name",
              "type": "text"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the field meta data for a credit card.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key} Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters


    Set a default credit card

    curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'id=11' '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "id"  => 2
    $response = $client->creditcard()->setDefault($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "11",
        "status": 3
      "account_id": "12345"

    Sets the status of an existing card to default and adjusts the status of the current default card.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The credit card ID. Required.


    Object Type ID: 122

    Forms are used to simply and easily gather information from your contacts. Our ONTRAforms are the recommended form type, as we offer many pre-designed and customizable templates which will greatly simplify your process. We also offer legacy SmartForms, which allow you to create your own designs.

    Through the form API, you can retrieve a single form or a collection of forms. You can also retrieve meta for a form object and retrieve information about a collection of forms.

    The form object

        "form_id": "2",
        "formname": "Test Form",
        "type": "11",
        "tags": null,
        "sequences": null,
        "campaigns": null,
        "redirect": null,
        "owner": "",
        "captcha": "1",
        "notif": null,
        "fillouts": "0",
        "json_raw_object": "0",
        "deleted": "",
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "responsive": "1",
        "visits": "0",
        "unique_visits": "0",
        "revenue": "0.00",
        "date": "1510703743",
        "dlm": "1510703743"

    Form attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    form_id integer The form's ID.
    formname string An arbitrary name for the form.
    type integer The type of form. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    10 => SmartForm
    11 => ONTRAform
    Any other codes correspond to deprecated form types.
    tags string The tags a contact should be added to upon form fillout.
    sequences string The sequences a contact should be added to upon form fillout.
    campaigns string The campaigns a contact should be added to upon form fillout.Note: These are referred to as automations throughout the Ontraport app.
    redirect string The URL for the thank you page the user is redirected to upon form fillout.
    owner integer The ID of the user controlling the form.
    captcha integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not the form includes a Captcha. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => false
    1 => true
    notif string The email address to be notified when the form is filled out.
    fillouts integer The number of times the form has been filled out.
    unique_fillouts integer The percentage of unique users that has filled out the form divided by the number of unique_visits.
    json_raw_object blob JSON-encoded form data.
    deleted integer/boolean A flag indicating whether or not the form has been deleted. Different forms may use either a binary integer or boolean value. If an integer, values are mapped as follows:
    0 => false
    1 => true
    object_type_id integer The ID of the object type associated with the form.
    responsive integer A flag indicating whether or not the form has a responsive layout. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => false
    1 => true
    visits integer The number of times the form has been visited.
    unique_visits integer The number of times unique visitors have visited the form.
    revenue double The total amount of income accrued from the form (only applies to order and upsell forms).
    date timestamp The date and time the form was created measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch. Note that this field will not contain data for any forms created prior to November 7, 2017.
    dlm timestamp The date and time the form was last modified measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.

    Retrieve a specific form

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "id"  => 2
    $response = $client->form()->retrieveSingle($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "form_id": "2",
        "formname": "Test Form",
        "type": "11",
        "tags": null,
        "sequences": null,
        "campaigns": null,
        "redirect": null,
        "owner": "",
        "captcha": "1",
        "notif": null,
        "fillouts": "0",
        "json_raw_object": "0",
        "deleted": "",
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "responsive": "1",
        "visits": "0",
        "unique_visits": "0",
        "revenue": "0.00",
        "date": "1510703743",
        "dlm": "1510703743"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing form.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The form ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple forms

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "sort"       => "type",
        "sortDir"    => "asc",
        "listFields" => "form_id,formname,type"
    $response = $client->form()->retrieveMultiple($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "form_id": "4",
          "formname": "Smart Form",
          "type": "10",
          "owner": ""
          "form_id": "2",
          "formname": "Test ONTRAform",
          "type": "11",
          "owner": ""
          "form_id": "3",
          "formname": "Test ONTRAform 2",
          "type": "11",
          "owner": ""
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of forms based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the forms to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all forms being selected.
    start integer The id to start your search after.
    range integer The number of forms you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which forms to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your form objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to native form fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your form object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve form collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "search"  => "Test"
    $response = $client->form()->retrieveCollectionInfo($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "count": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves information about a collection of forms, such as the number of forms that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which forms to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your form objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to native form fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Retrieve Smart Form meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->form()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "122": {
          "name": "SmartFormFE",
          "fields": {
            "formname": {
              "alias": "Form Name",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "redirect": {
              "alias": "Thank You Page",
              "type": "url",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "fillouts": {
              "alias": "Conversions",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "unique_visits": {
              "alias": "Unique Visits",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "visits": {
              "alias": "Visits",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "type": {
              "alias": "Form Type",
              "type": "drop",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1,
              "options": {
                "1": "Legacy Smart Form",
                "10": "Smart Form",
                "11": "ONTRAform"
            "date": {
              "alias": "Date Created",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 0
            "dlm": {
              "alias": "Date Modified",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 0
            "unique_fillouts": {
              "alias": "Conversion Rate",
              "type": "raw_percentage",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the field meta data for a SmartForm. If you want to retrieve meta for another form type, you should use the objects/meta endpoint with the appropriate object ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters


    Retrieve Form HTML

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "id"  => 4
    $response = $client->form()->retrieveFormHTML($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "<html>Insert HTML here</html>",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the HTML for a Form by its ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the form to retrieve HTML for.

    Retrieve all form blocks

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->form()->retrieveFormBlocks();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "lp1.0.96bbda26-83fa-10ae-dd9a-5381b1fbf3dd": "Form on landingpage",
        "f1": "Standalone form"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves name and ID pairs for all existing form blocks.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    page integer The zero-indexed page number. 50 entries are returned per page. Optional.

    Retrieve all blocks for form

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
      "name" => "myLandingPage"
    $response = $client->form()->retrieveBlocksByForm($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "block_ids": [
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves IDs for all form blocks in a specified form or landing page.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    name string The name of the form or landing page. Required.


    Object Type ID: 3

    Groups are a way of categorizing types of objects into specific segments based on some criteria.

    The group object

    Group attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    name string The group's name.
    is_public integer
    0 => Everyone can view and delete
    1 => Only owner can view and delete
    2 => Everyone can view, only owner can delete
    object_type_id integer The object's type id.
    writable boolean Whether the group can be edited or not.
    owner integer The user id of the owner of the group.
    conditions object The conditions that define the group
    id integer The group's id.

    Retrieve a specific group

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "id"  => 2
    $response = $client->group()->retrieveSingle($queryParams);

    Example Response:

        "name": "Clicked or Visited - Last 30 days",
        "is_public": "1",
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "writable": true,
        "owner": "1",
        "conditions": {
          "statement": [
              "rule": {
                "field": "dla",
                "condition": "h",
                "value": [
        "id": "2"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing Group.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The group's ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple groups

    curl -X GET ' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "sort"       => "type",
        "sortDir"    => "asc",
        "listFields" => "is_public"
    $response = $client->group()->retrieveMultiple($queryParams);

    Example Response:

        "code": 0,
        "data": [
                "id": "29",
                "name": "NewGrrrroup",
                "type": "0",
                "owner": "1",
                "listfields": "",
                "public_view": "2",
                "is_public": "1"
                "id": "30",
                "name": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
                "type": "0",
                "owner": "1",
                "listfields": "",
                "public_view": "0",
                "is_public": "1"
        "account_id": 50,
        "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of groups based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the groups to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all groups being selected.
    start integer The id to start your search after.
    range integer The number of groups you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which groups to select. For example, to return only groups that match a specific Object Type ID. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your group objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to native group fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your group object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve group collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "search"  => "Test"
    $response = $client->group()->retrieveCollectionInfo($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "cardViewSettings": {
          "fields": [
        "viewMode": [],
        "count": "14"
      "account_id": 50

    Retrieves information about a collection of groups, such as the number of groups that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which groups to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your group objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to native group fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon.

    Retrieve Group meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->group()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "3": {
          "name": "Group",
          "fields": {}
      "account_id": 50

    Retrieves the field meta data for a Group.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters


    Delete a specific group

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $queryParams = array(
        "id"  => 2
    $response = $client->group()->deleteSingle($queryParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": 50

    Deletes an existing Group.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The group's ID. Required.


    Object Type ID: 203

    Inboxes are a way to provide a container to organize your conversations. Each inbox can hold unique sets of conversations based off what Channel they are connected to or what conversations you moved in there yourself.

    The Inbox object

        "id": "1",
        "name": "Inbox",
        "default_assignee": "0",
        "is_default": "1",
        "date": 123456789,
        "dlm": 123456789

    Inbox attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The Inbox's ID
    name string The Inbox's name
    default_assignee integer The ID of the User you want to assign all Conversations in this inbox to
    is_default integer Whether the Inbox is the default Inbox for the account (0 or 1)
    date integer A unix timestamp of the date the Inbox was created
    dlm integer A unix timestamp of the date the Inbox was last modified

    Create a new Inbox

    curl -X POST -d 'name=My%20Inbox&default_assignee=1' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "My Inbox",
        "default_assignee": "1",
        "id": "2",
        "is_default": "0",
        "date": "123456789",
        "dlm": "123456789"
      "account_id": 123

    Creates a new Inbox


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    name string The Inbox's name. Required
    default_assignee integer The ID of the User who is assigned to Conversations in the Inbox Required

    Retrieve a specific Inbox

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "name": "Inbox",
        "default_assignee": "0",
        "is_default": "1",
        "date": "123456789",
        "dlm": "123456789"
      "account_id": 123

    Retrieves all the information for an existing Inbox. The only parameter needed is the ID for the Inbox which is returned in the response upon type creation.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The Inbox's ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple Inboxes

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "name": "Inbox",
          "default_assignee": "0",
          "is_default": "1",
          "date": "123456789",
          "dlm": "123456789"
          "id": "2",
          "name": "My Inbox",
          "default_assignee": "1",
          "is_default": "0",
          "date": "123456789",
          "dlm": "123456789"
      "account_id": 123,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a list of Inboxes based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all objects of specified type being selected.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.
    user_readable String A string that allows you to select between user readable info with 'CSV' and raw data with 'RAW'.

    Update an Inbox

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=2&name=New%20Inbox&default_assignee=1' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "attrs": {
          "id": "2",
          "name": "New Inbox",
          "is_default": "0",
          "dlm": "123456789",
      "account_id": 123

    Updates a specific Inbox with new field values


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Inbox to update. Required.
    name string The new name of the Inbox.
    default_assignee integer The ID of the User who you want to be the default inbox assignee.

    Delete a specific Inbox

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": 123

    Deletes a specific Inbox by its ID. All existing conversations will be reassigned to the default Inbox.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Inbox to delete. Required.

    Delete multiple Inboxes

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Deleted",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes multiple Inboxes. All existing conversations will be reassigned to the default Inbox. Use caution with this endpoint.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all objects of specified type being selected.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Inbox Channels

    Object Type ID: 205

    Inbox Channels are ways of setting up different modes of communication for your Inboxes. Each Channel has an associated communication method type (SMS or EMAIL) and a default routing inbox. Your default routing inbox is simply where all incoming channel messages will go to.

    You can query, create and delete channels. You can also edit their names.

    The Channel object

      "id": "1",
      "name": "My Channel",
      "channel_type": "sms",
      "sms_number": "1",
      "default_routing": "1",
      "date": 1712102457,
      "dlm": 1712102457

    Channel attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The Channel's ID.
    name string The Channel's name.
    channel_type string A string "sms" or "email" indicating the type of the Channel.
    sms_number integer The ID of the sms number assoicated with the Channel
    default_routing integer The ID of the Inbox you want to route all Channel messages
    date integer A unix timestamp of the date the Channel was created
    dlm integer A unix timestamp of the date the Channel was last modified

    Create a new Channel

    curl -X POST -d 'name=My%20Channel&sms_number=1&default_routing=1&channel_type=sms' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "My Channel",
        "channel_type": "sms",
        "sms_number": "1",
        "default_routing": "1",
        "id": "1",
        "date": 123456789,
        "dlm": 123456789
      "account_id": 123

    Creates a new Inbox Channel


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    name string The Channel's name. Required
    channel_type string A string "sms" or "email" indicating the type of the Channel. Required
    sms_number integer The ID of the sms number assoicated with the Channel Required
    default_routing integer The ID of the Inbox you want to route all Channel messages Required

    Retrieve a specific Channel

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "My Channel",
        "channel_type": "sms",
        "sms_number": "1",
        "default_routing": "1",
        "date": 123456789,
        "dlm": 123456789,
      "account_id": 123

    Retrieves all the information for an existing Inbox Channel. The only parameter needed is the ID for the Channel which is returned in the response upon type creation.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The Channel's ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple Channels

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "My Channel 1",
          "channel_type": "sms",
          "sms_number": "1",
          "default_routing": "1",
          "date": 123456789,
          "dlm": 123456789,
          "id": 2,
          "name": "My Channel 2",
          "channel_type": "sms",
          "sms_number": "2",
          "default_routing": "1",
          "date": 123456789,
          "dlm": 123456789,
      "account_id": 123,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a list of Inbox Channels based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all objects of specified type being selected.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.
    user_readable String A string that allows you to select between user readable info with 'CSV' and raw data with 'RAW'.

    Update a Channel

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=1&name=New' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "attrs": {
          "name": "New",
          "dlm": "123456789",
          "id": "1"
      "account_id": 60

    Updates a specific Channel with new field values (Currently only name updates supported)


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Channel to update. Required.
    name string The new name of the Channel. Required.

    Delete a specific Channel

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": 123

    Deletes a specific Inbox Channel by its ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Channel to delete. Required.

    Delete multiple Channels

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Deleted",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes multiple Channels. Use caution with this endpoint.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all objects of specified type being selected.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Inbox Conversations

    Object Type ID: 204

    Conversations are a way of organizing your communication with a contact. It provides a comprehensive view of all interactions between you and a contact across various methods (Emails, SMS, Automations, etc.). With the Conversations endpoint you are able to see all your Conversations, manage their status, view metadata, and edit the Conversations object itself to customize it to your needs.

    The Conversations object

        "id": "3",
        "owner": "1",
        "date": "123456789",
        "dla": "0",
        "dlm": "123456789",
        "system_source": "0",
        "source_location": null,
        "ip_addy": null,
        "ip_addy_display": null,
        "import_id": "0",
        "contact_cat": "",
        "bulk_mail": "1",
        "bulk_sms": "0",
        "bindex": "0",
        "profile_image": null,
        "title": "",
        "inbox_id": "1",
        "send_field": "sms_number",
        "channel_id": "1",
        "status": "0",
        "conversation_last_message_id": "3",
        "time_to_response": "0",
        "time_to_close": "0",
        "time_closed_log": "0",
        "sla_warning": "0",
        "is_spam": "0",
        "contact_id": "3",
        "time_since_last_inbound": "3",
        "time_since_last_outbound": "3",
        "channel_type": null,
        "last_inbound_message": "Hey! How is it going?",
        "last_outbound_message": "Hello. It's going great!",
        "last_inbound_date": "123456789",
        "last_outbound_date": "123456789",
        "last_outbound_user": "1",
        "last_message": "Hello. It's going great!",
        "last_message_direction": "2",
        "unique_id": "6YFS05O",
        "updateSequence": "",
        "updateCampaign": "",
        "is_read": 0,
        "last_read": 0,
        "draft": ""

    Conversations attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Conversation item
    owner integer The ID of the User that owns the conversation.
    date integer A unix timestamp of when the Conversation was created.
    dla integer A unix timestamp of when the Conversation last had activity.
    dlm intger A unix timestamp of when the Conversation was last modified.
    system_source string The source which the Coversation's Contact was added from.
    source_location string The location of the source which the Conversation was added from.
    ip_addy string Deprecated The IP address associated with the Coversation's Contact.
    ip_addy_display string The formatted IP address associated with the Coversation's Contact.
    import_id integer The ID of the import batch the Coversation's Contact was imported with, if any.
    contact_cat string Deprecated. The tags a Conversation is subscribed to. Each tag has an ID, and in this field the tags are appended together with the delimiter */*. A contact_cat entry containing multiple tags looks like this: */*1*/*2*/*3*/*. Tags are now related to Conversations in a separate tag subscriber object.
    bulk_mail integer A flag that indicates a Conversation Contact's bulk email status. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Transactional Only
    1 => Opted-in
    2 => Double opt-in
    -2 => Hard bounce
    -5 => Under review
    You can only set the value to 0 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a contact who has opted to receive only transactional mail.
    bulk_sms string A flag that indicates whether or not a Conversation Contact is opted in to receive bulk texts. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => Unconfirmed
    1 => Pending confirmation
    2 => Opted-in
    -1 => Hard bounced
    -3 => Unsubscribed
    -5 => Pending review
    You can only set the value to -3 through the API. You cannot manually opt-in a Contact who has opted out.
    bindex integer A system index field.
    profile_image string The profile image associated with the Conversation Contact.
    title string The title associated with the conversation; currently unspecified or not set.
    inbox_id integer The ID of the Inbox the Conversation is in.
    send_field string The type of send method being used for this Conversation (sms_number only supported method for now).
    channel_id integer The ID of the Channel associated with this Conversation.
    status integer The status of the Conversation (i.e. open or closed). Values are defined as follows:
    0 => Open
    1 => Closed
    conversation_last_message_id string The ID of the last Message within the Conversation.
    time_to_response integer The last time (in seconds) taken to respond to a Conversation.
    time_to_close integer The time (in seconds) taken to close a Conversation.
    time_closed_log integer A unix timestamp of when the Conversation was closed.
    sla_warning integer An user handled field with values indicating Conversation priority. Defined as follows:
    1 => Low
    2 => Medium
    3 => High
    4 => Urgent
    is_spam integer Indicates if the conversation is marked as spam. Values are defined as follows:
    0 => Not Spam
    1 => Spam
    contact_id integer The ID of the Contact associated with the Conversation.
    time_since_last_inbound integer The time (in seconds) since the last inbound message.
    time_since_last_outbound integer The time (in seconds) since the last outbound message.
    channel_type string A string "sms" or "email" indicating the type of the associated Channel.
    last_inbound_message string The content of the last inbound message.
    last_outbound_message string The content of the last outbound message.
    last_inbound_date integer A unix timestamp of when the last inbound message was received.
    last_outbound_date integer A unix timestamp of when the last outbound message was sent.
    last_outbound_user integer The ID of the User who sent the last outbound message.
    last_message string The content of the last message sent in the conversation.
    last_message_direction integer Indicates the direction of the last message sent (e.g., inbound (1) or outbound (2)).
    unique_id string A unique identifier for the Conversation.
    updateSequence string Deprecated. The sequences a Conversation is subscribed to. Each sequence has an ID, and in this field the sequences are appended together with the delimiter */*. An updateSequence entry containing multiple tags looks like this: */*1*/*2*/*3*/*. Sequences are now related to Conversations in a separate sequence subscribers object. If you want to subscribe a contact to a sequence please see the /objects/subscribe endpoint.
    updateCampaign string Deprecated. The campaigns a Conversation is subscribed to. Note: "campaign" throughout this doc is called "automation" throughout the Ontraport app. Each campaign has an ID, and in this field the campaigns are appended together with the delimiter */*. This field will appear in responses, but should not be updated. If you want to subscribe a Conversation to a campaign please see the /objects/subscribe endpoint.
    is_read integer Indicates if the last message has been read (1) or not (0).
    last_read integer The unix timestamp of when the last message was read.
    draft string The last saved draft message for the Conversation.

    Create a new Conversation

    curl -X POST -d 'contact_id=103&channel_id=11' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "contact_id": "103",
        "channel_id": "11",
        "send_field": "sms_number",
        "inbox_id": "1",
        "id": "104",
        "owner": "0",
        "date": "123456789",
        "dla": "0",
        "dlm": "123456789",
        "system_source": "3",
        "source_location": null,
        "ip_addy": null,
        "ip_addy_display": null,
        "import_id": "0",
        "contact_cat": "",
        "bulk_mail": "1",
        "bulk_sms": "0",
        "bindex": "0",
        "profile_image": null,
        "title": "",
        "status": "0",
        "conversation_last_message_id": "104",
        "time_to_response": "0",
        "time_to_close": "0",
        "time_closed_log": "0",
        "sla_warning": "0",
        "is_spam": "0",
        "conversation_id": null,
        "last_inbound_message": null,
        "last_outbound_message": null,
        "last_inbound_date": null,
        "last_outbound_date": null,
        "last_message_direction": null,
        "last_outbound_user": null,
        "last_message": null,
        "is_read": null,
        "last_read": null,
        "draft": null,
        "updateSequence": "",
        "updateCampaign": "",
        "unique_id": "6YER05O"
      "account_id": 123

    Creates a new Conversation


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    contact_id integer The ID of the Contact you want to start a Conversation with Required
    channel_id integer The ID of the Channel you want use for this Conversation Required

    Retrieve a specific Conversation

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "3",
        "owner": "1",
        "date": "123456789",
        "dla": "0",
        "dlm": "123456789",
        "system_source": "0",
        "source_location": null,
        "ip_addy": null,
        "ip_addy_display": null,
        "import_id": "0",
        "contact_cat": "",
        "bulk_mail": "1",
        "bulk_sms": "0",
        "bindex": "0",
        "profile_image": null,
        "title": "",
        "inbox_id": "1",
        "send_field": "sms_number",
        "channel_id": "1",
        "status": "0",
        "conversation_last_message_id": "3",
        "time_to_response": "0",
        "time_to_close": "0",
        "time_closed_log": "0",
        "sla_warning": "0",
        "is_spam": "0",
        "contact_id": "3",
        "time_since_last_inbound": "3",
        "time_since_last_outbound": "3",
        "channel_type": null,
        "last_inbound_message": "Hey! How is it going?",
        "last_outbound_message": "Hello. It's going great!",
        "last_inbound_date": "123456789",
        "last_outbound_date": "123456789",
        "last_outbound_user": "1",
        "last_message": "Hello. It's going great!",
        "last_message_direction": "2",
        "unique_id": "6YFS05O",
        "updateSequence": "",
        "updateCampaign": "",
        "is_read": 0,
        "last_read": 0,
        "draft": ""
        "account_id": 123

    Retrieves all the information for an existing Conversation. The only parameter needed is the ID for the Conversation which is returned in the response upon creation.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The Conversation's ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple Conversations

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
        "id": "1",
        "owner": "1",
        "date": "123456789",
        "dla": "0",
        "dlm": "123456789",
        "system_source": "0",
        "source_location": null,
        "ip_addy": null,
        "ip_addy_display": null,
        "import_id": "0",
        "contact_cat": "",
        "bulk_mail": "1",
        "bulk_sms": "0",
        "bindex": "0",
        "profile_image": null,
        "title": "",
        "inbox_id": "1",
        "send_field": "sms_number",
        "channel_id": "1",
        "status": "0",
        "conversation_last_message_id": "3",
        "time_to_response": "0",
        "time_to_close": "0",
        "time_closed_log": "0",
        "sla_warning": "0",
        "is_spam": "0",
        "contact_id": "3",
        "time_since_last_inbound": "3",
        "time_since_last_outbound": "3",
        "channel_type": null,
        "last_inbound_message": "Hey! How is it going?",
        "last_outbound_message": "Hello. It's going great!",
        "last_inbound_date": "123456789",
        "last_outbound_date": "123456789",
        "last_outbound_user": "1",
        "last_message": "Hello. It's going great!",
        "last_message_direction": "2",
        "unique_id": "6YFS05O",
        "updateSequence": "",
        "updateCampaign": "",
        "is_read": 0,
        "last_read": 0,
        "draft": ""
        "id": "2",
        "owner": "1",
        "date": "123456789",
        "dla": "0",
        "dlm": "123456789",
        "system_source": "0",
        "source_location": null,
        "ip_addy": null,
        "ip_addy_display": null,
        "import_id": "0",
        "contact_cat": "",
        "bulk_mail": "1",
        "bulk_sms": "0",
        "bindex": "0",
        "profile_image": null,
        "title": "",
        "inbox_id": "1",
        "send_field": "sms_number",
        "channel_id": "1",
        "status": "0",
        "conversation_last_message_id": "3",
        "time_to_response": "0",
        "time_to_close": "0",
        "time_closed_log": "0",
        "sla_warning": "0",
        "is_spam": "0",
        "contact_id": "12",
        "time_since_last_inbound": "3",
        "time_since_last_outbound": "3",
        "channel_type": null,
        "last_inbound_message": "I love this feature!",
        "last_outbound_message": "Yes. I love it too!!!",
        "last_inbound_date": "123456789",
        "last_outbound_date": "123456789",
        "last_outbound_user": "1",
        "last_message": "Yes. I love it too!!!",
        "last_message_direction": "2",
        "unique_id": "2YAS25O",
        "updateSequence": "",
        "updateCampaign": "",
        "is_read": 0,
        "last_read": 0,
        "draft": ""
      "account_id": 123,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a list of Conversations based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all objects of specified type being selected.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.
    user_readable String A string that allows you to select between user readable info with 'CSV' and raw data with 'RAW'.

    Retrieve Conversation messages

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "105",
        "date": "123456789",
        "max_date": "123456789",
        "hasNext": false,
        "hasPrev": false,
        "messages": [
            "id": "1222",
            "user_id": "0",
            "contact_id": "103",
            "item_id": "0",
            "merge_data": "{\"[ox_status_ovrr]\":\"1\"}",
            "vtype": "PLAIN",
            "status": "1",
            "type": "INSMS",
            "date": "123456789",
            "uid": "1222_INSMS_123456789",
            "object_type_id": "0",
            "topic": "Received SMS on SMS_+10987654321",
            "resource": "Hello how is it going!"
            "id": "1230",
            "user_id": "0",
            "contact_id": "105",
            "item_id": "0",
            "merge_data": "{\"[ox_status_ovrr]\":\"10\"}",
            "vtype": "PLAIN",
            "status": "10",
            "type": "CNVNEW",
            "date": "123456789",
            "uid": "1230_CNVNEW_123456789",
            "object_type_id": "204",
            "topic": "Conversation in channel My Channel started by Some User/My Contact at 12:00 pm on 01/01/2024",
            "resource": ""
        "count": 2
      "account_id": 123

    Retrieves messages and associated log events for a specified Conversation.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The Conversation's ID. Required.
    date integer The unix timestamp indicating the start date for messages.
    direction integer The direction to fetch from indicated date (0 back in time
    messaged_id integer A specific message ID to start from.

    Retrieve Conversation view counts

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "all_open": "101",
        "all_closed": "0",
        "all_spam": "0",
        "all_mine": "0",
        "my_open": "0",
        "my_closed": "0",
        "my_spam": "0",
        "unassigned": "101",
        "my_unread": "0",
        "all_unread": "99",
        "all": "101"
      "account_id": 123

    Retrieves a list of Conversations that are in each respective view category


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    inboxID integer The Inbox's ID. Required.

    Open a Conversation

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=102' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Success",
      "account_id": 123

    Sets a Conversation's status to open.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Conversation to update. Required.

    Close a Conversation

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=102' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Success",
      "account_id": 123

    Sets a Conversation's status to closed.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Conversation to update. Required.

    Mark a Conversation as read

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=102' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Success",
      "account_id": 123

    Marks a Conversation as read.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Conversation to update. Required.

    Mark a Conversation as unread

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=102' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Success",
      "account_id": 123

    Marks a Conversation as unread.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Conversation to update. Required.

    Mark a Conversation as spam

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=102' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Success",
      "account_id": 123

    Marks a Conversation as spam.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Conversation to update. Required.

    Mark a Conversation as not spam

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=102' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Success",
      "account_id": 123

    Marks a Conversation as not spam.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Conversation to update. Required.

    Delete a specific Conversation

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": 123

    Deletes a specific Conversation by its ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Conversation to delete. Required.

    Delete multiple Conversations

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Deleted",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes multiple Conversations. Use caution with this endpoint.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all objects of specified type being selected.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Inbox Spam Conversations

    Object Type ID: 206

    The SpamConversations endpoint is a way to access your Inbox Spam Blocklist. This collection contains any conversations you marked as spam. To mark a Conversation as spam, you need to use the Conversations endpoint.

    The Spam Conversation object

        "id": "1",
        "conversation_id": "2",
        "marked_by": "1",
        "marked_date": 123456789

    Spam Conversation attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The ID of the Spam Conversation item
    conversation_id integer The ID of the associated Conversation item
    marked_by integer The ID of the User who marked the Conversation as Spam
    marked_date integer A unix timestamp of the date the Conversation was marked as spam

    Retrieve a specific Spam Conversation

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "conversation_id": "2",
        "marked_by": "1",
        "marked_date": "123456789"
      "account_id": 123

    Retrieves all the information for an existing Spam Conversation. The only parameter needed is the ID for the Spam Conversation which is returned in the response upon type creation.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The Spam Conversation's ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple Spam Conversations

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "conversation_id": "2",
          "marked_by": "1",
          "marked_date": "123456789"
          "id": "3",
          "conversation_id": "1",
          "marked_by": "1",
          "marked_date": "123456789"
      "account_id": 123,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a list of Spam Conversations based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the objects to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all objects of specified type being selected.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of objects you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not object notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.
    user_readable String A string that allows you to select between user readable info with 'CSV' and raw data with 'RAW'.

    Delete a set of Spam Conversations from the list

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    Coming soon!

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Success",
      "account_id": 123

    Removes a set of Spam Conversations from the list. This means they will be reinstated as NOT spam and will return to their respective Inboxes.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string A comma delimitted array of the spam blocklist item ids to remove. Required.

    Landing Pages

    Object Type ID: 20

    Landing page objects contain the data for one-off web pages a prospect can land on after clicking on an online marketing call-to-action.

    We support professionally designed ONTRApage templates as well as redirects to other landing pages, "code mode" and legacy HTML pages.

    Through the API, you can retrieve one or more landing pages and retrieve the hosted URL for a specific landing page. You can also retrieve meta for a landing page object to obtain more detailed information about its attributes and retrieve information about a collection of landing pages.

    The landing page object

        "id": "1",
        "uri_id": null,
        "resource": "[{\"templateId\":84,\"status\":true,\"blocks\":[{\"alias\":\"Banner\",\"blockId\":\"20\",\"blockTypeId\":3,\"id\":\"527f664f-a6a4-8e9d-634e-26c041d2bee5\",\"path\":\"\\/js\\/ontraport\\/opt_assets\\/blocks\\/landing_page\\/20_event_banner\\/\",\"scripts\":\" \\/*block scripts*\\/\",\"theme\":{\"color_variation\":\"option-4\"},\"userDefinedData\":[{\"id\":\"header-1\",\"type\":\"html\",\"for\":null,\"tag\":\"DIV\",\"attrs\":{\"html\":\"<span class=\\\"h1\\\">COMING SOON<\\/span>\",\"visibility\":\"visible\",\"options\":false,\"help\":false,\"alias\":\"Header\"}},{\"id\":\"subHeader-1\",\"type\":\"html\",\"for\":null,\"tag\":\"DIV\",\"attrs\":{\"html\":\"<span class=\\\"  opt-palette-editor__text-area h2   h2 h2\\\">Yes you're on the right page, but its not quite ready.<\\/span>\",\"visibility\":\"visible\",\"options\":false,\"help\":false,\"alias\":\"Sub-Header\"}},{\"id\":\"header-group\",\"type\":\"group\",\"for\":null,\"tag\":\"DIV\",\"attrs\":{\"alias\":\"header group\",\"visibility\":\"visible\"}},{\"id\":\"logo-1\",\"type\":\"image\",\"for\":null,\"tag\":\"IMG\",\"attrs\":{\"src\":\"\\/\\/\\/opt_assets\\/blocks\\/common\\/stockPhoto\\/84\\/29694.1.47135abcc7e84179f73c77f9e8f8af1b.PNG\",\"options\":false,\"visibility\":\"visible\",\"alias\":\"Logo\"}},{\"id\":\"block-background\",\"type\":\"background\",\"for\":null,\"tag\":\"DIV\",\"attrs\":{\"bg\":\"transparent\",\"options\":false,\"alias\":\"block background\",\"src\":\"\\/js\\/ontraport\\/components\\/opt_palette_editor\\/image\\/views\\/noimage.png\"}},{\"id\":\"tagline-1\",\"type\":\"html\",\"for\":null,\"tag\":\"H3\",\"attrs\":{\"html\":\" JOIN OUR LIVE WEBINAR \",\"visibility\":\"hidden\",\"options\":false,\"help\":false,\"alias\":\"Tagline\"}},{\"id\":\"date-1\",\"type\":\"html\",\"for\":null,\"tag\":\"H1\",\"attrs\":{\"html\":\" DECEMBER 25, 2015 \\/\\/ 1:00PM PST 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        "design_type": "3",
        "name": "Welcome",
        "seo_settings": "[{},{},{},{}]",
        "rotation": "0",
        "last_save": "0",
        "last_auto": "0",
        "autosave": "",
        "visits_0": "0",
        "visits_1": "0",
        "visits_2": "0",
        "visits_3": "0",
        "platform": "0",
        "unique_visits_0": "0",
        "unique_visits_1": "0",
        "unique_visits_2": "0",
        "unique_visits_3": "0",
        "convert_0": "0",
        "convert_1": "0",
        "convert_2": "0",
        "convert_3": "0",
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        "unique_convert_1": "0",
        "unique_convert_2": "0",
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    Landing page attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The landing page's ID.
    uri_id integer The hosted URL's ID.
    resource blob JSON encoded data containing the entire structure of the landing page.
    design_type integer The landing page's design type. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => HTML
    1 => Code Mode
    2 => Redirect
    3 => ONTRApages
    name string The landing page's name.
    seo_settings string The landing page's settings for search engine optimization. A JSON array with four indices that correspond to split test A, B, C, and D to store the page's title, meta description, and whether or not to disable search engines from indexing the landing page.
    rotation integer If using split testing, the ID of the next split test in line for rotation.
    last_save timestamp The time and date the landing page was last manually saved.
    last_auto timestamp The time and date the landing page was last automatically saved.
    autosave longtext The content of the last autosaved data.
    visits_0 integer The count of visits for split test A.
    visits_1 integer The count of visits for split test B.
    visits_2 integer The count of visits for split test C.
    visits_3 integer The count of visits for split test D.
    unique_visits_0 integer The count of unique user visits per session for split test A.
    unique_visits_1 integer The count of unique user visits per session for split test B.
    unique_visits_2 integer The count of unique user visits per session for split test C.
    unique_visits_3 integer The count of unique user visits per session for split test D.
    convert_0 integer The number of contacts that opted in from a selected landing page or submitted a form in split test A
    convert_1 integer The number of contacts that opted in from a selected landing page or submitted a form in split test B
    convert_2 integer The number of contacts that opted in from a selected landing page or submitted a form in split test C
    convert_3 integer The number of contacts that opted in from a selected landing page or submitted a form in split test D
    unique_convert_0 integer The percentage of contacts that opted in during a unique session divided by the number of unique visits for split test A.
    unique_convert_1 integer The percentage of contacts that opted in during a unique session divided by the number of unique visits for split test B.
    unique_convert_2 integer The percentage of contacts that opted in during a unique session divided by the number of unique visits for split test C.
    unique_convert_3 integer The percentage of contacts that opted in during a unique session divided by the number of unique visits for split test D.
    domain string The URL where the landing page is hosted.
    ssl_enabled integer A flag designating whether or not ssl certification is enabled. Values can be 0 or 1.
    date timestamp The date and time the landing page was created measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch. Note that this field will not contain data for any forms created prior to November 7, 2017.
    dlm timestamp The data and time the landing page was last modified measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.

    Retrieve a specific landing page

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->landingpage()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "uri_id": null,
        "resource": "[{\"templateId\":84,\"status\":true,\"blocks\":[{\"alias\":\"Banner\",\"blockId\":\"20\",\"blockTypeId\":3,\"id\":\"527f664f-a6a4-8e9d-634e-26c041d2bee5\",\"path\":\"\\/js\\/ontraport\\/opt_assets\\/blocks\\/landing_page\\/20_event_banner\\/\",\"scripts\":\" \\/*block scripts*\\/\",\"theme\":{\"color_variation\":\"option-4\"},\"userDefinedData\":[{\"id\":\"header-1\",\"type\":\"html\",\"for\":null,\"tag\":\"DIV\",\"attrs\":{\"html\":\"<span class=\\\"h1\\\">COMING SOON<\\/span>\",\"visibility\":\"visible\",\"options\":false,\"help\":false,\"alias\":\"Header\"}},{\"id\":\"subHeader-1\",\"type\":\"html\",\"for\":null,\"tag\":\"DIV\",\"attrs\":{\"html\":\"<span class=\\\"  opt-palette-editor__text-area h2   h2 h2\\\">Yes you're on the right page, but its not quite ready.<\\/span>\",\"visibility\":\"visible\",\"options\":false,\"help\":false,\"alias\":\"Sub-Header\"}},{\"id\":\"header-group\",\"type\":\"group\",\"for\":null,\"tag\":\"DIV\",\"attrs\":{\"alias\":\"header 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        "design_type": "3",
        "name": "Welcome",
        "seo_settings": "[{},{},{},{}]",
        "rotation": "0",
        "last_save": "0",
        "last_auto": "0",
        "autosave": "",
        "visits_0": "0",
        "visits_1": "0",
        "visits_2": "0",
        "visits_3": "0",
        "unique_visits_0": "0",
        "unique_visits_1": "0",
        "unique_visits_2": "0",
        "unique_visits_3": "0",
        "convert_0": "0",
        "convert_1": "0",
        "convert_2": "0",
        "convert_3": "0",
        "unique_convert_0": "0",
        "unique_convert_1": "0",
        "unique_convert_2": "0",
        "unique_convert_3": "0",
        "platform": "0",
        "domain": null,
        "ssl_enabled": "0",
        "date": "1510704945",
        "dlm": "1510704945"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing landing page.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The landing page ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple landing pages

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "sort"       => "name",
        "sortDir"    => "asc",
        "listFields" => "id,name"
    $response = $client->landingpage()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "2",
          "name": "Thank You"
          "id": "1",
          "name": "Welcome"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of landing pages based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string A comma separated list of the IDs of the landing pages you wish to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all landing pages being selected.
    start integer The offset to start your search from.
    range integer The number of landing pages to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which objects you wish to bring back. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your landing page objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other landing page fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your landing page object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A comma separated list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve landing page meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->landingpage()->retrieveMeta();

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "20": {
          "name": "LandingPage",
          "fields": {
            "name": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "text"
            "domain": {
              "alias": "Domain",
              "type": "text"
            "visits": {
              "alias": "Visits",
              "type": "mergefield"
            "conversions": {
              "alias": "Conversions",
              "type": "mergefield"
            "design_type": {
              "alias": "Type",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "0": "Code Mode",
                "1": "Legacy Pages",
                "2": "Redirect",
                "3": "ONTRAPAGES"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the field meta data for the landing page object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters


    Retrieve landing page collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search"     => "Welcome"
    $response = $client->landingpage()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "count": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves information about a collection of landing pages, such as the number of landing pages that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which landing pages to bring back. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your landing page objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to landing page object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Retrieve hosted URL

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id"     => 1
    $response = $client->landingpage()->getHostedURL($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the hosted URL for a landing page by its ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The landing page ID.


    Object Type ID: 7

    Message objects contain data for all of the messages in an account. Supported message types include ONTRAmail, legacy HTML emails, SMS, task messages, and postcards. All of these types can be retrieved through the API, and all but postcards can be created and updated. When modifying message content, pay close attention to the format required to avoid unexpected results.

    The message object

        "id": "3",
        "alias": "Test EMail",
        "type": "e-mail",
        "last_save": "0",
        "last_auto": "0",
        "autosave": "",
        "date": "1502832565",
        "mcsent": "0",
        "mcopened": "0",
        "mcclicked": "0",
        "mcabuse": "0",
        "mcunsub": "0",
        "spam_score": "4.4",
        "subject": "Hi, [First Name]!",
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "dlm": "1510704661",
        "transactional_email": "0",
        "json_data": "",
        "owner": "1",
        "from": "owner",
        "message_body": "<p>Dear&nbsp;[First Name],</p>\n\n<p>This is the message body.</p>\n\n<p>&nbsp;</p>",
        "send_out_name": "",
        "reply_to_email": "Contact owner email",
        "plaintext": "",
        "send_from": "",
        "send_to": "email",
        "word_wrap_checkbox": "0",
        "utm_tracking": "0"

    Message attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The message ID.
    alias string The message name.
    type string The message type. Types names map as follows:
    e-mail => legacy email
    template => ONTRAmail
    sms => text message
    task => task messages
    postcard => postcard
    last_save timestamp The last time the message was deliberately saved measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    last_auto timestamp The last time the message was automatically saved measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    autosave string The content of the last autosave.
    date timestamp The date the message was created measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    mcsent integer The number of times the message has been sent.
    mcopened integer The rate of messages that have been opened versus sent, represented as a percentage.
    mcclicked integer The rate of clickthroughs in opened messages, represented as a percentage.
    mcabuse integer The rate of complaints about sent messages, represented as a percentage.
    mcunsub integer The rate of opt-outs on this message, represented as a percentage.
    spam_score float The SpamAssassin spam score of the message. The lower the score, the better the rating. Messages with a spam score of 5 or higher will not be sent.
    subject string The email subject line.
    object_type_id integer The ID of the object type associated with the message. The default is 0 for contact objects. This field should only be changed if you are using custom objects.
    dlm timestamp The data and time the message was last modified measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    transactional_email integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this message is transactional email. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => false
    1 => true
    Transactional email is NOT marketing email. It is email that delivers a product, an invoice, a request for payment for a purchase already made, or other messaging having to do with an existing client relationship. It is not to promote new stuff to an existing client. When you set this flag to 1, the email will be sent even if a contact has already unsubscribed. Because of this, if you send it to someone who isn’t a client and who has unsubscribed, you will be breaking CAN-SPAM and other anti-spam laws. This is your responsibility. In addition, Ontraport can and will suspend your account should we discover marketing messages in emails that you have marked as Transactional Emails.
    json_data longtext The content of an ONTRAmail message.
    owner integer The ID of the user having ownership of the message.
    from string Who the message will be sent from. Options are owner, custom, or the desired user ID.
    message_body string For legacy emails only, the HTML content of the message.
    send_out_name string If the from field is set to custom, the name the message should come from.
    reply_to_email string The "reply to" email address.
    plaintext string For email messages, the plain text version of your email. For SMS messages, the content to be sent.
    send_from string Emails are automatically sent from your default email address. If you would like to send from another email address, this field can contain any validated email address.
    send_to string Used only with custom objects and SMS messages. In custom objects, you can use this field to send to another email in a parent/child relationship. For example, you could send to a related child object instead of the contact's default email address. The field is stored in the format {related_field}//{child_field}, where related_field is the parent field relating one object to another and child_field is the actual email field in the related object you would like to send to. For SMS messages, this field defaults to sms_number.
    word_wrap_checkbox integer A binary flag indicating whether or not long lines are being wrapped.
    utm_tracking integer A binary flag indicating whether or not the message contains UTM tracking information.

    Create a message

    curl -X POST -d 'alias=Test%20Legacy%20Email&subject=Hi%2C%20%5BFirst%20Name%5D&type=e-mail&object_type_id=0&from=owner&send_out_name=owner&reply_to_email=Contact%20owner%20email&send_to=email&message_body=Sample%20message%20body' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "alias" => "Test Legacy Email",
        "subject" => "Hi, [First Name]",
        "type" => "e-mail",
        "object_type_id" => 0,
        "from" => "owner",
        "send_out_name" => "owner",
        "reply_to_email" => "Contact owner email",
        "message_body" => "Sample message body"
    $response = $client->message()->create($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": 4,
        "date": "1502837435"
      "account_id": "12345"

    This endpoint will add a new message of designated type to your database.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    alias string The message name.
    type string The message type. Types names map as follows:
    e-mail => legacy email
    template => ONTRAmail
    sms => text message
    task => task messages
    Postcard messages can be retrieved but not created through the API.
    transactional_email integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this message is transactional email. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => false
    1 => true
    Transactional email is NOT marketing email. It is email that delivers a product, an invoice, a request for payment for a purchase already made, or other messaging having to do with an existing client relationship. It is not to promote new stuff to an existing client. When you set this flag to 1, the email will be sent even if a contact has already unsubscribed. Because of this, if you send it to someone who isn’t a client and who has unsubscribed, you will be breaking CAN-SPAM and other anti-spam laws. This is your responsibility. In addition, Ontraport can and will suspend your account should we discover marketing messages in emails that you have marked as Transactional Emails.
    subject string The email subject line.
    object_type_id integer The ID of the object type associated with the message. The default is 0 for contact objects. This field should only be changed if you are using custom objects.
    from string Who the message will be sent from. Options are owner, custom, or the desired user ID.
    send_out_name string If the from field is set to custom, the name the message should come from.
    reply_to_email string The "reply to" email address.
    plaintext string For email messages, the plain text version of your email. For SMS messages, the content to be sent.
    send_from string Emails are automatically sent from your default email address. If you would like to send from another email address, this field can contain any validated email address.
    send_to string Used only with custom objects and SMS messages. In custom objects, you can use this field to send to another email in a parent/child relationship. For example, you could send to a related child object instead of the contact's default email address. The field is stored in the format {related_field}//{child_field}, where related_field is the parent field relating one object to another and child_field is the actual email field in the related object you would like to send to. For SMS messages, this field defaults to sms_number.
    message_body string For legacy emails only; the HTML content of the message.
    resource string For ONTRAmail messages only; the content of the message. Note that this can be extremely complex, so you should start by inspecting the resource that is sent when saving a message from inside the app. For SMS messages, use the plaintext field for content.
    task_data string For task messages only; the content of the message.
    due_date string For task messages only; the number of days after assignment the task will be due.
    task_owner integer The ID of the staff user having ownership of the task.
    task_form integer The ID of the form to be filled out upon task completion. The form must already exist and cannot be created with this endpoint.
    utm_tracking integer A binary flag indicating whether or not the message contains UTM tracking information.

    Update a message

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=4&alias=New%20Name' '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => "1",
        "alias" => "New Name"
    $response = $client->message()->update($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "4",
        "date": "1502837435"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Updates an existing message with given data. The ID of the message to update is required. The other fields should only be used if you want to change the existing value.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The message ID. Required.
    alias string The message name.
    type string The message type. Types names map as follows:
    e-mail => legacy email
    template => ONTRAmail
    sms => text message
    task => task messages
    Postcard messages can be retrieved but not created through the API.
    transactional_email integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not this message is transactional email. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => false
    1 => true
    Transactional email is NOT marketing email. It is email that delivers a product, an invoice, a request for payment for a purchase already made, or other messaging having to do with an existing client relationship. It is not to promote new stuff to an existing client. When you set this flag to 1, the email will be sent even if a contact has already unsubscribed. Because of this, if you send it to someone who isn’t a client and who has unsubscribed, you will be breaking CAN-SPAM and other anti-spam laws. This is your responsibility. In addition, Ontraport can and will suspend your account should we discover marketing messages in emails that you have marked as Transactional Emails.
    subject string The email subject line.
    object_type_id integer The ID of the object type associated with the message. The default is 0 for contact objects. This field should only be changed if you are using custom objects.
    from string Who the message will be sent from. Options are owner, custom, or the desired user ID.
    send_out_name string If the from field is set to custom, the name the message should come from.
    reply_to_email string The "reply to" email address.
    plaintext string For email messages, the plain text version of your email. For SMS messages, the content to be sent.
    send_from string Emails are automatically sent from your default email address. If you would like to send from another email address, this field can contain any validated email address.
    send_to string Used only with custom objects and SMS messages. In custom objects, you can use this field to send to another email in a parent/child relationship. For example, you could send to a related child object instead of the contact's default email address. The field is stored in the format {related_field}//{child_field}, where related_field is the parent field relating one object to another and child_field is the actual email field in the related object you would like to send to. For SMS messages, this field defaults to sms_number.
    message_body string For legacy emails only; the HTML content of the message.
    resource string For ONTRAmail messages only; the content of the message. Note that this can be extremely complex, so you should start by inspecting the resource that is sent when saving a message from inside the app. For SMS messages, use the plaintext field for content.
    task_data string For task messages only; the content of the message.
    due_date string For task messages only; the number of days after assignment the task will be due.
    task_owner integer The ID of the staff user having ownership of the task.
    task_form integer The ID of the form to be filled out upon task completion. The form must already exist and cannot be created with this endpoint.

    Retrieve a specific message

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->message()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "alias": "Test Task",
        "type": "Task",
        "last_save": "0",
        "last_auto": "0",
        "autosave": "",
        "date": "1502823002",
        "mcsent": "0",
        "mcopened": "0",
        "mcclicked": "0",
        "mcabuse": "0",
        "mcunsub": "0",
        "spam_score": "",
        "subject": "Do this",
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "dlm": "1510704661",
        "owner": "1",
        "topic": "Do this",
        "due_date": "5",
        "task_data": "[First Name], get cracking!",
        "task_notification": "",
        "task_form": "",
        "task_owner": "0",
        "task_notification_checkbox": "0"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing message.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The message ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple messages

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids" => "1,2,3",
        "listFields" => "id,alias,type"
    $response = $client->message()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "alias": "Test Task",
          "type": "Task"
          "id": "2",
          "alias": "ONTRAmail",
          "type": "Template"
          "id": "3",
          "alias": "Test EMail",
          "type": "e-mail"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of messages based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Retrieve message meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->message()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "7": {
          "name": "Message",
          "fields": {
            "alias": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "name": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "mergefield",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "subject": {
              "alias": "Subject",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "spam_score": {
              "alias": "Spam Score",
              "type": "",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "type": {
              "alias": "Type",
              "type": "drop",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1,
              "options": {
                "e-mail": "Email",
                "e-mail transactional": "Email (Transactional)",
                "Task": "Task",
                "sms": "SMS",
                "Postcard": "Postcard",
                "[\"e-mail\",\"Template\"]": "Email/ONTRAmail",
                "Template": "ONTRAmail",
                "template transactional": "ONTRAmail (Transactional)"
            "mcsent": {
              "alias": "Sent",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "mcopened": {
              "alias": "Opened",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "mcclicked": {
              "alias": "Clicked",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "mcabuse": {
              "alias": "Complaints",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "mcunsub": {
              "alias": "Opt Outs",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "date": {
              "alias": "Date Created",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "mcnotopened": {
              "alias": "Not Opened",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "mcnotclicked": {
              "alias": "Not Clicked",
              "type": "percentage",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "dlm": {
              "alias": "Date Modified",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 0
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the field meta data for the message object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Retrieve message collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $conditions = new OntraportAPI\Criteria("type", "=", "email");
    $requestParams = array(
        "condition" => $conditions->fromArray()
    $response = $client->message()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "count": "4"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves information about a collection of messages, such as the number of messages that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which messages you wish to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other object fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.


    Object Type ID: 65

    Offer objects allow you to save the details of products, quantities, and prices of frequently used transactions as offers for rapid processing with other Contacts.

    Through the offers API, you can create, retrieve, and update offers. You can also retrieve meta for an offer object to obtain more detailed information about its attributes and retrieve information about a collection of offers.

    Offers can be associated with many other objects such as transactions and products. You can access additional functionality for adding offers to transactions and adding products to offers using the transaction API and the product API.

    The offer object

      "id": "1",
      "name": null,
      "public": "1",
      "data": "{\"products\":[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"product\",\"quantity\":1,\"shipping\":true,\"tax\":true,\"type\":\"subscription\",\"price\":[{\"price\":10,\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"week\"}],\"product_type\":null}],\"send_recurring_invoice\":false,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\":false,\"shipping\":{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"ship\"},\"hasShipping\":true,\"taxes\":[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"tax\",\"taxShipping\":false,\"rate\":\"7.00\"}],\"hasTaxes\":true,\"invoice_template\":1}"
    Attributes Type Description
    id integer The offer's ID.
    name string The offer's name.
    public integer A flag that indicates an offer as accessible for processing manual transactions.
    0 => Not Accessible
    1 => Accessible
    data string A json encoded string containing an offer's data.

    Retrieve a specific offer

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->offer()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "data": "{\"products\": [{\"quantity\": 2,\"shipping\": false,\"tax\": false,\"price\": [{\"price\": \"2.99\",\"payment_count\": 1,\"unit\": \"month\"}],\"type\": \"single\",\"name\": \"product\",\"id\": \"6\"}],\"taxes\": [],\"shipping\": null,\"invoice_template\": 1,\"hasTaxes\": false,\"hasShipping\": false,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\": false,\"name\": \"New Offer\"}",
        "name": "New Offer",
        "public": 1,
        "id": 1,
        "owner": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing offer. The only parameter needed is the ID for the offer which is returned in the response upon offer creation.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Key: Key5678

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The offer ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple offers

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search" => "offer"
    $response = $client->offer()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "2",
          "name": "New Offer",
          "public": "1",
          "data": "{\"products\":[{\"quantity\":2,\"minQuantity\":1,\"maxQuantity\":99,\"total\":\"5.98\",\"shipping\":false,\"tax\":false,\"price\":[{\"price\":\"2.99\",\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"month\",\"id\":723719844393}],\"type\":\"single\",\"quantityEditable\":false,\"index\":0,\"name\":\"product\",\"id\":\"6\",\"uid\":\"cfd02247-0c28-6262-f8be-9e44ec8a299a\"}],\"taxes\":[],\"paymentmethods\":[],\"shipping\":null,\"delay\":0,\"invoice_template\":1,\"subTotal\":5.98,\"grandTotal\":5.98,\"hasTaxes\":false,\"hasShipping\":false,\"paypalValid\":true,\"offerCoupon\":false,\"coupon\":null,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\":false,\"resorted\":null,\"name\":\"New Offer\"}"
          "id": "3",
          "name": "Awesome Offer",
          "public": "1",
          "data": "{\"products\": [{\"quantity\": 2,\"minQuantity\": 1,\"maxQuantity\": 99,\"total\": \"5.98\",\"shipping\": false,\"tax\": false,\"price\": [{\"price\": \"2.99\",\"payment_count\": 1,\"unit\": \"month\",\"id\": 723719844393}],\"type\": \"single\",\"quantityEditable\": false,\"index\": 0,\"name\": \"product\",\"id\": \"6\",\"uid\": \"cfd02247-0c28-6262-f8be-9e44ec8a299a\"}],\"taxes\": [],\"paymentmethods\": [],\"shipping\": null,\"delay\": 0,\"invoice_template\": 1,\"subTotal\": 5.98,\"grandTotal\": 5.98,\"hasTaxes\": false,\"hasShipping\": false,\"paypalValid\": true,\"offerCoupon\": false,\"coupon\": null,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\": false,\"resorted\": null,\"name\": \"Awesome Offer\"}"
          "id": "6",
          "name": "Intro Offer",
          "public": "1",
          "data": "{\"products\": [{\"quantity\": 2,\"shipping\": false,\"tax\": false,\"price\": [{\"price\": \"2.99\",\"payment_count\": 1,\"unit\": \"month\"}],\"type\": \"single\",\"name\": \"product\",\"id\": \"6\"}],\"taxes\": [],\"shipping\": null,\"invoice_template\": 1,\"hasTaxes\": false,\"hasShipping\": false,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\": false,\"name\": \"Intro Offer\"}"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": [],
      "search": "offer"

    Retrieves a collection of offers based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Key: Key5678

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the offers to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all offers being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of offers you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which offers to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your offer objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not offer notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other offer fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your offer object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Build an offer

    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Transaction as Transaction;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Offer as Offer;
    $client = new Client("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");    
    // Create a new Offer
    $offer = new Offer("Tater Tot Diet");
    $tater_tots = new Product("tater tots", 2.00, 1);
    $offer->addProduct($tater_tots, 2, true, true);
    $offer->addSubscription(1, Offer::WEEK, 2.00);
    $offer->addTax(1, 5.00);
    $offer->setShipping(1, 1.00);
    $requestParams = $offer->toRequestParams();
    // Update an existing offer
    $old_offer = $client->offer()->retrieveSingle(array("id" => 3));
    $data = json_decode($old_offer, true);
    // Create a offer object with old offer data
    $offer = Offer::CreateFromResponse($data["data"]);
    // Make modifications
    $ice_cream = new Product("ice cream", 3.00, 4);
    $offer->addProduct($ice_cream, 1, true, true);
    $offer->addSubscription(4, Offer::MONTH);
    $offer->setName("Healthy Diet");
    $requestParams = $offer->toRequestParams();

    We have provided you with an Offer model in our SDK that helps simplify the formatting process in building a correct valid offer.

    You can build an offer with the help of the Offer and Transaction models in our SDK or build your own request parameter array to create or update an offer. However, the correct formatting of valid offer data will be the user's responsibility to ensure.


    Function Description
    addProduct Add a product to the transaction.
    addTrial Add a trial to a product in the transaction.
    addSubscription Add a subscription to a product in the transaction. Note that both a subscription and a payment plan can not be applied to the same product.
    addPaymentPlan Add a payment plan to a product in the transaction. Note that both a subscription and a payment plan can not be applied to the same product.
    deleteProduct Delete a product in the transaction.
    deleteTrial Delete a trial in a product.
    deleteSubscription Delete a subscription in a product.
    deletePaymentPlan Delete a payment plan in a product.
    addTax Add a tax to the transaction.
    deleteTax Delete a tax from the transaction.
    setShipping Set the shipping information for the transaction.
    setInvoiceTemplate Set the invoice template to use for the transaction.
    sendRecurringInvoice Send recurring invoices for each reoccurring order.
    chargeShippingForReoccurringOrders Charge shipping for reoccurring orders.
    setName Sets the name for the Offer object.
    toRequestParams Converts the Offer object to an array to be used as request parameters.
    CreateFromResponse Converts an array of offer data into an Offer object.

    addProduct(product, quantity, shipping, taxable)

    Users will need to instaniate a new Product object from the Product model to add a product into the offer. If the product to be added into the offer has a price that differs from the original listed product price, the change to the price will need to be done using the Product model before passing it into the product parameter in this function call.

    Example calls using the Product object defined by the variable $product:

    addProduct($product, 2);
    addProduct($product, 2, false, true);

    Parameter Type Description
    product Product The Product object containing the data of an existing product on the account.
    quantity integer The quantity of the product to add to the transaction.
    shipping boolean Whether or not to add the product to shipping slip.
    (Optional. Defaults to false)
    taxable boolean Whether or not the product is included into tax calculations.
    (Optional. Defaults to false)

    addTrial(product ID, price, payment count, unit)

    Parameter Type Description
    product ID integer The ID of the product to apply the trial to.
    price double The price of the trial.
    payment count integer The number of unit that apply to the duration of the trial.
    unit constant The time duration of the trial.

    addSubscription(product ID, unit, price)

    Parameter Type Description
    product ID integer The ID of the product to apply the subscription to.
    unit constant The time duration between each reoccurring payment for the product.
    price double The price of the product for this subscription. May be omitted if price for product is defined in other array for the product, otherwise, must be included.

    addPaymentPlan(product ID, price, payment count, unit)

    Parameter Type Description
    product ID integer The ID of the product to apply the payment plan to.
    price double The amount to be paid for each reoccurring payment.
    payment count integer The number of unit that apply to the duration of the payment plan.
    unit constant The time duration between each reoccurring payment for the product.

    deleteTrial(product ID), deleteSubscription(product ID), deletePaymentPlan(product ID), deleteProduct(product ID)

    Parameter Type Description
    product ID integer The ID of the product associated with the delete operation.

    addTax(tax ID, rate, tax shipping, name)

    Parameter Type Description
    tax ID integer The ID of the tax to apply to the transaction.
    rate double The rate of the tax.
    tax shipping boolean Whether or not to include the costs of shipping in this tax calculation.
    name string The name of the tax. (Optional. Defaults to "Tax")

    deleteTax(tax ID)

    Parameter Type Description
    tax ID integer The ID of the tax to delete from the transaction.

    setShipping(shipping ID, price, name)

    Parameter Type Description
    shipping ID integer The ID of the shipping to apply to the transaction.
    price double The cost of the shipping.
    name string The name of the shipping. (Optional. Defaults to "Shipping")

    setInvoiceTemplate(Invoice Template ID)

    Parameter Type Description
    Invoice Template ID integer The ID of the invoice template to use in this transaction. To suppress invoices, set this to SUPPRESS.


    Parameter Constants
    unit DAY => "day"
    WEEK => "week"
    MONTH => "month"
    QUARTER => "quarter"
    YEAR => "year"
    Invoice Template ID SUPPRESS => -1

    Create an offer

     curl -X POST -d '{"data": "{\"products\": [{\"quantity\": 2,\"shipping\": false,\"tax\": false,\"price\": [{\"price\": \"2.99\",\"payment_count\": 1,\"unit\": \"month\"}],\"type\": \"single\",\"name\": \"product\",\"id\": \"6\"}],\"taxes\": [],\"shipping\": null,\"invoice_template\": 1,\"hasTaxes\": false,\"hasShipping\": false,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\": false,\"name\": \"New Offer\"}", "name": "New Offer", "public": 1}' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Offer as Offer;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    // Building your own request parameter array to create a new offer
    $requestParams = array(
        "name" => "New Offer",
        "data" => "{\"products\": [{\"quantity\": 2,\"shipping\": false,\"tax\": false,\"price\": [{\"price\": \"2.99\",\"payment_count\": 1,\"unit\": \"month\"}],\"type\": \"single\",\"name\": \"product\",\"id\": \"1\"}],\"taxes\": [],\"shipping\": null,\"invoice_template\": 1,\"hasTaxes\": false,\"hasShipping\": false,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\": false,\"name\": \"New Offer\"}",
        "public" => 1
    $response = $client->offer()->create($requestParams);
    // Using the Offer model
    $offer = new Offer("Test Offer");
    $product = new Product("product", 2.99, 1);
    $offer->addProduct($product, 2, false, false);
    $offer->addSubscription(5, Offer::MONTH, 12);
    $requestParams = $offer->toRequestParams();
    // Create the offer
    $response = $client->offer()->create($requestParams);

    Example Response:

        "code": 0,
        "data": {
            "data": "{\"products\": [{\"quantity\": 2,\"shipping\": false,\"tax\": false,\"price\": [{\"price\": \"2.99\",\"payment_count\": 1,\"unit\": \"month\"}],\"type\": \"single\",\"name\": \"product\",\"id\": \"6\"}],\"taxes\": [],\"shipping\": null,\"invoice_template\": 1,\"hasTaxes\": false,\"hasShipping\": false,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\": false,\"name\": \"New Offer\"}",
            "name": "New Offer",
            "public": 1,
            "id": "1"
        "account_id": "12345"

    Creates a new offer object. This endpoint does not allow name duplications. The API will return a error response message if an offer with an existing name is attempting to be created.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Key: Key5678

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    name string The offer's name.
    public integer A flag that indicates an offer as accessible for processing manual transactions.
    0 => Not Accessible
    1 => Accessible
    data string A json encoded string containing an offer's data.

    Update an offer

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=1&name=Low%20Offer&data={"products":[{"quantity":2,"minQuantity":1,"maxQuantity":99,"total":"5.98","shipping":false,"tax":false,"price":[{"price":"2.99","payment_count":1,"unit":"month","id":563468607972}],"type":"single","quantityEditable":false,"index":0,"name":"product","id":"1","uid":"e9303080-4976-eb25-a46e-37042c62ff94"},{"quantity":2,"minQuantity":1,"maxQuantity":99,"total":"4.00","shipping":false,"tax":true,"price":[{"price":"2.00","payment_count":1,"unit":"month","id":434117561472}],"type":"single","quantityEditable":false,"index":0,"name":"cheescake","id":"3","uid":"9e31822b-8b2d-4dd6-503a-9e12f1601f37"}],"taxes":[{"rate":7.000000000000001,"rules":[],"name":"tax","taxShipping":"false","taxTotal":0.28,"form_id":"0","id":"2"}],"paymentmethods":[],"shipping":null,"delay":0,"invoice_template":1,"subTotal":9.98,"grandTotal":10.26,"hasTaxes":true,"hasShipping":false,"paypalValid":true,"offerCoupon":false,"coupon":null,"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders":false,"resorted":null,"name":"Low Offer"}' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Transaction as Transaction;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Offer as Offer;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    // Building your own request parameter array to update an offer
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1,
        "name" => "Low Offer",
        "data" => "{\"products\":[{\"quantity\":2,\"minQuantity\":1,\"maxQuantity\":99,\"total\":\"5.98\",\"shipping\":false,\"tax\":false,\"price\":[{\"price\":\"2.99\",\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"month\",\"id\":563468607972}],\"type\":\"single\",\"quantityEditable\":false,\"index\":0,\"name\":\"product\",\"id\":\"1\",\"uid\":\"e9303080-4976-eb25-a46e-37042c62ff94\"},{\"quantity\":2,\"minQuantity\":1,\"maxQuantity\":99,\"total\":\"4.00\",\"shipping\":false,\"tax\":true,\"price\":[{\"price\":\"2.00\",\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"month\",\"id\":434117561472}],\"type\":\"single\",\"quantityEditable\":false,\"index\":0,\"name\":\"cheesecake\",\"id\":\"3\",\"uid\":\"9e31822b-8b2d-4dd6-503a-9e12f1601f37\"}],\"taxes\":[{\"rate\":7.000000000000001,\"rules\":[],\"name\":\"tax\",\"taxShipping\":\"false\",\"taxTotal\":0.28,\"form_id\":\"0\",\"id\":\"2\"}],\"paymentmethods\":[],\"shipping\":null,\"delay\":0,\"invoice_template\":1,\"subTotal\":9.98,\"grandTotal\":10.26,\"hasTaxes\":true,\"hasShipping\":false,\"paypalValid\":true,\"offerCoupon\":false,\"coupon\":null,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\":false,\"resorted\":null,\"name\":\"Low Offer\"}"
    $response = $client->offer()->update($requestParams);
    // Using the Offer model to update offer's name and data
    $transaction = new Transaction(1, Transaction::LOG);
    // Retrieve the data of the offer to update
    $response = $client->offer()->retrieveSingle(array("id" => 1));
    $data = json_decode($response, true);
    // Create a new offer object with the data
    $offer = Offer::CreateFromResponse($data["data"]);
    // Modify the data
    $response = $client->product()->retrieveSingle(array("id" => 2));
    $data = json_decode($response, true);
    $product = Product::CreateFromResponse($data["data"]);
    $offer->addProduct($product, 1, false, true);
    $offer->addTax(1, 7.00, false);
    $offer->setName("Low Offer");
    // Convert to a new request parameter array
    $requestParams = $offer->toRequestParams();
    // Update the offer
    $response = $client->offer()->update($requestParams);

    Example Response:

        "code": 0,
        "data": {
            "attrs": {
                "name": "Low Offer",
                "id": "1"
        "account_id": "12345"

    Updates an existing offer with given data. The ID of the offer to update is required. The other fields should only be used if you want to change the existing value. Note that the existing value for the parameter will be replaced with your indicated value for that parameter in this request.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Key: Key5678

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The offer's ID. Required.
    name string The offer's name.
    public integer A flag that indicates an offer as accessible for processing manual transactions.
    0 => Not Accessible
    1 => Accessible
    data string A json encoded string containing an offer's data.

    Retrieve offer object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->offer()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "65": {
          "name": "Offer",
          "fields": {
            "name": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "text"
            "data": {
              "alias": "Data",
              "type": "longtext"
            "public": {
              "alias": "Public",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "0": "Not Accessible",
                "1": "Accessible"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves the field meta data for the offer object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Key: Key5678

    Request Parameters


    Retrieve offer collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search" => "offer"
    $response = $client->offer()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "cardViewSettings": [],
        "viewMode": [],
        "count": "4"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves information about a collection of offers, such as the number of offers that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Key: Key5678

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which offers to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your offer objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not offer notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other offer fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Open Orders

    Object Type ID: 44

    For every recurring transaction, an open order is created. An open order is created for a trial period, a payment plan, or a subscription. Open orders represent future purchases which have not been realized yet. Not to be confused with orders, which represent future invoices containing a transaction.

    Through the open orders API, you can keep track of purchases which will be created in the future. You can retrieve the data for a single open order or a collection of open orders. You can get information about a collection of open orders which match certain criteria, and retrieve information for the open order object fields.

    Open orders are sometimes referred to as subscriptions, although they are created for any type of recurring future payment.

    The open order object

      "id": "1",
      "hidden": "0",
      "type": "0",
      "contact_id": "16",
      "product_id": "5",
      "order_id": "21",
      "gateway_id": "53707",
      "invoice_id": "30",
      "quantity": "1",
      "billing_status": "current",
      "final_trial_date": "0",
      "cancellation_date": "0",
      "date": "1658952492",
      "payment_next_date": "1661626800",
      "orig_month_date": "0",
      "payment_due_amount": null,
      "payment_amount": "15.00",
      "trial_amount": "0.00",
      "payment_made": "1",
      "payment_remaining": "0",
      "payment_total": "15.00",
      "unit": "month",
      "count": "0",
      "oprid": "0",
      "length_of_sub": "0",
      "total_price": "15.00",
      "payment_remaning": "",
      "product_id//name": "Product1"
    Attributes Type Description
    id integer The ID of the open order.
    hidden integer A flag that indicates whether the order is still open or not. An order is open if it has not been paid, cancelled, or deleted.
    0 => Not Hidden
    1 => Hidden
    type integer A flag indicating the type of order.
    0 => Subscription
    1 => Payment plan
    2 => Setup fee
    contact_id integer The ID of the contact associated with the open order.
    product_id integer The ID of the contact associated with the open order.
    order_id integer The ID of the order corresponding to the open order.
    gateway_id integer The ID of the gateway used for the open order.
    invoice_id integer The ID of the invoice corresponding to the open order.
    quantity integer The quantity of the product purchased in the open order.
    billing_status string A string describing the billing status of the open order.
    cancellation_date timestamp The date the open order was cancelled, if applicable.
    date timestamp The date the open order was initiated.
    payment_next_date timestamp The date of the next payment, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    orig_month_date timestamp The date of the first automated billing for the open order, if the unit of the order is monthly. Measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    payment_due_amount double The amount which has not been paid yet for the open order, if the open order is past due.
    payment_amount double The cost of a single product purchased with the open order, before tax or discounts.
    payment_made integer The amount of payments which have been made already in the open order.
    payment_remaining integer The amount of payments still remaining in the open order. If the open order is a recurring subscription, this value is 0.
    payment_total double The total already paid during the open order, including all previous payments.
    unit string The unit of the open order. Can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
    count integer The amount of units from the last payment date to the next payment date.
    oprid integer The ID of the affiliate to be credited for the purchase.
    length_of_sub integer The amount of days the open order has elapsed.
    total_price double The total price of the products, calculated from the product quantity.
    payment_remaning integer An intentionally misspelled field identical to payment_remaining, kept for legacy purposes only.
    product_id//name string The name of the product purchased for the open order.

    Retrieve a single open order

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->openorder()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
      "id": "1",
      "hidden": "0",
      "type": "0",
      "contact_id": "16",
      "product_id": "5",
      "order_id": "21",
      "gateway_id": "53707",
      "invoice_id": "30",
      "quantity": "1",
      "billing_status": "current",
      "final_trial_date": "0",
      "cancellation_date": "0",
      "date": "1658952492",
      "payment_next_date": "1661626800",
      "orig_month_date": "0",
      "payment_due_amount": null,
      "payment_amount": "15.00",
      "trial_amount": "0.00",
      "payment_made": "1",
      "payment_remaining": "0",
      "payment_total": "15.00",
      "unit": "month",
      "count": "0",
      "oprid": "0",
      "length_of_sub": "0",
      "total_price": "15.00",
      "payment_remaning": "",
      "product_id//name": "Product1"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves information for an existing open order. The only parameter needed is the ID of the open order.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the open order. Required.

    Retrieve multiple open orders

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids" => "1,2"
    $response = $client->openorder()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "hidden": "0",
          "type": "0",
          "contact_id": "15",
          "product_id": "3",
          "order_id": "1",
          "gateway_id": "53707",
          "invoice_id": "1",
          "quantity": "2",
          "billing_status": "current",
          "final_trial_date": "0",
          "cancellation_date": "0",
          "date": "1657738820",
          "payment_next_date": "1663268400",
          "orig_month_date": "0",
          "payment_due_amount": null,
          "payment_amount": "3.00",
          "trial_amount": "0.00",
          "payment_made": "2",
          "payment_remaining": "0",
          "payment_total": "12.00",
          "unit": "month",
          "count": "0",
          "oprid": "0",
          "length_of_sub": "15",
          "total_price": "6.00",
          "payment_remaning": "",
          "product_id//name": "Product1"
          "id": "2",
          "hidden": "0",
          "type": "0",
          "contact_id": "16",
          "product_id": "5",
          "order_id": "2",
          "gateway_id": "53707",
          "invoice_id": "2",
          "quantity": "1",
          "billing_status": "current",
          "final_trial_date": "0",
          "cancellation_date": "0",
          "date": "1657739201",
          "payment_next_date": "1663268400",
          "orig_month_date": "0",
          "payment_due_amount": null,
          "payment_amount": "15.00",
          "trial_amount": "0.00",
          "payment_made": "2",
          "payment_remaining": "0",
          "payment_total": "30.00",
          "unit": "month",
          "count": "0",
          "oprid": "0",
          "length_of_sub": "15",
          "total_price": "15.00",
          "payment_remaning": "",
          "product_id//name": "Product2"
      "account_id": 12345,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of open orders based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the open orders to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all open orders being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of open orders you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which open orders to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your open orders objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not open order notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other open order fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your open order object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve open order collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search" => "Product1"
    $response = $client->openorder()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "cardViewSettings": {
          "fields": [
        "viewMode": [],
        "widgetSettings": {
          "map": [
          "widgets": {
            "overview": {
              "type": "object_widget_overview",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "tasks": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_task_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 1,
                "header": "Tasks"
            "notes": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_notes_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 12,
                "header": "Notes"
            "settings": {
              "type": "object_widget_settings",
              "options": {
                "placeAtEndOfColumn": true,
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "fields": {
              "type": "object_widget_fields",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true,
                "fields": [
          "listFields": [
        "count": "26",
        "sums": {
          "total_price": 630
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves information about a collection of open orders, such as the number of open orders that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which open orders to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your open order objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other open order fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Retrieve open order object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->openorder()->retrieveMeta();

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "44": {
          "name": "Subscription",
          "fields": {
            "payment_next_date": {
              "alias": "Next Payment Date",
              "type": "fulldate",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "payment_amount": {
              "alias": "Payment Amount",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "type": {
              "alias": "Type",
              "type": "drop",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0,
              "options": {
                "0": "Subscription",
                "1": "Payment Plan",
                "2": "Setup Fee"
            "name": {
              "alias": "Product Name",
              "type": "mergefield",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1,
              "extra_data": "<op:merge field='product_id//name'>X</op:merge>"
            "total_price": {
              "alias": "Next Payment Amount",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "payment_total": {
              "alias": "Payments Total",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "payment_made": {
              "alias": "Payments Made",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "payment_remaning": {
              "alias": "Payments Remaining",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "payment_due_amount": {
              "alias": "Overdue Payment Amount",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "date": {
              "alias": "Signup Date",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "length_of_sub": {
              "alias": "Length of Subscription (days)",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "billing_status": {
              "alias": "Billing Status",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "contact_id": {
              "alias": "Contact",
              "type": "parent",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0,
              "parent_object": 0
            "product_id": {
              "alias": "Product",
              "type": "parent",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0,
              "parent_object": 16
            "gateway_id": {
              "alias": "Gateway",
              "type": "parent",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1,
              "parent_object": 130
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves the field meta data for the open order object. Note that open orders are referred to as subscriptions internally.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters



    Object Type ID: 52

    For every future transaction, an order object is created. An order contains information about a future transaction, such as for an open order or payment plan. When an order is completed, a corresponding purchase is created.

    Through the orders API, you can retrieve information about a single order or a collection of orders. You can delete an order or a list of orders. You can get information about an order collection and filter by certain criteria.

    The order object

      "id": "1",
      "contact_id": "1",
      "offer_id": "1",
      "affiliate": "0",
      "cc_id": "3",
      "name": "Product",
      "payment_next_date": "1657612849",
      "orig_month_date": "0",
      "unit": "week",
      "count": "1",
      "gateway_id": "53707",
      "shipping_address": "1234 Smith Way",
      "shipping_city": "Goleta",
      "shipping_state": "CA",
      "shipping_zip": "93111",
      "shipping_country": "US",
      "shipping_last_charge": "0",
      "shipping_service": null,
      "status": "0",
      "hidden": "0",
      "dlm": "1657612849",
      "order_form_json": "{\"taxes\":[],\"shipping\":[],...",
      "cancellation_date": "0",
      "next_sub": "12.00",
      "tax": "0.00",
      "shipping": "0.00",
      "next_charge": "0.00",
      "transactions": "0",
      "transactions_remaining": "3",
      "charged": "0"
    Attributes Type Description
    id integer The order's ID.
    contact_id integer The ID of the contact associated with the order.
    offer_id integer The ID of the offer corresponding to the order.
    affiliate integer The ID of the affiliate that referred the contact associated with the order.
    cc_id integer The ID of the credit card used in the order.
    name string The name of the product or products ordered.
    payment_next_date timestamp The date of the next payment, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    orig_month_date timestamp The date of the first automated billing for the order, if the unit of the order is monthly. Measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    unit string The unit of the open order or payment plan. Can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
    count integer The amount of units from the last payment date to the next payment date, for open orders and payment plans.
    gateway_id integer The ID of the gateway used for the order.
    shipping_address string The shipping address for the order.
    shipping_city string The shipping city for the order.
    shipping_state string The shipping state for the order.
    shipping_zip string The shipping ZIP code for the order.
    shipping_country string The shipping country for the order.
    shipping_last_charge string The last shipping charge for the order.
    shipping_service string The shipping service used for the order.
    status integer A flag that indicates the status of the order.
    0 => Current
    1 => Past Due
    hidden integer A flag that indicates whether the order is still open or not. An order is open if it has not been paid, cancelled, or deleted.
    0 => Not Hidden
    1 => Hidden
    dlm timestamp The date the order was last modified, such as a change in status. Measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    order_form_json string A JSON-encoded string containing information about the order form, including data related to taxes, shipping, and contact information.
    cancellation_date timestamp The date that the order was canceled or deleted. Measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    next_sub double The subtotal to be paid on the next payment date.
    tax double The tax added to the order total.
    shipping double The shipping costs added to the order total.
    next_charge double The total amount to be charged on the next payment date, calculated with the next subtotal, tax, and shipping costs.
    transactions integer The amount of successful transactions as a result of the open order or payment plan.
    transactions_remaining integer The amount of transactions remaining, if the order is a payment plan or has a trial period. If the order is a recurring subscription, the value will be 0.
    charged double The total charged as a result of all payments made in the order up to the current date.

    Retrieve a single order

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->order()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
          "id": "8",
          "contact_id": "18",
          "offer_id": "12",
          "affiliate": "0",
          "cc_id": "4",
          "name": "Product1",
          "payment_next_date": "1663268400",
          "orig_month_date": "1660622770",
          "unit": "month",
          "count": "1",
          "gateway_id": "53707",
          "shipping_address": "79140 Aida Hill",
          "shipping_city": "South Guillermo",
          "shipping_state": "ND",
          "shipping_zip": "97105",
          "shipping_country": "CK",
          "shipping_last_charge": "0",
          "shipping_service": null,
          "status": "0",
          "hidden": "0",
          "dlm": "1657746895",
          "order_form_json": "{\"taxes\":[],\"shipping\":[],\"shipping_options\":null,...",
          "cancellation_date": "0",
          "next_sub": "15.00",
          "tax": "0.00",
          "shipping": "0.00",
          "next_charge": "15.00",
          "transactions": "1",
          "transactions_remaining": "0",
          "charged": "15.00"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves information for an existing order. The only parameter needed is the ID of the order.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The order ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple orders

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids" => "4,5"
    $response = $client->order()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "4",
          "contact_id": "16",
          "offer_id": "7",
          "affiliate": "0",
          "cc_id": "2",
          "name": "Product1",
          "payment_next_date": "1663268400",
          "orig_month_date": "1660622770",
          "unit": "month",
          "count": "1",
          "gateway_id": "53707",
          "shipping_address": "55520 Norris Via",
          "shipping_city": "North Hardystad",
          "shipping_state": "EC",
          "shipping_zip": "51134",
          "shipping_country": "YE",
          "shipping_last_charge": "0",
          "shipping_service": null,
          "status": "0",
          "hidden": "0",
          "dlm": "1657746891",
          "order_form_json": "{\"taxes\":[],\"shipping\":[],\"shipping_options\":null,...",
          "cancellation_date": "0",
          "next_sub": "15.00",
          "tax": "0.00",
          "shipping": "0.00",
          "next_charge": "15.00",
          "transactions": "2",
          "transactions_remaining": "0",
          "charged": "30.00"
          "id": "5",
          "contact_id": "17",
          "offer_id": "8",
          "affiliate": "0",
          "cc_id": "3",
          "name": "Product1",
          "payment_next_date": "1663268400",
          "orig_month_date": "1660622770",
          "unit": "month",
          "count": "1",
          "gateway_id": "53707",
          "shipping_address": "3853 Vivianne Island",
          "shipping_city": "Walterport",
          "shipping_state": "FL",
          "shipping_zip": "64203",
          "shipping_country": "CH",
          "shipping_last_charge": "0",
          "shipping_service": null,
          "status": "0",
          "hidden": "0",
          "dlm": "1657746892",
          "order_form_json": "{\"taxes\":[],\"shipping\":[],\"shipping_options\":null,...",
          "cancellation_date": "0",
          "next_sub": "60.00",
          "tax": "0.00",
          "shipping": "0.00",
          "next_charge": "60.00",
          "transactions": "2",
          "transactions_remaining": "0",
          "charged": "120.00"
      "account_id": 12345,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of orders based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the orders to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all orders being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of orders you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which orders to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your orders objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not order notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other order fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your order object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve order collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search" => "Product1"
    $response = $client->order()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "cardViewSettings": {
          "fields": [
        "viewMode": [],
        "widgetSettings": {
          "map": [
          "widgets": {
            "overview": {
              "type": "object_widget_overview",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "tasks": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_task_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 1,
                "header": "Tasks"
            "notes": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_notes_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 12,
                "header": "Notes"
            "settings": {
              "type": "object_widget_settings",
              "options": {
                "placeAtEndOfColumn": true,
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "fields": {
              "type": "object_widget_fields",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true,
                "fields": [
          "listFields": [
        "count": "7"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves information about a collection of orders, such as the number of orders that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which orders to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your order objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other order fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Retrieve order object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->order()->retrieveMeta();

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "52": {
          "name": "Order",
          "fields": {
            "name": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "status": {
              "alias": "Status",
              "type": "drop",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0,
              "options": {
                "0": "Current",
                "1": "Past Due"
            "shipping_address": {
              "alias": "Shipping Address",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "shipping_city": {
              "alias": "Shipping City",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "shipping_state": {
              "alias": "Shipping State",
              "type": "state",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "shipping_zip": {
              "alias": "Shipping Zip / Postal Code",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "next_charge": {
              "alias": "Next Charge Amount",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "dlm": {
              "alias": "Date Last Modified",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "payment_next_date": {
              "alias": "Next Charge Date",
              "type": "fulldate",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "transactions": {
              "alias": "Transactions",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "transactions_remaining": {
              "alias": "Transactions Remaining",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "charged": {
              "alias": "Total Charged",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "next_sub": {
              "alias": "Next Subtotal $",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "tax": {
              "alias": "Next Tax $",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "shipping": {
              "alias": "Next Shipping $",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "cc_id": {
              "alias": "Credit Card",
              "type": "parent",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0,
              "parent_object": 45
            "date": {
              "alias": "Signup date",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves the field meta data for the order object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters


    Delete a single order

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->order()->deleteSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes a specific order by its ID. The order will not be removed from the database: its hidden] will be set to 1 to specify that it is a past order.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the order to delete. Required.

    Delete multiple orders

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids"   => "1,2",
        "range" => "2"
    $response = $client->order()->deleteMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Deleted",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes a collection of orders based on a set of parameters. The orders can be deleted based on a list of IDs or using our pagination tools for a mass delete.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the orders to delete. Entering a value of 0 will result in all orders being selected. Caution should be used with this endpoint.
    start integer The offset to delete results from.
    range integer The number of orders you want to delete. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which orders to delete. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your order objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not order notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other order fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection. Note that setting this to the value of 1 without any other parameters will delete all orders from your account.


    Object Type ID: 16

    Product objects allow you to process transactions and order forms.

    Through the products API, you can create, retrieve, update, and delete products. You can also retrieve meta for a product object obtain more detailed information about its attributes and retrieve information about a collection of products.

    Products can be associated with many other objects such as transactions, offers, orders, and forms. You can access additional functionality for adding products to transactions or offers using the transactions API.

    The product object

      "id": "1",
      "price": "10.00",
      "name": "Product",
      "description": "",
      "date": "1533587732",
      "dlm": "1533587732",
      "external_id": null,
      "product_group": null,
      "sku": null,
      "taxable": null,
      "deleted": false,
      "total_income": null,
      "total_purchases": null
    Attributes Type Description
    id integer The product's ID.
    price double The product's price.
    name string The product's name.
    description string The product's description.
    date timestamp The date the product was added, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    dlm timestamp The date the product was last modified, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    external_id integer The product's ID in other integrations.
    product_group integer The ID of the product group associated with the product.
    sku string The product's code for integrations.
    taxable boolean Whether or not the product can be included in tax calculations.
    deleted boolean Whether or not the product has been deleted.
    total_income double The product's total income from transactions.
    total_purchases integer The product's total number of purchases from transactions.

    Retrieve a specific product

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->product()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "price": "2.99",
        "name": "product",
        "description": "",
        "date": "1533587732",
        "dlm": "1533587732",
        "external_id": null,
        "product_group": null,
        "sku": null,
        "taxable": null,
        "deleted": "false",
        "total_income": null,
        "total_purchases": null
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing product. The only parameter needed is the ID for the product which is in the response upon product creation.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Appid: Key5678

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The product ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple products

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids" => "1,2"
    $response = $client->product()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

     "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "price": "2.99",
          "name": "cheesecake",
          "description": "",
          "date": "1533587732",
          "dlm": "1533587732",
          "external_id": null,
          "product_group": null,
          "sku": null,
          "taxable": null,
          "deleted": "false",
          "total_income": "630",
          "total_purchases": "73"
          "id": "2",
          "price": "1.99",
          "name": "tater tots",
          "description": "",
          "date": "1533663839",
          "dlm": "1533663839",
          "external_id": null,
          "product_group": null,
          "sku": null,
          "taxable": null,
          "deleted": "false",
          "total_income": "35",
          "total_purchases": "36"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of products based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Appid: Key5678

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the products to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all products being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of products you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which products to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your product objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not product notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other product fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your product object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Build a product

    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Product as Product;
    $client = new Client("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678"); 
    // Create a new Product
    $product = new Product("New Product", 2.00);
    $requestParams = $product->toRequestParams();
    // Update a Product
    $response = $client->product()->retrieveSingle(array("id" => 1));
    $response = json_decode($response, true);
    $product = Product::CreateFromResponse($response["data"]);
    $requestParams = $product->toRequestParams();

    We have provided you with a Product model in our SDK to help you build valid product request parameters.

    The Product model can also be used in conjunction with the Transaction model to create or update the product details of a transaction or offer.


    Function Description
    CreateFromResponse Converts a pre-decoded array of product data into a Product object.
    toRequestParams Converts the Product object to an array to be used as request parameters.
    setPrice Sets the price of the product.
    setName Sets the name of the product.
    getPrice Gets the price of the product.
    getName Gets the name of the product.
    getID Gets the ID of the product.

    Create a product

    curl -X POST -d 'name=product&price=2.99' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Product as Product;
    $client = $client = new Client("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678"); 
    $requestParams = array(
        "name" => "product",
        "price" => 2.99
    $response = $client->product()->create($requestParams);
    // Using the Product model
    $product = new Product("product", 2.99);
    $requestParams = $product->toRequestParams();
    $response = $client->product()->create($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "product",
        "price": "2.99",
        "id": "1",
        "description": "",
        "date": "1533669066",
        "dlm": "1533669066",
        "external_id": null,
        "product_group": null,
        "sku": null,
        "taxable": null,
        "deleted": "false",
        "total_income": null,
        "total_purchases": null
      "account_id": "12345"

    Creates a new product object. This endpoint allows name duplication in requests, however, the name will automatically be concatenated with (1) where the value increments for each duplication.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Appid: Key5678

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    name string The product's name.
    price double The product's price.

    Update a product

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=1&name=product&price=5.00' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Product as Product;
    $client = new Client("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "name" => "product",
        "price" => 5.00,
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->product()->update($requestParams);
    // Using the Product mode
    $response = $client->product()->retrieveSingle(array("id" => 1));
    $response = json_decode($response, true);
    $product = Product::CreateFromResponse($response["data"]);
    $requestParams = $product->toRequestParams();
    $response = $client->product()->update($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "attrs": {
          "price": "5.00",
          "description": "",
          "dlm": "1533670792",
          "external_id": null,
          "product_group": null,
          "sku": null,
          "taxable": null,
          "total_income": null,
          "total_purchases": null,
          "id": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Updates an existing product with given data. The ID and name of the existing product to update is required. To update the name of the existing product, simply indicate the new value, otherwise, indicate the product's original name. The other fields should only be used if you want to change the existing value.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Appid: Key5678

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    name string The product's name. Required.
    price double The product's price.
    id integer The product's ID. Required.

    Delete a specific product

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id"        => "1"
    $response = $client->product()->deleteSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes a specific product by its ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Appid: Key5678

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the product to delete. Required.

    Delete multiple products

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids"        => "3,5"
    $response = $client->product()->deleteMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Deleted",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes a collection of products based on a set of parameters. You can choose the ids for the products to delete or use our pagination tools for a mass delete.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Appid: Key5678

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the products to delete. Entering a value of 0 will result in all products being selected. Caution should be used with this endpoint.
    start integer The offset to delete results from.
    range integer The number of products you want to delete. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which products to delete. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your product objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not product notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other product fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your product object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve product object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->product()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "16": {
          "name": "Product",
          "fields": {
            "id": {
              "alias": "Product Id",
              "type": "numeric"
            "name": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "text"
            "price": {
              "alias": "Price",
              "type": "price"
            "total_purchases": {
              "alias": "Quantity Purchased",
              "type": "numeric"
            "total_income": {
              "alias": "Revenue",
              "type": "price"
            "date": {
              "alias": "Date Created",
              "type": "timestamp"
            "dlm": {
              "alias": "Date Modified",
              "type": "timestamp"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieve the field meta data for the product object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Appid: Key5678

    Request Parameters


    Retrieve product collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search" => "product"
    $response = $client->product()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "cardViewSettings": [],
        "viewMode": [],
        "count": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves information about a collection of products, such as the number of products that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: 2_AppID_12345678

    Api-Appid: Key5678

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which products to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your product objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not product notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other product fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Purchase History Logs

    Object Type ID: 30

    Purchase history logs allow you to view specific information about a purchase's history. They serve as a report of transctions by product.

    Through the purchase history log API, you can retrieve information about a single purchase's history or for a collection of purchases. For a collection of purchase history logs, you can retrieve information about specific purchases or filter by certain criteria.

    The purchase history log object

      "id": "1",
      "purchase_id": "1",
      "date": "1658170805",
      "author": "Victor Flaubert",
      "details": "Purchase Created.",
      "status": "1"
    Attributes Type Description
    id integer The ID of the purchase history log.
    purchase_id integer The ID of the purchase.
    date timestamp The date the purchase was last modified, such as a change in status. Measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    author string The author of the product purchased.
    details string Details about the purchase, such as if it was purchased from an external source.
    status integer A flag that indicates the status of the purchase.
    0 => Collections
    1 => Paid
    2 => Declined
    3 => Voided
    4 => Refunded
    5 => Written off
    7 => Pending

    Retrieve a single purchase log

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->purchaselog()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "purchase_id": "1",
        "date": "1658170805",
        "author": "Victor Flaubert",
        "details": "Purchase Created.",
        "status": "1"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves information for an existing purchase history log. The only parameter needed is the ID of the history log.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the purchase history log. Required.

    Retrieve multiple purchase logs

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids" => "5,6"
    $response = $client->purchaselog()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "5",
          "purchase_id": "9",
          "date": "1657742075",
          "author": "Victor Flaubert",
          "details": "Purchase Created.",
          "status": "1"
          "id": "6",
          "purchase_id": "10",
          "date": "1657746887",
          "author": "Victor Flaubert",
          "details": "Purchase Created.",
          "status": "1"
      "account_id": 12345,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of purchase history logs based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the purchase history logs to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all history logs being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of purchase history logs you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which purchase history logs to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your purchase history log objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not purchase history log notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other history log fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your purchase history log object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve purchase log collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search" => "15"
    $response = $client->purchaselog()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "cardViewSettings": {
          "fields": [
        "viewMode": [],
        "widgetSettings": {
          "map": [
          "widgets": {
            "overview": {
              "type": "object_widget_overview",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "tasks": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_task_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 1,
                "header": "Tasks"
            "notes": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_notes_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 12,
                "header": "Notes"
            "settings": {
              "type": "object_widget_settings",
              "options": {
                "placeAtEndOfColumn": true,
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "fields": {
              "type": "object_widget_fields",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true,
                "fields": [
          "listFields": [
        "count": "6"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves information about a collection of purchase history logs, such as the number of history logs that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which purchase history logs to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your purchase history log objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other purchase history log fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Retrieve purchase log object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->purchaselog()->retrieveMeta();

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "30": {
          "name": "PurchaseLog",
          "fields": {
            "date": {
              "alias": "Time",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "author": {
              "alias": "Who",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
            "details": {
              "alias": "Details",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves the field meta data for the purchase history log object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters



    Object Type ID: 17

    Purchases allow you to view and process purchases which have already been made. For every completed sale of a product, a purchase object is created.

    Through the purchases API, you can retrieve information about a single purchase or a collection of purchases. You can get information about a purchase collection and filter by certain criteria.

    The purchase object

      "id": "1",
      "contact_id": "1",
      "affiliate_id": "0",
      "product_id": "0",
      "owner": "0",
      "package_id": "0",
      "invoice_id": "0",
      "subscription_id": "0",
      "order_id": "0",
      "oprid": "0",
      "sku": null,
      "description": "",
      "date": "0",
      "dlm": "0",
      "price": "10",
      "name": null,
      "quantity": "1",
      "coupon_id": "0",
      "coupon_code_id": "0",
      "discount": "0.00",
      "type": "0",
      "status": "1",
      "level1": "0",
      "level2": "0",
      "total_price": "10",
      "affiliate": null,
      "coupon_name": null,
      "coupon_code": null
    Attributes Type Description
    id integer The purchase's ID.
    contact_id integer The ID of the contact associated with the purchase.
    affiliate_id integer The ID of the affiliate that referred the contact associated with the purchase.
    product_id integer The ID of the purchased product.
    owner integer The ID of the user who controls the contact associated with the purchase.
    package_id integer The ID of the package the purchase belongs to. Default 0 if the purchase is not part of a package.
    invoice_id integer The ID of the invoice the purchase belongs to. An invoice can contain multiple purchases.
    subscription_id integer The ID of the subscription the purchase belongs to. Default 0 if the product is not part of a subscription.
    order_id integer The ID of the order the purchase belongs to. Default 0 if the product does not have an order associated with it.
    oprid integer The ID of the affiliate to be credited for the purchase.
    sku string Deprecated. The purchased product's code for integrations.
    description string The description of the product purchased.
    date timestamp The date the purchase was made, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    dlm timestamp The date the purchase was last modified, such as a change in status. Measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    price double The price of the product purchased.
    name string The name of the product purchased.
    quantity integer The quantity of the product purchased.
    coupon_id integer The ID of the coupon applied to the purchase.
    coupon_code_id integer The ID of the coupon code corresponding to the coupon used, if a coupon was applied to the purchase.
    discount double The amount discounted from the purchase.
    type integer A flag that indicates the type of purchase.
    0 => One-time purchase
    1 => Subscription
    2 => Payment plan
    3 => Trial payment
    status integer A flag that indicates the status of the purchase.
    0 => Collections
    1 => Paid
    2 => Declined
    3 => Voided
    4 => Refunded
    5 => Written off
    7 => Pending
    level1 double The commission earned by the referrer directly associated with the purchase.
    level2 double The commission earned by the original referrer associated with the purchase in a two-tier partner program.
    total_price double The total price of the purchase, calculated with the discount subtracted from the quantity purchased.
    affiliate string The name of the affiliate that referred the contact associated with the purchase.
    coupon_name string The name of the coupon corresponding to the coupon applied to the purchase.
    coupon_code string The code of the coupon corresponding to the coupon applied to the purchase.

    Retrieve a single purchase

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->purchase()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "contact_id": "13",
        "affiliate_id": "0",
        "product_id": "2",
        "owner": "1",
        "package_id": "0",
        "invoice_id": "3",
        "subscription_id": "0",
        "order_id": "0",
        "oprid": "0",
        "sku": null,
        "description": "",
        "history": "",
        "date": "1657220046",
        "dlm": "1657220046",
        "price": "15",
        "name": "Product",
        "quantity": "2",
        "coupon_id": "0",
        "coupon_code_id": "0",
        "discount": "0.00",
        "type": "0",
        "status": "1",
        "level1": "0",
        "level2": "0",
        "total_price": "30",
        "affiliate": null,
        "coupon_name": null,
        "coupon_code": null
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves information for an existing purchase. The only parameter needed is the ID of the purchase.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The purchase ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple purchases

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids" => "1,2"
    $response = $client->purchase()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "contact_id": "13",
          "affiliate_id": "0",
          "product_id": "2",
          "owner": "1",
          "package_id": "0",
          "invoice_id": "3",
          "subscription_id": "0",
          "order_id": "0",
          "oprid": "0",
          "sku": null,
          "description": "",
          "history": "",
          "date": "1657220046",
          "dlm": "1657220046",
          "price": "15",
          "name": "Product1",
          "quantity": "2",
          "coupon_id": "0",
          "coupon_code_id": "0",
          "discount": "0.00",
          "type": "0",
          "status": "1",
          "level1": "0",
          "level2": "0",
          "total_price": "30",
          "affiliate": null,
          "coupon_name": null,
          "coupon_code": null
          "id": "2",
          "contact_id": "13",
          "affiliate_id": "0",
          "product_id": "3",
          "owner": "1",
          "package_id": "0",
          "invoice_id": "3",
          "subscription_id": "0",
          "order_id": "0",
          "oprid": "0",
          "sku": null,
          "description": "",
          "history": "",
          "date": "1657220046",
          "dlm": "1657220046",
          "price": "20",
          "name": "Product2",
          "quantity": "3",
          "coupon_id": "0",
          "coupon_code_id": "0",
          "discount": "0.00",
          "type": "0",
          "status": "1",
          "level1": "0",
          "level2": "0",
          "total_price": "60",
          "affiliate": null,
          "coupon_name": null,
          "coupon_code": null
      "account_id": 12345,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of purchases based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the purchases to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all purchases being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of purchases you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which purchases to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your purchase objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not purchase notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other purchase fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your purchase object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve purchase collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search" => "15"
    $response = $client->purchase()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "cardViewSettings": {
          "fields": [
        "viewMode": [],
        "widgetSettings": {
          "map": [
          "widgets": {
            "overview": {
              "type": "object_widget_overview",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "tasks": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_task_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 1,
                "header": "Tasks"
            "notes": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_notes_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 12,
                "header": "Notes"
            "settings": {
              "type": "object_widget_settings",
              "options": {
                "placeAtEndOfColumn": true,
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "fields": {
              "type": "object_widget_fields",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true,
                "fields": [
          "listFields": [
        "count": "3"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves information about a collection of purchases, such as the number of purchases that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which purchases to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your purchase objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other purchase fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Retrieve purchase object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->purchase()->retrieveMeta();

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "17": {
          "name": "Purchase",
          "fields": {
            "name": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "price": {
              "alias": "Price",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "description": {
              "alias": "Description",
              "type": "longtext",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "owner": {
              "alias": "Owner",
              "type": "parent",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0,
              "parent_object": 2
            "quantity": {
              "alias": "Quantity",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "status": {
              "alias": "Status",
              "type": "drop",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0,
              "options": {
                "0": "Collections",
                "1": "Paid",
                "2": "Declined",
                "3": "Voided",
                "4": "Refunded",
                "5": "Write Off"
            "date": {
              "alias": "Date",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 0
            "id": {
              "alias": "Order Number",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 0
            "dlm": {
              "alias": "Date Modified",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 0
            "total_price": {
              "alias": "Total Purchase",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "affiliate": {
              "alias": "Partner",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "contact_id": {
              "alias": "Contact",
              "type": "parent",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 0,
              "parent_object": 0
            "coupon_name": {
              "alias": "Coupon Name",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "coupon_code": {
              "alias": "Coupon Code",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "discount": {
              "alias": "Discount",
              "type": "price",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 1
            "invoice_id": {
              "alias": "Invoice",
              "type": "parent",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 1,
              "parent_object": 46
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves the field meta data for the purchase object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters



    Object Type ID: 6

    The rule object was ONTRAPORT’s main automation component in the management of objects in various situations before the release of the Campaign Builder. Rules are set to perform a user-specified “Action” when a certain "Event" occurs, which is also defined in the category of “Triggers”, and such criteria in triggering a rule to act can be further detailed out through user-specified “Conditions”.

    Through the rule API, you can retrieve a single rule, a collection of rules, the information of a collection of rules, and the rule object’s meta data. You can also create new rules and update or delete existing rules in your account.


    "campaign" throughout this doc is called "automation" throughout the Ontraport app.

    The rule object

        "id": "1",
        "drip_id": "0",
        "events": "Contact_added_to_my_database()",
        "conditions":"Is_in_category(0)|Is_not_on_fulfillment(1)" ,
        "actions":"campaign_builder_action_change(0,1)" ,
        "name": "Rule Object",
        "pause": "0",
        "last_action": "0" ,
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "date": "1527092161",
        "dlm": "1527092380"

    Rule attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The rule's ID.
    drip_id integer If the rule is a step in a sequence, the ID of that sequence.
    events string The events that trigger rule execution.
    conditions string The criteria that must be met for the rule to act after it is triggered.
    actions string The action to perform when rule is triggered.
    name string The name of the rule
    pause integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not the rule is paused. Marked as follows:
    0 => Live
    1 => Paused
    last_action timestamp The last time the rule was triggered, measured in seconds from UNIX Epoch.
    object_type_id integer The ID for the type of object the rule is associated with.
    date timestamp The date the rule was added, measured in seconds from UNIX Epoch.
    dlm timestamp The date the rule was last modified, measured in seconds from UNIX Epoch.

    Retrieve a specific rule

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");    
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->rule()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "drip_id": null,
        "events": "object_completed_task(2)",
        "conditions": "Is_subscribed_to_drip(1)|Is_in_category(2)",
        "actions": "Add_contact_to_category(1)",
        "name": "Test Rule",
        "pause": "0",
        "last_action": "0",
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "date": "1524156141",
        "dlm": "1527178660"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all information for an existing rule.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: Key5678 Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The rule ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple rules

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");    
    $requestParams = array(
        "sort"       => "name",
        "sortDir" => "asc",
        "listFields" => "events, object_type_id"    
    $response = $client->rule()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "events": "Contact_added_to_campaign(1)",
          "object_type_id": "0",
          "name": "Create Me!",
          "id": "5"
          "events": "Contact_leaves_campaign(3)",
          "object_type_id": "0",
          "name": "This Rule",
          "id": "1"
          "events": "object_completed_task(2)",
          "object_type_id": "1",
          "name": "Test Rule",
          "id": "6"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of rules based on a set of parameters. You can limit necessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: Key5678
    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the rules to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all rules being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of rules you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which rules to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your rule objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other rule fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your rule object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve rule object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
        use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
        $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
        $response = $client->rule()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "6": {
          "name": "Rule",
          "fields": {
            "pause": {
              "alias": "Status",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "0": "Live",
                "1": "Paused"
            "tags": {
              "alias": "Rule Tags",
              "type": "list"
            "name": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "text"
            "last_action": {
              "alias": "Last Run",
              "type": "timestamp"
            "date": {
              "alias": "Date Created",
              "type": "timestamp"
            "dlm": {
              "alias": "Date Modified",
              "type": "timestamp"
            "events": {
              "alias": "Events",
              "type": "longtext"
            "conditions": {
              "alias": "Conditions",
              "type": "longtext"
            "actions": {
              "alias": "Actions",
              "type": "longtext"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the field meta data for the rule object.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: Key5678
    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Request Parameters


    Retrieve rule collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
        use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
        $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");    
        $requestParams = array(
            "search"     => "Rule",
        $response = $client->rule()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "count": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves information about a collection of rules, such as the number of rules that match the given criteria.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: Key5678
    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which rules to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your rule objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other rule fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Build a rule

    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\RuleBuilder as Builder;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Events;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Conditions;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Actions;
    // Build a new rule
    $builder = new Builder("Building my Rule!", ObjectType::CONTACT); // object_type_id = 0;
    // Add an event
    $eventParams = array(1); // parameter '1' for fulfillment id
    $builder->addEvent(Events::OBJECT_ADDED_TO_FULFILLMENT, $eventParams);
    // Add conditions
    $conditionParams = array(1); // parameter '1' for sequence id
    $builder->addCondition(Conditions::OBJECT_SUBSCRIBED_SEQUENCE, $conditionParams);
    // Indicate "AND" relationship with other condition
    $builder->addCondition(Conditions::OBJECT_HAS_TAG, array(1), "AND");
    // Add action
    $actionParams = array(2); // parameter '2' for task id
    $builder->addAction(Actions::ADD_TASK, $actionParams);
    // Convert RuleBuilder object to request parameters
    $requestParams = $builder->toRequestParams();
    // OR create your own request parameter array without usage of RuleBuilder
    $requestParams = array(
        "name" => "My Own Rule",
        "events" => "Contact_subscribed_to_fulfillment(1)",
        "conditions" => "Is_subscribed_to_drip(1);Is_in_category(2)",
        "actions" => "Send_contact_a_task(2)",
        "object_type_id" => 0

    The correct building of a rule is crucial in a successful creation of a working rule. We have provided you with a RuleBuilder model in our SDK that helps simplify the formatting process in building a correct valid rule.

    You can build a rule with the RuleBuilder model in our SDK or build your own request parameter array to create or update a rule. However, please note that the correct formatting of valid rule data will be the user's responsibility to ensure.

    Please note that each event, condition, and action has specific parameters pertaining to each one that must be valid and in the correct order. Refer to the following rule tables for the names of each event, condition, and action, and this rule parameter table for the ordering and descriptions of each parameter for each type of rule. You can also refer to these examples for valid rule data construction and correct SDK usage.


    Function Description
    addEvent Allows you to add an event with specified event name and event parameters.
    addCondition Allows you to add a condition with specified condition name, condition parameters, and operator relationship.
    addAction Allows you to add an action with specified action name and action parameters.
    clearEvents Clears all existing events in RuleBuilder.
    clearConditions Clears all existing conditions in RuleBuilder.
    clearActions Clears all existing actions in RuleBuilder.
    removeEventByName Removes an event with the given event name.
    removeConditionByName Removes a condition with the given condition name.
    removeActionByName Removes an action with the given action name.
    toRequestParams Converts the RuleBuilder object to an array to be used as request parameters.
    CreateFromResponse Converts an array of rule data into a RuleBuilder object.

    addEvent(event, eventParams)

    Parameter Type Description
    event string Event name
    eventParams array Array of inputs for all required parameters for event. Refer to this table to ensure you have valid inputs in the correct order.

    addCondition(condition, conditionParams, operator)

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string Condition name
    conditionParams array Array of inputs for all required parameters for condition. Refer to this table to ensure you have valid inputs in the correct order.
    operator string Indicates relationship with previous condition. If this is the first condition in your rule, operator is NULL(or you can omit it), if not, operator must be "AND" or "OR".

    addAction(action, actionParams)

    Parameter Type Description
    action string Action name
    actionParams array Array of inputs for all required parameters for action. Refer to this table to ensure you have valid inputs in the correct order.

    removeEventByName(name), removeConditionByName(name), removeActionByName(name)

    Parameter Type Description
    name string Name of rule to remove.
    Note that if your rule has multiple events/conditions/actions of the same type, only providing the name will delete all events/conditions/actions with the specified name. To delete a specific one, provide the entire valid events/conditions/actions data consisting of the event name and parameters. Example


    Parameter Type Description
    data array Array containing all data of existing rule.

    Create a rule

    namespace OntraportAPI;
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\RuleBuilder as Builder;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Events;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Conditions;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Actions;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    // Instantiate Client
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    // Create new RuleBuilder object to build rule
    $builder = new Builder("Create Me!", ObjectType::CONTACT);
    // Add Event
    $eventParams = array(1); // parameter '1' for sequence id
    $builder->addEvent(Events::OBJECT_ADDED_TO_SEQUENCE, $eventParams);
    // Add Action
    $actionParams = array(1); // parameter '1' for tag id
    $builder->addAction(Actions::ADD_OBJECT_TO_TAG , $actionParams);
    // Convert RuleBuilder object to array of request parameters
    $requestParams = $builder->toRequestParams();
    // Create the rule with request parameters
    curl -X POST -d 'name=Create%20Me&#33;&events=Contact_added_to_campaign(1)&actions=Add_contact_to_category(1)&object_type_id=0' \ '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "Create Me!",
        "events": "Contact_added_to_campaign(1)",
        "actions": "Add_contact_to_category(1)",
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "id": "1",
        "drip_id": null,
        "conditions": "",
        "pause": "0",
        "last_action": "0",
        "date": "1527179185",
        "dlm": "1527179185"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Creates a new rule and adds it to your database.

    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: Key5678
    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The rule ID. Required.
    tags string The rule tags.
    name string The rule's name.
    events string The rule's triggers, events that set the rule to act. Required
    conditions string The criteria that must be met for the rule to act after it is triggered.
    actions string The action to perform when rule is triggered. Required
    object_type_id integer Object ID of object rule is related to. Required

    Update a rule

    namespace OntraportAPI;
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\RuleBuilder as Builder;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Events;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Conditions;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Actions;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    // Instantiate Client
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    // Retrieve existing rule to update
    $existing_rule_id = 3;
    $existing_rule = $client->rule()->retrieveSingle("id" => $existing_rule_id);
    // Convert json to array of rule data
    $rule = json_decode($existing_rule, true);
    // Create new RuleBuilder object with array of rule data
    $builder = Builder::CreateFromResponse($rule);
    // Remove an action by name
    // Add new action
    $builder->addAction(Actions::ADD_OBJECT_TO_TAG, array(2));
    // Convert RuleBuilder object to array of request parameters for easy building process
    $requestParams = $builder->toRequestParams();
    // Update the rule with your request parameters
    curl -X PUT -d 'id=1&actions=Add_contact_to_category(2)&object_type_id=0' \
    '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "attrs": {
          "actions": "Add_contact_to_category(2)",
          "object_type_id": "0",
          "dlm": "1527178660",
          "id": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Updates an existing rule with given data. The rule's ID is required to update a rule. The other fields should only be used if you want to change or insert the existing value. Note that the values in those fields will replace the existing value, not concatenate.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: Key5678
    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The rule ID. Required.
    pause integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not the rule is paused. Marked as follows:
    0 => Live
    1 => Paused
    tags string The rule tags.
    name string The rule's name.
    events string The rule's triggers, events that set the rule to act.
    conditions string The criteria that must be met for the rule to act after it is triggered.
    actions string The action to perform when rule is triggered.
    object_type_id integer Object ID of object rule is related to.

    Delete a specific rule

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->rule()->deleteSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes a specific rule by its ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: Key5678

    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the rule to delete. Required.

    Delete multiple rules

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids" => "1,2",
        "range" => "2"
    $response = $client->rule()->deleteMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Deleted",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes a collection of rules based on a set of parameters. You can choose the ids for the rules to delete or use our pagination tools for a mass delete. Be very careful using this endpoint with your API key, as rules will be permanently deleted from your database.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: Key5678

    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the rules to delete. Entering a value of 0 will result in all rules being selected. Caution should be used with this endpoint.
    start integer The offset to delete results from.
    range integer The number of rules you want to delete. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which rules to delete. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your rule objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not rule notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other rule fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection. Note that setting this to the value of 1 without any other parameters will delete all rules from your account.

    Events, Conditions, Actions

    Refer to the Rule Parameter Table for more details pertaining to each rule's parameters. Additionally, you can also click on each rule, which will redirect you to its rule parameters.

    Note: While the use of "contact" is the primary relation in these rule names, majority of the rules are applicable to all custom objects as well.
    **not applicable for custom objects, only contacts.

    Trigger (i.e. Event) Name
    Contact is created Contact_added_to_my_database
    A field is updated field_is_updated
    Contact is added to Sequence Contact_added_to_campaign
    Contact is removed from Sequence Contact_leaves_campaign
    Subscription to Sequence is Paused Subscription_to_drip_is_paused
    Subscription to Sequence is Resumed Subscription_to_drip_is_unpaused
    Contact is Paused on Campaign pause_campaign
    Contact is Resumed on Campaign unpause_campaign
    Contact is added to Tag Contact_added_to_category
    Contact is removed from Tag Contact_removed_from_category
    Contact is added to Fulfillment List Contact_subscribed_to_fulfillment
    Contact is removed from Fulfillment List Contact_unsubscribed_from_fulfillment
    Today Matches Contact’s Date Field on_date_field
    Today is Relative to Contact’s Date Field relative_date_field
    Contact is Added/Removed from Campaign campaign_builder_object_change
    Task is Completed object_completed_task
    Contact Submits Form object_submits_form
    Opens Email Contact_opens_email
    Clicks an Email link Contact_clicks_emailanchor
    Sends you an Email (tracked by IMAP Settings) Contact_sends_Email
    SMS Received from Contact sms_message_received
    Purchases Product** Contact_purchases_product
    Gets a refund on a Product** Contact_receives_refund_on_product
    Visits a Landing Page** Contact_visits_landingpage_splittest
    Visits a PURL** Contact_visits_purl_splittest
    Open order is created** Contact_is_subscribed_to_productsub
    Open order is charged or updated** Contact_subscription_to_productsub_is_subaction
    Credit card is charged or declined** Contact_credit_card_is_ccstatus
    Contact visits URL** contact_visits_url
    Clicks Tracked Link** clicks_tracked_link
    Is given access to WordPress Membership Level** Contact_given_access_to_wpintmembershiplevel
    Loses access to WordPress Membership Level** Contact_removed_from_access_to_wpintmembershiplevel
    Condition Name
    Was subscribed to campaign before and after a certain date campaignbuilder_subscription_date_is_val
    Has been on campaign for a certain amount of time Been_on_campaign_for_timeframe
    Contact is Paused or Resumed on Campaign paused_or_active_on_camp
    Has been on a sequence for a certain amount of time been_on_campaignbuilder_for_timeframe
    Was subscribed to sequence before or after a certain date Date_of_subscription_to_drip_is_datecondition_datevalue
    If Contact is subscribed to Sequence Is_subscribed_to_drip
    If Contact is not subscribed to Sequence Is_not_subscribed_to_drip
    Subscription to a sequence is paused Subscription_to_dripa_is_paused
    Subscription to a sequence is resumed Subscription_to_dripa_is_not_paused
    Field is this value field_is_condition_fieldvalue
    Contact has Tag Is_in_category
    Contact doesn’t have Tag Is_not_in_category
    If Contact is subscribed to Fulfillment List Is_on_fulfillment
    If Contact is not subscribed to Fulfillment List Is_not_on_fulfillment
    Has opened an Email a certain number of times Has_opened_email_condition_n_times
    Has clicked an Email link a certain number of times Has_clicked_emailanchor_condition_n_times
    SMS contains an Email address sms_contains_email
    SMS does not contain an Email address sms_does_not_contain_email
    SMS contains text sms_contains_text
    SMS does not contain text sms_does_not_contain_text
    Has spent a certain amount on a product** Has_spent_condition_N_on_product
    Has ordered a certain amount of a product** Has_spent_condition_N_on_product
    Is subscribed to product** Is_subscribed_to_productsub
    Has been subscribed to a product for a certain amount of time** Has_been_subscribed_to_productsub_for_timeframe
    Has visited a WordPress site a certain number of times** Has_visited_website_condition_n_times
    Has visited a landing page a certain number of times** Has_visited_landingpage_splittest_condition_n_times
    Has access to WordPress Membership Level** Contact_has_access_to_wpintmembershiplevel
    Does not have access to WordPress Membership Level** Contact_does_not_have_access_to_wpintmembershiplevel
    Action Name
    Add Contact to Tag Add_contact_to_category
    Remove Contact from Tag Remove_contact_from_category
    Add/Remove Contact from Campaign campaign_builder_action_change
    Pause or Unpause Contact on Campaign pause_or_unpause_on_camp
    Add Contact to Sequence Assign_contact_to_drip
    Remove Contact from Sequence Remove_contact_from_drip
    Remove from all sequences Remove_contact_from_all_sequences
    Pause Subscription to a sequence Pause_subscription_to_dripa
    Unpause subscription to a sequence Unpause_subscription_to_dripa
    Change the value of a field Change_field_to_fieldvalue
    Add to Lead Router** Add_to_leadrouter
    Add Contact to Fulfillment List Assign_to_fulfillment
    Remove Contact from Fulfillment List Remove_from_fulfillment
    Remove Contact from All Fulfillment Lists Remove_from_all_fulfillments
    Recharge all transactions that are in collections** Recharge_all_declined_transactions
    Add Product to Purchase History** Add_product_to_purchase_history
    Cancel Open Order** Cancel_open_orders_with_product
    Notify someone with an Email (any email address) Notify_someone_with_emailmbs
    Send an Email Send_contact_an_emailmbs
    Send a Postcard** Send_contact_a_postcard
    Add Task Send_contact_a_task
    Send as SMS send_contact_an_sms
    Ping a URL Ping_APIURL
    Give access to WordPress Membership Level** Add_access_for_contact_to_wpintmembershiplevel
    Remove access to WordPress Membership Level** Remove_access_for_contact_to_wpintmembershiplevel
    Update Facebook Custom Audience facebook_audience_action
    Notify Ontraport User with an SMS Notify_someone_with_sms

    Rule Parameter Table

    The following lists the types and order of parameters pertaining to each rule that is expected when using a rule. Each rule name corresponds to the way it appears in our application on

    When constructing your own rule data, rule parameters should be separated by commas, in the order as it descends down the list, and wrapped in parentheses. No whitespace should be between the parameters and commas. Refer to these examples for rule parameters through the usage of our SDK, as well as for constructing valid rule data to make a successful API request.

    Note: While the use of "contact" is the primary relation in these rule names, majority of the rules are applicable to all custom objects as well.
    **not applicable for custom objects, only contacts.

    Trigger (i.e. Event) Required Parameters Type
    Contact is created none
    A field is updated Field ID integer
    When a Contact is added to Sequence Sequence ID integer
    When Contact is removed from Sequence Sequence ID integer
    Subscription to Sequence is Paused Sequence ID integer
    Subscription to Sequence is Resumed Sequence ID integer
    Contact is Paused on Campaign Campaign ID integer
    Contact is Resumed on Campaign Campaign ID integer
    Contact is added from Tag Tag ID integer
    Contact is removed from Tag Tag ID integer
    Contact is added to Fulfillment List Fulfillment ID integer
    Contact is removed from Fulfillment List Fulfillment ID integer
    Today Matches Contact’s Date Field Field string (example)
    Today is Relative to Contact’s Date Field (example) Number Of
    Contact is Added/Removed from Campaign Option
    Campaign ID
    Task is Completed Task ID integer
    Contact Submits Form Form ID
    Opens Email Email ID integer
    Clicks an Email link Email ID
    Link Num
    Sends you an Email (tracked by IMAP Settings) none
    SMS Received from Contact Number ID integer
    Purchases Product** Product ID integer
    Gets a refund on a Product** Product ID integer
    Visits a Landing Page** Landing Page ID integer
    Visits a PURL** PURL ID integer
    Open order is created** Product ID integer
    Open order is charged or updated** Option
    Order ID
    Credit card is charged or declined** Option constant
    Contact visits URL** URL string
    Clicks Tracked Link** Tracked Link ID integer
    Is given access to WordPress Membership Level** WP Membership ID integer
    Loses access to WordPress Membership Level** WP Membership ID integer
    Condition Required Parameters Type
    Was subscribed to campaign before and after a certain date Campaign ID
    timestamp(measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch)
    Has been on campaign for a certain amount of time (example) Campaign ID
    Number Units
    ("n Days", "n Weeks", "n Months")
    Contact is Paused or Resumed on Campaign Option
    Campaign ID
    Has been on a sequence for a certain amount of time Sequence ID
    Number Of
    Was subscribed to sequence before or after a certain date Sequence ID
    timestamp(measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch)
    If Contact is subscribed to Sequence Sequence ID integer
    If Contact is not subscribed to Sequence Sequence ID integer
    Subscription to a sequence is paused Sequence ID integer
    Subscription to a sequence is resumed Sequence ID integer
    Field is this value Field ID
    string or constant
    (Input for Value parameter will change depending on your Field)
    Contact has Tag Tag ID integer
    Contact doesn’t have Tag Tag ID integer
    If Contact is subscribed to Fulfillment List Fulfillment ID integer
    If Contact is not subscribed to Fulfillment List Fulfillment ID integer
    Has opened an Email a certain number of times Email ID
    Has clicked an Email link a certain number of times (example) Email ID and Link Num

    (formatted like: email_id:link_num)
    SMS contains an Email address none
    SMS does not contain an Email address none
    SMS contains text Text string
    SMS does not contain text Text string
    Has spent a certain amount on a product** Conditional
    Product ID
    Has ordered a certain amount of a product** Conditional
    Product ID
    Is subscribed to product** Product ID integer
    Has been subscribed to a product for a certain amount of time** Product ID
    Number Units
    ("n Days", "n Weeks", "n Months")
    Has visited a WordPress site a certain number of times** WordPress ID
    Has visited a landing page a certain number of times** Landing Page ID
    Object Type ID => 0*
    Has access to WordPress Membership Level** WordPress Membership ID integer
    Does not have access to WordPress Membership Level** WordPress Membership ID integer

    *object_type_id => 0 because access allowed only for contacts now.

    Action Required Parameters Type
    Add Contact to Tag Tag ID integer
    Remove Contact from Tag Tag ID integer
    Add/Remove Contact from Campaign Option
    Campaign ID
    Pause or Unpause Contact on Campaign Option
    Campaign ID
    Add Contact to Sequence Sequence ID integer
    Remove Contact from Sequence Sequence ID integer
    Remove from all sequences none
    Pause Subscription to a sequence Sequence ID integer
    Unpause subscription to a sequence Sequence ID integer
    Change the value of a field Field ID
    Field Option => "REPLACE"
    Add to Lead Router** Lead Router ID integer
    Add Contact to Fulfillment List Fulfillment ID integer
    Remove Contact from Fulfillment List Fulfillment ID integer
    Remove Contact from All Fulfillment Lists none
    Recharge all transactions that are in collections** none
    Add Product to Purchase History** Product ID integer
    Cancel Open Order** Product ID integer
    Notify someone with an Email (any email address) User ID
    Email ID
    Send an Email Email ID integer
    Send a Postcard** Postcard ID integer
    Add Task Task ID integer
    Send as SMS SMS ID
    Number ID
    Ping a URL (example) Webhook ID integer
    Give access to WordPress Membership Level** WordPress Membership ID integer
    Remove access to WordPress Membership Level** WordPress Membership ID integer
    Update Facebook Custom Audience Add or Remove

    Custom Audience ID
    (add => "add", remove => "remove")
    Notify Ontraport User with an SMS User ID
    SMS ID
    Email ID


    When the required parameter is Units, Option, Conditional, Outcome, or Value, refer to the following constants in the RuleBuilder model and its corresponding values to use in your rule.

    Parameter Constants
    Units DAYS => 0
    WEEKS => 1
    MONTHS => 2
    Option BEFORE_FIELD => 0
    AFTER_FIELD => 1
    CANCELED => 1
    COMPLETED => 2
    CHARGED => 0
    DECLINED => 1
    RESUMED => 0
    PAUSE => 1
    UNPAUSE => 0
    ADD => 0
    REMOVE => 1
    Conditional EQUAL_TO => "Equal To"
    NOT_EQUAL_TO => "Not Equal To"
    GREATER_THAN => "Greater Than"
    LESS_THAN => "Less Than"
    GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TO => "Greater Than or Equal To"
    LESS_OR_EQUAL_TO => "Less Than or Equal To"
    CONTAINS => "Contains"
    DOES_NOT_CONTAIN => "Does Not Contain"
    STARTS_WITH => "Starts With"
    ENDS_WITH => "Ends With"
    ON => 1
    BEFORE => 2
    AFTER => 3
    Outcome SUCCESSFUL => 0 (if not an order form, it is always successful)
    FAILURE => 1
    Value (Relative Dates) TODAY => "TODAY"
    Value (Card Types) VISA => 1
    DISCOVER => 4
    PAYPAL => 5
    OTHER => 6
    Value (Months) JAN => 1
    FEB => 2
    MARCH => 3
    APRIL => 4
    MAY => 5
    JUNE => 6
    JULY => 7
    AUG => 8
    SEPT => 9
    OCT => 10
    NOV => 11
    DEC => 12


    Note: The following usage of "Ping a URL" is deprecated.


    Object Type ID: 46

    A transaction object is created when one of your contacts purchases a product.

    Through the transactions API, you can retrieve a single transaction or a collection of transactions. You can manually process a transaction, which creates a new transaction object. You can change the status of a transaction, resend an invoice to a contact, rerun a transaction or partner commission, and void, write off, or refund a transaction. You can also retrieve an order, which is an instance of a recurring subscription.

    The transaction object

        "id": "1",
        "hidden": "0",
        "status": 6,
        "contact_id": "1",
        "order_id": "0",
        "form_id": "0",
        "lp_id": null,
        "cc_id": "1",
        "gateway_id": "25",
        "date": "1492624700",
        "template_id": "1",
        "subtotal": "400.00",
        "tax": "0.00",
        "shipping": "0.00",
        "total": "400.00",
        "zip": "",
        "city": null,
        "state": null,
        "county": null,
        "tax_city": "0.00",
        "tax_state": "0.00",
        "tax_county": "0.00",
        "external_order_id": "",
        "oprid": "0",
        "offer_data": "{\"products\":[{\"quantity\":\"20\",\"minQuantity\":\"1\",\"maxQuantity\":\"99\",\"total\":\"400.00\",\"shipping\":\"false\",\"tax\":\"false\",\"price\":[{\"price\":\"20.00\",\"payment_count\":\"1\",\"unit\":\"month\",\"id\":\"97092058792\"}],\"type\":\"\",\"quantityEditable\":\"false\",\"index\":\"0\",\"name\":\"Lambas Bread\",\"description\":\"\",\"owner\":\"1\",\"date\":\"1492622772\",\"dlm\":\"1492622772\",\"level1\":\"0\",\"level2\":\"0\",\"external_id\":\"null\",\"product_group\":\"null\",\"offer_to_affiliates\":\"true\",\"trial_period_unit\":\"day\",\"trial_period_count\":\"0\",\"trial_price\":\"0\",\"setup_fee\":\"0\",\"delay_start\":\"0\",\"sku\":\"null\",\"setup_fee_when\":\"immediately\",\"setup_fee_date\":\"0\",\"product_type\":\"digital\",\"subscription_fee\":\"0\",\"subscription_count\":\"0\",\"subscription_unit\":\"day\",\"download_limit\":\"0\",\"download_time_limit\":\"0\",\"taxable\":\"null\",\"deleted\":\"false\",\"total_income\":\"null\",\"total_purchases\":\"null\",\"id\":\"5\",\"uid\":\"bd068323-5782-54cd-3980-1fe6637cdbfe\"}],\"shipping\":\"null\",\"delay\":\"0\",\"invoice_template\":\"1\",\"subTotal\":\"400\",\"grandTotal\":\"400.00\",\"hasTaxes\":\"false\",\"hasShipping\":\"false\",\"paypalValid\":\"true\",\"offerCoupon\":\"false\",\"coupon\":\"null\",\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\":\"false\",\"resorted\":\"null\",\"name\":\"Introductory Offer\",\"id\":\"3\"}",
        "last_recharge_date": "1492643964",
        "recharge_attempts": "2",
        "recharge": null,
        "contact_name": "Mary Smith"

    Transaction attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id string The transaction's ID.
    hidden integer A binary integer flag designating whether or not the transaction is assessible. Integer codes map as follows:
    0 => Accessible
    1 => Hidden
    status integer The status of the transaction. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Collections
    1 => Paid
    2 => Refunded
    4 => Void
    5 => Declined
    6 => Written off
    7 => Pending
    contact_id integer The ID of the contact who made the transaction.
    contact_name string The full name of the contact who made the transaction.
    order_id integer If the transaction resulted from a subscription purchase, the ID of the associated order.
    form_id integer If the transaction resulted from a purchase made via a form, the ID of that form.
    lp_id integer If the transaction resulted from a purchase made via a landing page, the ID of that landing page.
    cc_id integer The ID of the credit card used to charge the transaction.
    gateway_id integer The ID of the payment gateway used to complete the transaction.
    date timestamp The date and time the transaction was made measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    template_id integer The ID of the invoice template sent to the contact.
    subtotal double The amount of the transaction prior to tax and shipping.
    tax double The amount of the tax on the transaction.
    tax_city double The amount of any city tax on the transaction.
    tax_state double The amount of any state tax on the transaction.
    tax_county double The amount of any county tax on the transaction.
    shipping double The cost of shipping for the transaction.
    total double The total amount of the transaction.
    zip string The zip code for the billing address.
    city string The city for the billing address.
    state string The state for the billing address.
    county string The county for the billing address.
    external_order_id integer If a sale comes from another system, the order ID sent from that system.
    oprid integer The ID of the affiliate to be credited for the transaction.
    offer_data string JSON encoded offer data. The offer object contains all information about products, quantities, coupons, tax and shipping.
    last_recharge_date timestamp If the transaction has been recharged, the date and time of the last attempt measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    recharge_attempts integer If the transaction has been recharged, the count of the number of times this has been attempted.
    recharge integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not the transaction should be recharged. Values are mapped as follows:
    0 => false
    1 => true

    Retrieve a single transaction

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->transaction()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "hidden": "0",
        "status": 6,
        "contact_id": "1",
        "order_id": "0",
        "form_id": "0",
        "lp_id": null,
        "cc_id": "1",
        "gateway_id": "25",
        "date": "1492624700",
        "template_id": "1",
        "subtotal": "400.00",
        "tax": "0.00",
        "shipping": "0.00",
        "total": "400.00",
        "zip": "",
        "city": null,
        "state": null,
        "county": null,
        "tax_city": "0.00",
        "tax_state": "0.00",
        "tax_county": "0.00",
        "external_order_id": "",
        "oprid": "0",
        "offer_data": "{\"products\":[{\"quantity\":\"20\",\"minQuantity\":\"1\",\"maxQuantity\":\"99\",\"total\":\"400.00\",\"shipping\":\"false\",\"tax\":\"false\",\"price\":[{\"price\":\"20.00\",\"payment_count\":\"1\",\"unit\":\"month\",\"id\":\"97092058792\"}],\"type\":\"\",\"quantityEditable\":\"false\",\"index\":\"0\",\"name\":\"Lambas Bread\",\"description\":\"\",\"owner\":\"1\",\"date\":\"1492622772\",\"dlm\":\"1492622772\",\"level1\":\"0\",\"level2\":\"0\",\"external_id\":\"null\",\"product_group\":\"null\",\"offer_to_affiliates\":\"true\",\"trial_period_unit\":\"day\",\"trial_period_count\":\"0\",\"trial_price\":\"0\",\"setup_fee\":\"0\",\"delay_start\":\"0\",\"sku\":\"null\",\"setup_fee_when\":\"immediately\",\"setup_fee_date\":\"0\",\"product_type\":\"digital\",\"subscription_fee\":\"0\",\"subscription_count\":\"0\",\"subscription_unit\":\"day\",\"download_limit\":\"0\",\"download_time_limit\":\"0\",\"taxable\":\"null\",\"deleted\":\"false\",\"total_income\":\"null\",\"total_purchases\":\"null\",\"id\":\"5\",\"uid\":\"bd068323-5782-54cd-3980-1fe6637cdbfe\"}],\"shipping\":\"null\",\"delay\":\"0\",\"invoice_template\":\"1\",\"subTotal\":\"400\",\"grandTotal\":\"400.00\",\"hasTaxes\":\"false\",\"hasShipping\":\"false\",\"paypalValid\":\"true\",\"offerCoupon\":\"false\",\"coupon\":\"null\",\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\":\"false\",\"resorted\":\"null\",\"name\":\"Introductory Offer\",\"id\":\"3\"}",
        "last_recharge_date": "1492643964",
        "recharge_attempts": "2",
        "recharge": null,
        "contact_name": "Mary Smith"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing transaction.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The transaction ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple transactions

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids"        => "1,2,3",
        "sort"       => "contact_id",
        "sortDir"    => "desc",
        "listFields" => "id,contact_id,total"
    $response = $client->transaction()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "3",
          "contact_id": "3",
          "total": "400.00",
          "date": 1492702394,
          "status": 7
          "id": "2",
          "contact_id": "2",
          "total": "400.00",
          "date": 1492702394,
          "status": 7
          "id": "1",
          "contact_id": "1",
          "total": "400.00",
          "date": 1492702394,
          "status": 7
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of transactions based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the transactions to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all transactions being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of transactions you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which transactions to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your transaction objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other transaction fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your transaction object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve transaction object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->transaction()->retrieveMeta();
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "46": {
          "name": "Invoice",
          "fields": {
            "date": {
              "alias": "Date Created",
              "type": "timestamp"
            "status": {
              "alias": "Status",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "0": "Collections",
                "1": "Paid",
                "2": "Refunded",
                "3": "Partially Refunded",
                "4": "Voided",
                "5": "Declined",
                "6": "Write Off",
                "7": "Pending"
            "total": {
              "alias": "Total",
              "type": "price"
            "tax": {
              "alias": "Total Tax",
              "type": "price"
            "subtotal": {
              "alias": "Subtotal",
              "type": "price"
            "shipping": {
              "alias": "Shipping",
              "type": "price"
            "zip": {
              "alias": "Tax Zip",
              "type": "text"
            "city": {
              "alias": "Tax City",
              "type": "text"
            "state": {
              "alias": "Tax State",
              "type": "text"
            "county": {
              "alias": "Tax County",
              "type": "text"
            "tax_city": {
              "alias": "Tax City Amount",
              "type": "price"
            "tax_state": {
              "alias": "Tax State Amount",
              "type": "price"
            "tax_county": {
              "alias": "Tax County Amount",
              "type": "price"
            "contact_name": {
              "alias": "Contact Name",
              "type": "text"
            "gateway_id": {
              "alias": "Gateway",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 130
      "account_id": "50"

    Retrieves the field meta data for the transaction object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters


    Retrieve transaction collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search" => "400"
    $response = $client->transaction()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "count": "3",
        "sums": {
          "total": 1200
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves information about a collection of transactions, such as the number of transactions that match the given criteria.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which transactions to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your transaction objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other transaction fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Convert transaction to collections

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=1' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->transaction()->convertToCollections($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Marks a transaction as in collections.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The transaction ID. Required.

    Convert transaction to declined

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=1' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->transaction()->convertToDeclined($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Marks a transaction as declined.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The transaction ID. Required.

    Mark transaction as paid

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=4' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 4
    $response = $client->transaction()->markAsPaid($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [],
      "account_id": "12345"

    Marks a transaction as paid.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The transaction ID. Required.

    Retrieve an order

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 2
    $response = $client->transaction()->retrieveOrder($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "products": [],
        "shipping": "null",
        "delay": "0",
        "invoice_template": "1",
        "subTotal": "10000000",
        "grandTotal": "10000000.00",
        "hasTaxes": "false",
        "hasShipping": "false",
        "paypalValid": "false",
        "offerCoupon": "false",
        "coupon": "null",
        "shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders": "false",
        "resorted": "null",
        "name": "Awesome Offer",
        "data": "{\"products\":[{\"quantity\":1,\"minQuantity\":1,\"maxQuantity\":99,\"total\":\"10000000.00\",\"shipping\":false,\"tax\":false,\"price\":[{\"price\":\"10000000.00\",\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"year\",\"id\":250271583026}],\"type\":\"subscription\",\"quantityEditable\":\"false\",\"index\":0,\"name\":\"Mithril\",\"uid\":\"42c5547e-38cc-b61b-69b4-26f67d03ed9a\",\"id\":\"6\",\"description\":\"\",\"owner\":\"1\",\"date\":\"1492641931\",\"dlm\":\"1492641931\",\"level1\":\"0\",\"level2\":\"0\",\"external_id\":null,\"product_group\":null,\"offer_to_affiliates\":\"true\",\"trial_period_unit\":\"day\",\"trial_period_count\":\"0\",\"trial_price\":\"0\",\"setup_fee\":\"0\",\"delay_start\":\"0\",\"sku\":null,\"setup_fee_when\":\"immediately\",\"setup_fee_date\":\"0\",\"product_type\":\"digital\",\"subscription_fee\":\"0\",\"subscription_count\":\"0\",\"subscription_unit\":\"day\",\"download_limit\":\"0\",\"download_time_limit\":\"0\",\"taxable\":null,\"deleted\":\"false\",\"total_income\":null,\"total_purchases\":null}],\"taxes\":[],\"paymentmethods\":[],\"shipping\":null,\"delay\":0,\"invoice_template\":1,\"subTotal\":10000000,\"grandTotal\":\"10000000.00\",\"hasTaxes\":false,\"hasShipping\":false,\"paypalValid\":false,\"offerCoupon\":false,\"coupon\":null,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\":false,\"resorted\":null,\"name\":\"Awesome Offer\"}",
        "public": "1",
        "referenced": "0",
        "id": "4",
        "offer_id": "5",
        "order_id": "2",
        "payment_next_date": "1524178068",
        "status": "1",
        "gateway_id": "1",
        "affiliate_id": "0"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all information about a specified order.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The transaction ID. Required.

    Update an order

    curl -X PUT -d '{ \
       "offer": { \
         "products": [ \
           { \
             "price": [ \
               { \
                 "price": 10.00, \
                 "id": 1 \
               } \
             ], \
             "id": 1 \
           } \
         ], \
         "offer_id": 8, \
         "order_id": 1, \
         "cc_id": 2 \
       } \
     }' ''
         --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
         --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
         --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $data = array(
    $data = array(
        "offer" => array(
            "products" => array(
                    "price" => array(
                            "price" => 10,
                            "id" => 1
                    "id" => 5
            "offer_id" => 8,
            "order_id" => 3,
            "cc_id" => 1

    Example Response:

        "code": 0,
        "data": {
          "id": "1",
          "contact_id": "9",
          "offer_id": "9",
          "affiliate": "0",
          "cc_id": 1,
          "name": "Widget",
          "payment_next_date": "1515441600",
          "orig_month_date": "0",
          "unit": "month",
          "count": "1",
          "gateway_id": "3",
          "shipping_address": null,
          "shipping_city": null,
          "shipping_state": null,
          "shipping_zip": null,
          "shipping_country": null,
          "shipping_last_charge": "0",
          "shipping_service": null,
          "status": "0",
          "hidden": "0",
          "dlm": "1512762376",
          "order_form_json": null,
          "cancellation_date": "0",
          "next_sub": "40.00",
          "tax": "0.00",
          "shipping": "0.00",
          "next_charge": "10.00",
          "transactions": "1",
          "transactions_remaining": "0",
          "charged": "10.00"
        "account_id": "12345"

    Updates an order to include new offer data. For example, to update the credit card tied to the recurring subscription.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    offer Offer The product and pricing offer for the transaction. Required.

    Array keys must include:
    products => array[Product]
    order_id => integer
    offer_id => integer
    cc_id => integer

    Array keys may include:
    taxes => array[Tax]
    shipping => array[Shipping]
    delay => integer
    subTotal => number
    grandTotal => number
    hasTaxes => boolean
    hasShipping => boolean
    shipping_charge_recurring_orders => boolean
    ccExpirationDate => string
    If offer data is not provided, the order will be deleted.

    Build a manual transaction

    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Transaction as Transaction;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Product as Product;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Offer as Offer;
    $client = new Client("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");    
    // Create a new product 
    $product = new Product("poke", 2.00);
    $params = $product->toRequestParams();
    $response = $client->product()->create($params);
    $response = json_decode($response, true);
    $product_id = $response["data"]["id"];
    // Create a new transaction 
     $transaction = new Transaction(1, 1, 1);
    // Build the offer for the transaction
     $offer = new Offer("My New Offer");
     $offer->addProduct(5, 1, true, true, array("owner" => 1, "price" => 12, "name" => "Lambas Bread"));
     $offer->addTrial(5, 5, 1, Offer::DAY);
     $offer->addPaymentPlan(5, 6, 2, Offer::MONTH);
     $offer->setShipping(1, 5.00, "Test Ship");
     $offer->addTax(1, 7.00, true);
    // Load the newly built offer into the transaction
    // Save the data up until now as a new Offer
    $requestParams = $offer->toRequestParams();
    // Continue making offer modifications for the transaction to be processed manually
    $data = $client->product()->retrieveMultiple(array("search" => "tater tots"));
    $data = json_decode($data, true);
    $product = Product::CreateFromResponse($data["data"][0]);
    // Add product with Product object
    $offer->addProduct($product, 2, true, false);
    $offer->setShipping(1, 2.00, "Shipment");
    $requestParams = $transaction->toRequestParams();

    We have provided you with a Transaction model in our SDK that helps simplify the formatting process in building a correct valid transaction to process manually.

    You can build a transaction with the Transaction model in our SDK or build your own request parameter array to process a transaction manually. Please note that the correct formatting of valid transaction data will be the user's responsibility to ensure.

    The transaction model is meant to be used in conjunction with the Offer model to build a successful transaction. By utilizing the Offer model, you can build an offer and then proceed to load that offer data into the Transaction.


    Function Description
    loadOffer Load an existing offer into the transaction.
    setBillingAddress Set the billing address for the payer. May be omitted if contact has a default card selected.
    setPayer Set the payment information for the transaction. May be omitted if contact has a default card selected.
    setInvoiceTemplate Set the invoice template to use for the transaction.
    sendRecurringInvoice Send recurring invoices for each reoccurring order.
    toRequestParams Converts the transaction object to an array to be used as request parameters.

    Transaction(contact ID, charge now, gateway ID)

    Parameter Type Description
    contact ID integer The ID of the contact to process the transaction with.
    charge now constant Whether or not to charge the transaction now or to log it.
    gateway ID integer The ID of the gateway to use to process the payment. May be omitted if logging a transaction.


    Note that calling this will replace the existing transaction data, if any, in your Transaction object. Make sure to call this function after the instantiation of the Transaction object to prevent any unwanted overwritten data.

    Parameter Type Description
    offer Offer An Offer object containing an offer's data.


    If credit card and billing information already exist for this contact, you may use the ID of an existing credit card to choose which stored credit card the transaction is charged to. In this case, you may omit the
    setBillingAddress function call from the request.

    If credit card and billing information are already on file for this client and you want this transaction to be charged to the contact's default credit card, you do not need call setPayer and setBillingAddress.

    Otherwise, if you call setPayer with information of the new payer to charge, you must also call
    setBillingAddress to set the billing address for this payer.

    Note that calling this function a second time will replace the value used from the previous call.

    Parameter Type Description
    payer array

    The information of the new payer to charge in this transaction. Array must contain the following keys:
    ccnumber, code, expire_month, expire_year
    The ID of an existing credit card in the contact. (Note that this does not need to be set if the default credit card for the contact is desired.)


    If you call setPayer with information of the new payer to charge, you must also call
    setBillingAddress to set the billing address for that payer. Otherwise, you may omit this function call from the request.

    Parameter Type Description
    address array The information of the new billing address corresponding to the new payer. Array must contain the following keys:
    address, address2 (optional), city, state, zip, country.

    setInvoiceTemplate(Invoice Template ID)

    Parameter Type Description
    Invoice Template ID integer The ID of the invoice template to use in this transaction. To suppress invoices, set this to SUPPRESS.


    Parameter Constants
    charge now LOG => "chargeLog"
    CHARGE_NOW => "chargeNow"
    Invoice Template ID SUPPRESS => -1

    Process a transaction manually

    curl -X POST -d '{
               "contact_id": 1,
               "chargeNow": "chargeNow",
               "trans_date": 1369820760000,
               "invoice_template": 1,
               "gateway_id": 1,
               "offer": {
                 "products": [
                     "quantity": 1,
                     "shipping": false,
                     "tax": false,
                     "price": [
                         "price": 10,
                         "payment_count": 0,
                         "unit": "month",
                         "id": 314159265
                     "type": "subscription",
                     "owner": 1,
                     "offer_to_affiliates": true,
                     "trial_period_unit": "day",
                     "trial_period_count": 0,
                     "setup_fee_when": "immediately",
                     "setup_fee_date": "string",
                     "delay_start": 0,
                     "subscription_count": 0,
                     "subscription_unit": "month",
                     "taxable": false,
                     "id": 5
               "billing_address": {
                 "address": "123 XYZ St.",
                 "city": "Santa Barbara",
                 "state": "CA",
                 "zip": "93101",
                 "country": "US"
               }, \
               "payer": {
                 "ccnumber": "4111111111111111",
                 "code": "123",
                 "expire_month": 1,
                 "expire_year": 2035
             }' '' \
             --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
             --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
             --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
      "contact_id"       => 1,
      "chargeNow"        => "chargeNow",
      "trans_date"       => 1369820760000,
      "invoice_template" => 1,
      "gateway_id"       => 1,
      "cc_id"            => 1,
      "offer"            => array(
        "products"          => array(
                                    "quantity"           => 1,
                                    "shipping"           => false,
                                    "tax"                => false,
                                    "price"              => array(
                                        "price"             => 10,
                                        "payment_count"     => 0,
                                        "unit"              => "month",
                                        "id"                => 314159265
                                    "type"                => "subscription",
                                    "owner"               => 1,
                                    "offer_to_affiliates" => true,
                                    "trial_period_unit"   => "day",
                                    "trial_period_count"  => 0,
                                    "setup_fee_when"      => "immediately",
                                    "setup_fee_date"      => "string",
                                    "delay_start"         => 0,
                                    "subscription_count"  => 0,
                                    "subscription_unit"   => "month",
                                    "taxable"             => false,
                                    "id"                  => 5
      "billing_address"     => array(
                                "address"     => "123 XYZ St",
                                "city"        => "Santa Barbara",
                                "state"       => "CA",
                                "zip"         => "93101",
                                "country"     => "US"
      "payer"              => array(
                                "ccnumber"     => "4111111111111111",
                                "code"         => "123",
                                "expire_month" => 1,
                                "expire_year"  => 2035
    $response = $client->transaction()->processManual($requestParams);

    Example Response (processed transactions): *Note that invoice ID can be used interchangeably with transaction ID.


    Processes a transaction for a contact. Please note that this request requires valid parameters for all associated members of the transaction or the request will fail. If you have doubled-checked all parameters and the request is still failing, check that the payload JSON format is correct by using JSONLint. Additionally, you can also use the Transaction model to simplify the process in building a request parameter array.

    If credit card and billing information already exist for this contact, you may use the cc_id parameter and can choose which stored credit card the transaction is charged to. In this case, you may omit billing_address and payer from the request. If credit card and billing information are already on file for this client and you want this transaction to be charged to the contact's default credit card, you do not need to submit cc_id, billing_address or payer. Note that trans_date is given in milliseconds elapsed since midnight on 1/1/1970.

    If you would like to log a transaction without actually processing it, you can use this endpoint with chargeNow set to "chargeLog". You can see an example of this here.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    contact_id integer The ID of the contact for whom a transaction should be created. Required.
    chargeNow string Whether a transaction should be charged or simply logged. Should be set to "chargeNow". Required.
    external_order_id string Optional external order id that you can save within the generated transaction
    trans_date integer The time of the transaction represented in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
    invoice_template integer The ID of the invoice template to use for this transaction. The default invoice ID is 1. Required.
    gateway_id integer The ID of the gateway to use for this transaction. Note that this is the ID of the gateway object itself and not the external_id of the gateway. A transaction can't succeed without a valid gateway. Required.
    cc_id integer The ID of the credit card to charge for this transaction. Note that this is only required if the request does not contain billing_address and payer and the default credit card is not desired.
    create_open_order_on_decline string For open orders, whether we create an open order if there's a today charge which declines. Optional Defaults to true.
    offer Offer The product and pricing offer for the transaction. Required.
    Array keys may include:
    products => array[Product]
    taxes => array[Tax]
    shipping => array[Shipping]
    delay => integer
    subTotal => number
    grandTotal => number
    hasTaxes => boolean
    hasShipping => boolean
    shipping_charge_recurring_orders => boolean
    ccExpirationDate => string
    billing_address Address The complete billing address information for this transaction. Only required if not already on file for this contact.
    Array keys may include:
    address => string
    address2 => string
    city => string
    state => string
    zip => string
    country => string
    payer Payer The credit card information for this transaction. Only required if not already on file for this contact.
    Array keys may include:
    ccnumber => string
    cctoken => Token
    code => string
    expire_month => integer
    expire_year => integer


    An offer needs to be included with each manual transaction. This includes information on products, tax, and shipping. If invalid information is included in your offer, your request will fail.

    Parameter Type Description
    products array[Product] An array of products to include in your offer. Required.
    Array keys may include:
    quantity => integer
    total => number
    shipping => boolean
    tax => boolean
    price => array[Price]
    type => string
    owner => integer
    level1 => number
    level2 => number
    offer_to_affiliates => boolean
    trial_period_unit => string
    trial_period_count => integer
    trial_price => number
    setup_fee => number
    setup_fee_when => string
    setup_fee_date => string
    delay_start => integer
    subscription_fee => number
    subscription_count => integer
    subscription_unit => integer
    taxable => boolean
    id => integer
    taxes array[Tax] An array of taxes to be applied to your offer.
    Array keys may include:
    id => integer
    rate => number
    name => string
    taxShipping => boolean
    taxTotal => number
    form_id => integer
    shipping array[Shipping] An array of shipping detail to be applied to your offer.
    Array keys may include:
    id => integer
    name => string
    price => number
    form_id => integer
    delay integer The number of days to delay the start of the offer.
    subTotal number The product total cost before tax, shipping and discounts.
    grandTotal number The total cost of the entire offer.
    hasTaxes boolean Indicates whether or not there are applicable taxes for this offer.
    hasShipping boolean Indicates whether or not shipping should be applied to this offer.
    shipping_charge_recurring_orders boolean Indicates whether or not shipping charges should be applied to recurring orders.
    send_recurring_invoice boolean For subscriptions, indicates whether or not an invoice should be sent with every recurring order. This value defaults to false.
    ccExpirationDate string The expiration date of the credit card on file.


    If billing address information is not already on file for a contact, this information must be included with any manual transaction. Address information does not need to be included if it is already on file.

    Parameter Type Description
    address string The contact's billing address. Required.
    address2 string Any additional address information for the contact, such as building or suite number.
    city string The contact's city. Required.
    state string The contact's state. Required.
    zip string The contact's zip code. Required.
    country string The contact's country. Required.


    Payer information is stored for contacts with credit card information on file. If this information is not currently on file for a contact, it needs to be included in order to successfully process a transaction.

    Parameter Type Description
    ccnumber string The contact's full credit card number. Required if cctoken not present.
    code string The CVV code for the contact's credit card. Recommended. Only used if ccnumber present.
    cctoken Token The card token data. Required if ccnumber not present.
    expire_month integer The expiration month, in digits, of the credit card to be processed. Required.
    expire_year integer The four-digit expiration year of the credit card to be processed. Required.


    Token data for token-based gateway implementations. Only used if ccnumber isn't present. At present, only tokens for the Stripe gateway are supported.

    Parameter Type Description
    token array The token data for this specific gateway. For Stripe Token, an example would be {"card_id": "card_XXXXX", "customer_id": "cus_XXXXX"}. Required.
    card_type string The type of this card. Supported values are visa, mastercard, amex, discover and diners. Required.
    last4 string The last four digits of the card number. Required.


    An array of products is included with every offer. If valid, existing products are not included, a transaction can't be processed.

    Parameter Type Description
    quantity integer The total number of this item to be included in the purchase. Required.
    total number The total amount of this purchase. Required.
    shipping boolean Indicates whether or not there is a cost to ship this product.
    taxable boolean Indicates whether or not this product should be taxed.
    price array[Price] An array of pricing elements associated with this product.
    Array keys may include:
    price => number
    payment_count => integer
    unit => string
    id => integer
    type string The type of product. Values can be:
    subscription => a recurring purchase item
    one_time => a single purchase item
    payment_plan => a product paid for on installment
    owner integer The ID of the user controlling the product.
    level1 number The partner level 1 commission percentage, if any.
    level2 number The partner level 2 commission percentage, if any.
    offer_to_affiliates boolean Indicates whether or not this product is offered to affiliates.
    trial_period_unit string If there is a trial period for the product, indicates the units of length of the trial period.
    Options can be: day, week, month, quarter, year.
    trial_period_count integer Indicates the length of the trial period. Must be used in conjunction with trial_period_unit.
    trial_price number The price of the product during the trial period.
    setup_fee number The cost of of any one-time set-up fee, if applicable.
    setup_fee_when string Indicates when the setup fee should be applied.
    Values can be: immediately, after_trial, on_date.
    setup_fee_date timestamp If the value for setup_fee_when is on_date, the date of when the setup fee should be applied in seconds elapsed since the Unix Epoch.
    delay_start integer The number of days to delay the start of a subscription.
    subscription_fee number The cost of any additional fee for a subscription product.
    subscription_count integer The number of subscriptions.
    subscription_unit string Indicates how often a subscription product is delivered.
    Options can be: day, week, month, quarter, year.
    id integer The product ID. This must be the ID of an existing product or your request will fail. Required.


    An array of tax data can be included with an offer where taxes are applicable.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the existing tax object to apply to the offer. Required.
    rate number The rate at which the offer should be taxed.
    name string The name of the tax to be applied.
    taxShipping boolean Indicates whether or not shipping charges should be taxed.
    taxTotal number The total amount of the applied taxes.
    form_id integer The ID of the related form, if any.


    An array of shipping data can be included with an offer where shipping is applicable.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the shipping method being applied to the offer. This must be an existing shipping method. Required.
    name string The name of the shipping method being used.
    price number The cost of charges incurred for this shipping method.
    form_id integer The ID of the related form, if any.


    An array of price data should be included with products.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the pricing item.
    price number The price of the product.
    payment_count integer If a payment plan item, the number of payments to be made.
    unit string The units of time of payments.
    Options can be: day, week, month, quarter, year.

    Log a transaction

    curl -X POST -d '{
       "contact_id": 1,
       "chargeNow": "chargeLog",
       "invoice_template": 1,
       "offer": {
         "products": [
             "quantity": 1,
             "owner": 1,
             "id": 1
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
      "contact_id"       => 1,
      "invoice_template" => 1,
      "chargeNow"        => "chargeLog",
      "offer"            => array(
          "products"        => array(
                  "quantity"  => 1,
                  "owner"     => 1,
                  "id"        => 1
    $response = $client->transaction()->processManual($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "invoice_id": 3
      "account_id": "12345"

    If you would like to pass in a previously charged transaction to be logged in Ontraport without actually charging your contact, you can use the transaction/processManual endpoint with the chargeNow field set to "chargeLog".

    Far less data is needed to simply log a transaction than to manually process one. The gateway, payer, and billing details are unnecessary in this case. The mandatory information in this case include a contact ID, the "chargeLog" designation, and product and pricing details.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    contact_id integer The ID of the contact for whom a transaction should be created. Required.
    chargeNow string Whether a transaction should be charged or simply logged. Should be set to "chargeLog". Required.
    external_order_id string Optional external order id that you can save within the generated transaction
    trans_date integer The time of the transaction represented in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
    invoice_template integer The ID of the invoice template to use for this transaction. The default invoice ID is 1. If you would like to suppress the sending of invoices for logged transactions, this parameter should be set to -1.
    offer Offer The product and pricing offer for the transaction. Required.
    Array keys must include:
    products => array[Product]

    Refund a transaction

    curl -X PUT -d '{
       "ids": [
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => 0,
        "ids"      => array(2)
    $response = $client->transaction()->refund($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Refunded",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Refunds a previously charged transaction.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids array[int] An array of the IDs of the transactions to refund. Entering a value of 0 will result in all transactions being selected. Required.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of transactions you want to refund. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which transactions to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your transaction objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other transaction fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Rerun a transaction

    curl -X POST -d '{"ids": [1]}' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => 0,
        "ids"      => array(1)
    $response = $client->transaction()->rerun($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": 1,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Reruns a previously charged transaction.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids array[int] An array of the IDs of the transactions to rerun. Entering a value of 0 will result in all transactions being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of transactions you want to rerun. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which transactions to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your transaction objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other transaction fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Rerun a transaction's commissions

    curl -X PUT -d '{"ids": [1]}' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => 0,
        "ids"      => array(1)
    $response = $client->transaction()->rerunCommission($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Re-ran commissions",
      "account_id": "99"

    Reruns partner commissions for a previously charged transaction.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids array[int] An array of the IDs of the transactions to rerun commissions for. Entering a value of 0 will result in all transactions being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of transactions you want to rerun commissions for. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which transactions to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your transaction objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other transaction fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Resend an invoice

    curl -X POST -d '{
       "objectID": 0,
       "ids": [
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => 0,
        "ids"      => array(1)
    $response = $client->transaction()->resendInvoice($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Resends an invoice for a previously charged transaction.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids array[int] An array of the IDs of the transactions to resend invoices for. Entering a value of 0 will result in all transactions being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of transactions you want to resend invoices for. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which transactions to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your transaction objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other transaction fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Void a transaction

    curl -X PUT -d '{
       "ids": [
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => 0,
        "ids"      => array(1)
    $response = $client->transaction()->void($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Voided",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Voids a previously charged transaction.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids array[int] An array of the IDs of the transactions to void. Entering a value of 0 will result in all transactions being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of transactions you want to void. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which transactions to void. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your transaction objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other transaction fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Write off a transaction

    curl -X PUT -d '{
       "objectID": 0,
       "ids": [
       ]}' '' \
       --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => 0,
        "ids"      => array(1)
    $response = $client->transaction()->writeOff($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": 1,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Writes off a previously charged transaction.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    ids array[int] An array of the IDs of the transactions to write off. Entering a value of 0 will result in all transactions being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of transactions you want to write off. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which transactions to write off. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your transaction objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other transaction fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.


    Object Type ID: 14

    Tags are labels which allow you to create groups of contacts or custom objects. Groups can be created using tags based on certain factors such as if a contact filled out a form, or purchased a product. Tags can be used to send follow-up messages, such as a referral, to a group of contacts who fit a particular category.

    Through the tag API, you can retrieve a single tag and a collection of tags. You can retrieve the information of a collection of tags, and the field information for a tag. You can create a new tag, or update the information of an existing tag. You can also delete a single tag, or a list of tags.

    The tag object

      "tag_id": "1",
      "tag_name": "Filled out a form",
      "object_type_id": "0"
    Attributes Type Description
    tag_id integer The ID of the tag.
    tag_name string The name of the tag.
    object_type_id integer The ID of the type of object the tag was added to. If the tag was added to a contact, this value will be 0.

    Retrieve a specific tag

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");    
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->tag()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "tag_id": "1",
        "tag_name": "Purchased a product",
        "object_type_id": "0"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves all information for an existing tag.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The tag ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple tags

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");    
    $requestParams = array(
        "sort"       => "name",
        "sortDir"    => "asc"
    $response = $client->tag()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "tag_id": "1",
          "tag_name": "The first tag",
          "object_type_id": "0"
          "tag_id": "2",
          "tag_name": "The second tag",
          "object_type_id": "0"
      "account_id": 12345,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of tags based on a set of parameters. You can limit necessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the tags to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all tags being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of tags you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which tags to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your tag objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other tag fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your tag object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve tag object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
        use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
        $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
        $response = $client->tag()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "14": {
          "name": "Tag",
          "fields": {
            "tag_name": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "text",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "tag_id": {
              "alias": "Id",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 0,
              "deletable": 0
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves the field meta data for the tag object.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters


    Retrieve tag collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
        use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
        $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");    
        $requestParams = array(
            "search"     => "Purchased",
        $response = $client->tag()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "cardViewSettings": {
          "fields": [
        "viewMode": [],
        "widgetSettings": {
          "map": [
          "widgets": {
            "overview": {
              "type": "object_widget_overview",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "tasks": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_task_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 1,
                "header": "Tasks"
            "notes": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_notes_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 12,
                "header": "Notes"
            "settings": {
              "type": "object_widget_settings",
              "options": {
                "placeAtEndOfColumn": true,
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "fields": {
              "type": "object_widget_fields",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true,
                "fields": [
          "listFields": [
        "count": "6"
      "account_id": 12345

    Retrieves information about a collection of tags, such as the number of tags that match the given criteria.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which tags to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your tag objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other tag fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Create a tag

    curl -X POST -d 'tag_name=api_tag&object_type_id=0' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "tag_name" => "api_tag",
        "object_type_id" => 0
    $response = $client->tag()->create($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "tag_name": "api_tag",
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "tag_id": "1"
      "account_id": 12345

    Using this API endpoint, you can add a new tag to your database. When creating a new tag, you need to specify the tag's name as well as the type of object the tag will be used for. You cannot create a new tag with the same name as a tag of the same object type, although tags for different objects can share the same name.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    tag_name string The name of the tag to create. Required.
    object_type_id integer The ID of the object type the tag will be added to. Contacts have an ID of 0, while custom object IDs start at 10000. If no ID is specified, the tag will be created for contacts.

    Update a tag

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=1&tag_name=updated_tag' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1,
        "tag_name" => "updated_tag"
    $response = $client->tag()->update($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "attrs": {
          "tag_name": "updated_tag",
          "id": null
      "account_id": 12345

    Updates an existing tag's name from its ID. All objects with this tag will be updated to have the tag with the new name. A tag cannot be updated to have the same name as an existing tag of the same object type.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the tag to update. Required.
    tag_name string The new name for the tag. Required.

    Delete a specific tag

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->tag()->deleteSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes a specific tag by its ID. Any objects with this tag will have the tag removed.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the tag to delete. Required.

    Delete multiple tags

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "ids" => "1,2"
    $response = $client->tag()->deleteMultiple($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Deleted",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Deletes a collection of tags based on a set of parameters. You can choose the IDs for the tags to delete or use our pagination tools for a mass delete. Be very careful using this endpoint with your API key, as tags will be permanently deleted from your database.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the tags to delete. Entering a value of 0 will result in all tags being selected. Caution should be used with this endpoint.
    start integer The offset to delete results from.
    range integer The number of tags you want to delete. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which tags to delete. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your tag objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not tag notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other tag fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection. Note that setting this to the value of 1 without any other parameters will delete all tags from your account.


    Object Type ID: 1

    A task object is created when a task is assigned to a contact or other object.

    Through the task API, you can retrieve a single task or a collection of tasks, as well as update the data for a task. You can also assign, cancel, reschedule, and mark tasks as complete.

    The task object

        "id": "1",
        "owner": "1",
        "drip_id": "0",
        "contact_id": "32",
        "step_num": "0",
        "subject": "Do this.",
        "date_assigned": "1491929050",
        "date_due": "1522341850",
        "date_complete": null,
        "status": "0",
        "type": "0",
        "details": "Fred, please complete this task.",
        "hidden": "0",
        "call_outcome_id": "0",
        "item_id": "7",
        "notifications": "{\"notifications_sent\":[false]}",
        "rules": null,
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "object_name": "Contacts"

    Task attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    id integer The task's ID.
    owner integer The user who has control of the task.
    drip_id integer If the task is a step in a sequence, the ID of that sequence.
    contact_id integer The ID of the contact the task is related to.
    step_num integer If the task is a step in a sequence, the order in the sequence of that step.
    subject string The subject line of the task email.
    date_assigned timestamp The date and time the task was assigned.
    date_due timestamp The date and time the task should be completed by.
    date_complete timestamp The date and time the task was marked as completed.
    status integer The task completion status. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    0 => Pending
    1 => Complete
    2 => Cancelled
    type integer The task type. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    -1 => Fulfillment tasks
    0 => Normal tasks (default)
    details string The content of the task message.
    hidden integer A binary integer flag designating whether or not the task is accessible. Integer codes map as follows:
    0 => Not hidden
    1 => Hidden
    call_outcome_id integer If the task has an outcome, the ID of that outcome. Task outcomes are user-defined and stored as a related object.
    item_id integer The ID of the task message. The task message is the generic template the task was created from.
    notifications string A JSON encoded string including information about sent notifications.
    rules string If the task has rules associated with it, the events, conditions and actions of those rules.
    object_type_id integer The ID for the type of object the task is associated with.
    object_name string The name of the type of object the task is associated with.

    Retrieve a specific task

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 1
    $response = $client->task()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "owner": "1",
        "drip_id": "0",
        "contact_id": "32",
        "step_num": "0",
        "subject": "Do this.",
        "date_assigned": "1491929050",
        "date_due": "1522341850",
        "date_complete": null,
        "status": "0",
        "type": "0",
        "details": "Fred, please complete this task.",
        "hidden": "0",
        "call_outcome_id": "0",
        "item_id": "7",
        "notifications": "{\"notifications_sent\":[false]}",
        "rules": null,
        "object_type_id": "0",
        "object_name": "Contacts"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing task.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: Key5678

    Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The task ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple tasks

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "sort"       => "date_due",
        "sortDir"    => "desc",
        "listFields" => "id,subject,date_due"
    $response = $client->task()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "2",
          "subject": "Do this.",
          "date_due": "1713628490",
          "owner": "1"
          "id": "1",
          "subject": "Help!",
          "date_due": "1605628490",
          "owner": "1"
          "id": "3",
          "subject": "Follow up with this contact",
          "date_due": "1493152240",
          "owner": "1"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of tasks based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the tasks to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all tasks being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of tasks you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which tasks to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your task objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other task fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your task object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve task object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->task()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "1": {
          "name": "Task",
          "fields": {
            "owner": {
              "alias": "Assignee",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 2
            "contact_id": {
              "alias": "Contact",
              "type": "parent"
            "call_outcome_id": {
              "alias": "Outcome",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 66
            "subject": {
              "alias": "Subject",
              "type": "text"
            "details": {
              "alias": "Details",
              "type": "longtext"
            "date_assigned": {
              "alias": "Date Assigned",
              "type": "timestamp"
            "date_complete": {
              "alias": "Date Complete",
              "type": "timestamp"
            "date_due": {
              "alias": "Date Due",
              "type": "fulldate"
            "item_id": {
              "alias": "Task",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 7
            "status": {
              "alias": "Status",
              "type": "drop",
              "options": {
                "0": "Pending",
                "1": "Complete",
                "2": "Canceled"
            "drip_id": {
              "alias": "Sequence",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": 5
            "object_type_id": {
              "alias": "Object",
              "type": "parent",
              "parent_object": "99"
            "object_name": {
              "alias": "Related Object",
              "type": "related_data"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the field meta data for the task object.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters


    Retrieve task collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "search"     => "Task"
    $response = $client->task()->retrieveCollectionInfo($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "count": "2"
      "account_id": "50"

    Retrieves information about a collection of tasks, such as the number of tasks that match the given criteria.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which tasks to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your task objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other task fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Update a task

    curl -X PUT -d 'id=1&status=2' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id"     => 1,
        "status" => 2
    $response = $client->task()->update($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "attrs": {
           "status": "2",
           "id": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Updates a task with a new assignee, due date, or status.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The task ID. Required.
    owner integer The ID of the task assignee.
    date_due timestamp The date and time the task should be due measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    status string The task's status. Integer codes map as follows:
    0 => Pending
    1 => Complete
    2 => Cancelled

    Assign a task

    curl -X POST -d '{
       "object_type_id": 0,
       "ids": [
       "group_id": 0,
       "message": {
         "id": 6,
         "type": "Task",
         "due_date": 7,
         "task_owner": 0
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "object_type_id" => 0,
        "ids"            => array(5),
        "group_id"      => array(0),
        "message"        => array(
            "id"           => 1,
            "type"         => "Task",
            "due_date"     => 7,
            "task_owner"   => 0
    $response = $client->task()->assign($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Assigns a task to one or more contacts.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    object_type_id integer The object type ID of the object type tasks will be assigned to. This value is 0 for contacts. Required.
    ids array[int] An array of the IDs of contacts to assign a task to. (group_id may be substituted for ids).
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    message TaskMessage An array of data for the task message to assign to contacts. See below for descriptions of the parameters which should be included in this array.

    Task Message

    When assigning a task through the API, you can include an array of data pertaining to the task message. You can specify which task message to use and the due date and assignee of the task.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The task message ID.
    type integer The task type. Integer codes are mapped as follows:
    -1 => Fulfillment tasks
    0 => Normal tasks (default)
    due_date timestamp The date and time the task will be due, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    task_owner integer The ID of the user responsible for the task.

    Cancel a task

    curl -X POST -d '{
       "objectID": 0,
       "ids": [
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams =  array(
        "objectID" => 0,
        "ids"      => array(
    $response = $client->task()->cancel($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Cancels one or more tasks. To affect a single task or list of specific tasks, specify ids in the body of your request. Otherwise, you should use performAll and other criteria to select a group of tasks to cancel.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    objectID integer The object type ID. Required.
    ids array[int] An array of the IDs of the tasks to cancel. Entering a value of 0 will result in all tasks being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of tasks you want to cancel. The maximum and default range is 50.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which tasks to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your task objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other task fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Complete a task

    curl -X POST -d '{
       "object_type_id": 0,
       "ids": [
       "data": {
         "outcome": ":=success",
         "task_form_lastname": "Green"
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "object_type_id" => 0,
        "ids"            => array(3),
        "data"           => array(
            "outcome"            => ":=success",
            "task_form_lastname" => "Green"
    $response = $client->task()->complete($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Marks one or more tasks as completed. To affect a single task or list of specific tasks, specify ids in the body of your request. Otherwise, you should use performAll and other criteria to select a group of tasks to complete.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    object_type_id integer The ID of the object type to mark a task as complete for. This value defaults to 0 for a contact object. Required.
    ids array[int] An array of the object IDs the task should be marked as completed for. (group_id can be substituted for ids).
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    data TaskData An array of task data, including:
    outcome => string
    followup => TaskFollowup
    task_form_{fieldname} => string
    See below for a description of these parameters.

    Task Data

    When you mark a task as completed, you have the option of specifying additional actions to be taken. This optional array of task data allows you to create a task outcome, assign a followup task, and update any task fields as needed.

    Parameter Type Description
    outcome string Task outcome name. This must start with ":=" For example, ":=signed".
    followup TaskFollowup An array of task followup data, including:
    message_id => integer
    due_date => integer
    task_owner => integer
    See a description of those parameters below.
    task_form_{field} string These fields can be used to update associated object data when completing a task. For example, set task_form_title to "New title" to change the contact's title.

    Task Followup

    If you want to create another task to follow up upon task completion, you can include an array of data for a followup task. This allows you to specify the message you want to use in addition to the due date and assignee of the new task.

    Parameter Type Description
    message_id integer Message ID of a new task to be created for further followup. This task message must currently exist. New task messages can be created using the objects/create endpoint with objectID set to 1.
    due_date integer The due date of the new task, given as number of days from current date.
    task_owner integer The ID of the user responsible for the new task.
    task_notification_checkbox integer A binary integer flag indicating whether or not to send email notifications from the Contact's email.

    Reschedule a task

    curl -X POST -d '{
       "id": 2,
       "newtime": 1713628490
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id"      => 2,
        "newtime" => 1713628490
    $response = $client->task()->reschedule($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Reschedules a task for a different date and time.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/json

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a JSON-encoded string.

    Field Type Description
    id integer The task ID. Required.
    newtime timestamp The date and time the task should be rescheduled for, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.


    Object Type ID: 145

    You can use webhooks subscriptions to receive notifications about events occurring within your Ontraport account.

    Events you can currently subscribe to are as follows:

    Event Triggered When Details
    object_create A new contact or custom object is added Event
    object_submits_form Any contact or custom object fills out the specified form Event
    sub_tag Any contact or custom object is added to the specified tag Event
    unsub_tag Any contact or custom object is removed from the specified tag Event

    The webhook object

        "id": "27",
        "event": "sub_tag(1)",
        "data": "{\"format\":\"notify\"}",
        "url": "",
        "last_hook": 1516128699,
        "last_code": 200,
    Attributes Type Description
    id integer The webhook ID.
    event string The event triggering the webhook.
    data string Additional json-formatted data regarding the format of the payload
    url string The URL the payload should be sent to.
    last_code string The last HTTP response code.
    last_hook timestamp The date and time of the last webhook, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.
    last_payload string The form-encoded contents of the last payload.

    Payload data formats

    You can limit the amount of data sent in webhooks by specifying a data format.


    data: {"format":"notify"}

    A simple notification is good for when you want to be notified that an event occurs, but you don't need a lot of information about the related object or you would like to handle retrieving the information about that object through a separate API call.


    data: {"format":"lightweight"}

    A lightweight notification is available for contacts and custom objects, and is useful when you would like to have basic fields sent, but don't need all of the fields for that record. In the case, the ID, first name, last name, and email for the contact will be returned. If this flag is included for a custom object, the ID in addition to the first three custom fields for that object will be returned.


    data: {"format":"custom","payload":"firstname=[First Name]&lastname=[Last Name]","http_method":"post","max_retries":"3","headers":{"api-key":"123","api-appid":"test123"}}

    Using a custom webhook format provides access to additional functionality, like specifying http method, http headers, and the exact payload you want to send. These parameters will be ignored if the custom format is not specified.

    Parameter Details
    headers Any headers you would like send along with your request. We will automatically detect the Content-Type of your payload if it is JSON or form-encoded. If we cannot detect a type we will default to plain text. If you send a Content-Type header, it will override any detection we perform.
    http_method We support GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE,
    payload This custom payload mimics the format in Ontraport webhook nodes and rules. You can declare a query string or JSON body and include Ontraport contact mergefields. We will detect the mergefields and merge the desired data in.
    max_retries The number of times you would like us to resubmit a particular request upon failure.

    Retrieve a specific webhook

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 23
    $response = $client->webhook()->retrieveSingle($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
          "id": "27",
          "event": "sub_tag(1)",
          "data": "{\"format\":\"notify\"}",
          "url": "",
          "last_hook": 1516128699,
          "last_code": 200,
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves all the information for an existing webhook. The only parameter needed is the ID for the webhook.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The webhook ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple webhooks

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "listFields" => "id,event,url"
    $response = $client->webhook()->retrieveMultiple($requestParams);

    Example response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "8",
          "event": "sub_tag(1)",
          "url": ""
          "id": "10",
          "event": "unsub_tag(2)",
          "url": ""
          "id": "15",
          "event": "object_create(0)",
          "url": ""
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of webhooks based on a set of parameters. You can limit unnecessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the webhooks to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all webhooks being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of webhooks you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which webhooks to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your webhook objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not webhook notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other webhook fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your webhook object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string An array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve webhook object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $response = $client->webhook()->retrieveMeta();

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "145": {
          "name": "Webhook",
          "fields": {
            "event": {
              "alias": "Event",
              "type": "longtext"
            "data": {
              "alias": "Data",
              "type": "longtext"
            "url": {
              "alias": "URL",
              "type": "longtext"
            "last_code": {
              "alias": "Last Response Code",
              "type": "numeric"
            "last_hook": {
              "alias": "Last Webhook",
              "type": "timestamp"
            "last_payload": {
              "alias": "Last Payload",
              "type": "longtext"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Retrieves the field meta data for the webhook object.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters


    Subscribe to a webhook

    curl -X POST -d '' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "event" => "object_create(0)",
        "url" => ""

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "url": "",
        "event": "object_create(0)",
        "id": 3,
        "owner": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"

    Subscribes to a new webhook.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Request Parameters

    Parameters should be sent in the request body as a URL-encoded string.

    Parameter Type Description
    url string The URL to send the payload to.
    event string The event to subscribe to.
    data string Additional information about the format of the payload.

    Unsubscribe from a webhook

    curl -X DELETE '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "id" => 2
    $response = $client->webhook()->unsubscribe($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": "Deleted",
      "account_id": "12345"

    Unsubscribe from a specific webhook by its ID.


    Request Endpoint


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api_key}

    Api-Appid: {app_id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The ID of the webhook to unsubscribe from. Required.

    Webhook Events

    Form is submitted

    # Subscribe to this event with a standard payload
    curl -X POST -d '' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    // Subscribe to this event with a standard payload
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "event" => "object_submits_form(1)",
        "url" => ""

    Example Payload:

        "event": {
        "data": {
             "bulk_mail":"Single Opt-in",
             "unique_id": "D4GD000"

    This event triggers when a contact or custom object submits a specific form.

    Event Name


    Event Parameters

    The single parameter indicates the ID of the specific form or form block to trigger the webhook for. Not providing this ID will cause an error upon subscription to the webhook.

    If you would like the webhook to be triggered upon submission of a standalone ONTRAform or Smart Form, the parameter passed in is simply the form ID.


    You can also trigger this webhook based on the submission of a form block within a landing page. In this case, a form block ID must be passed in. To determine the block ID of the form in your landing page, you can retrieve a list of IDs using the getBlocksByFormName endpoint. The list will return IDs with an "f" prepended if the block refers to a standalone form, and with an "lp" prepended if the block exists within a landingpage. When saving a webhook, the prefix is stripped from the ID.


    Payload Format

    Payload is sent as JSON.

    Payload Data

    Attribute Type Description
    webhook_id integer The webhook ID.
    object_type_id integer The object type ID of the object triggering the event.
    event[type] string The name of the triggering event.
    event[form_id] integer The form ID.
    data array The attributes of the object triggering the event. This data can be limited to a simple ID, limited to just essential fields, or contain the full array of object data. For a contact, full data looks like this. Custom object data will vary.
    timestamp timestamp The date and time of the webhook, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.

    Object is created

    curl -X POST -d '' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    // Be notified when a new contact is created
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "event" => "object_create(0)",
        "url" => "",
        "data" => "{\"format\":\"notify\"}"

    Example Payload:

        "event": {
        "data": {

    This event triggers on the creation of a new contact or custom object record.

    Event Name


    Event Parameters

    The single parameter indicates the object type ID of the contact or custom object to trigger the webhook for. Not providing this ID will cause an error upon subscription to the webhook.


    Payload Format

    Payload is sent as JSON.

    Payload Data

    Attribute Type Description
    webhook_id integer The webhook ID.
    object_type_id integer The object type ID of the object triggering the event.
    event[type] string The name of the triggering event.
    data array The attributes of the object triggering the event. This data can be limited to a simple ID, limited to just essential fields, or contain the full array of object data. For a contact, full data looks like this. Custom object data will vary. Note that at different points during object creation, more or less data may be saved for a contact. For example, when contacts are added in-app, the contact object is created first and fields are subsequently updated, meaning object_create will send an ID and updated date fields. If a contact is created via the API, all data included in the request will sent with the webhook.
    timestamp timestamp The date and time of the webhook, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.

    Tag is added

    # Subscribe to this event, request a lightweight payload
    curl -X POST -d '' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    // Subscribe to this event, request a lightweight payload
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "event" => "sub_tag(4)",
        "url" => "",
        "data" => "{\"format\":\"lightweight\"}"

    Example Payload:

        "event": {
        "data": {

    This event triggers when a specific tag is added to a contact or custom object.

    Event Name


    Event Parameters

    The single parameter indicates the ID of the specific tag to trigger the webhook for. Not providing the tag ID will cause an error upon subscription to the webhook.


    Payload Format

    Payload is sent as JSON.

    Payload Data

    Attribute Type Description
    webhook_id integer The webhook ID.
    object_type_id integer The object type ID of the object triggering the event.
    event[type] string The name of the triggering event.
    event[tag_id] integer The tag ID.
    data array The attributes of the object triggering the event. This data can be limited to a simple ID, limited to just essential fields, or contain the full array of object data. For a contact, full data looks like this. Custom object data will vary.
    timestamp timestamp The date and time of the webhook, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.

    Tag is removed

    # Subscribe to this event, request a lightweight payload
    curl -X POST -d '' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    // Subscribe to this event, request a lightweight payload
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "event" => "unsub_tag(4)",
        "url" => "",
        "data" => "{\"format\":\"lightweight\"}"

    Example Payload:

        "event": {
        "data": {

    This event triggers when a specific tag is removed from a contact or custom object.

    Event Name


    Event Parameters

    The single parameter indicates the ID of the specific tag to trigger the webhook for. Not providing the tag ID will cause an error upon subscription to the webhook.


    Payload Format

    Payload is sent as JSON.

    Payload Data

    Attribute Type Description
    webhook_id integer The webhook ID.
    object_type_id integer The object type ID of the object triggering the event.
    event[type] string The name of the triggering event.
    event[tag_id] integer The tag ID.
    data array The attributes of the object triggering the event. This data can be limited to a simple ID, limited to just essential fields, or contain the full array of object data. For a contact, full data looks like this. Custom object data will vary.
    timestamp timestamp The date and time of the webhook, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.

    Contact purchases product

    curl -X POST -d '' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    // Be notified when a new purchase is created
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "event" => "purchase_product(1)",
        "url" => ""

    Example Payload:

        "event": {
        "data": {
             "bulk_mail":"Single Opt-in",
             "unique_id": "D4GD000"

    This event triggers on the creation of a purchase for a specific product.

    Event Name


    Event Parameters

    The single parameter indicates the ID of the specific product to trigger the webhook for. Not providing this ID will cause an error upon subscription to the webhook.


    Payload Format

    Payload is sent as JSON.

    Payload Data

    Attribute Type Description
    webhook_id integer The webhook ID.
    object_type_id integer The object type ID of the object triggering the event.
    event[type] string The name of the triggering event.
    event[purchase] string The json of the purchase object.
    event[product_id] string The id of the product in the triggering event.
    event[invoice_id] string The id of the invoice in the triggering event.
    data array The attributes of the object triggering the event. This data can be limited to a simple ID, limited to just essential fields, or contain the full array of object data. For a contact, full data looks like this. Note that at different points during object creation, more or less data may be saved for a contact. For example, when contacts are added in-app, the contact object is created first and fields are subsequently updated, meaning object_create will send an ID and updated date fields. If a contact is created via the API, all data included in the request will sent with the webhook.
    timestamp timestamp The date and time of the webhook, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.

    Transaction created with product

    curl -X POST -d '' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    // Be notified when a new purchase is created
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
        "event" => "transaction_created_with_product(1)",
        "url" => ""

    Example Payload:

        "event": {
                "description":"One magical alpha",
                "offer_data":"{\"products\":[{\"quantity\":2,\"total\":\"918.00\",\"shipping\":false,\"tax\":true,\"price\":[{\"price\":\"459.00\",\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"day\",\"id\":602780304444}],\"type\":\"single\",\"owner\":\"1\",\"date\":\"0\",\"dlm\":\"0\",\"name\":\"Frisbee 3\",\"deleted\":false,\"total_income\":null,\"total_purchases\":null,\"id\":\"1\"}],\"taxes\":false,\"paymentmethods\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"placeholder\"},{\"name\":\"Test Dummy\",\"type\":\"dummy\",\"date\":\"1360374265\",\"status\":\"0\",\"external_id\":\"994\",\"id\":\"1\"}],\"shipping\":false,\"delay\":0,\"invoice_template\":1,\"subTotal\":840,\"grandTotal\":\"840.00\",\"hasTaxes\":false,\"hasShipping\":false,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\":true,\"id\":45}",
        "data": {
             "bulk_mail":"Single Opt-in",
             "unique_id": "D4GD000"

    This event triggers on the creation of a invoice for a specific product.

    Event Name


    Event Parameters

    The single parameter indicates the ID of the specific product to trigger the webhook for. Not providing this ID will cause an error upon subscription to the webhook.


    Payload Format

    Payload is sent as JSON.

    Payload Data

    Attribute Type Description
    webhook_id integer The webhook ID.
    object_type_id integer The object type ID of the object triggering the event.
    event[type] string The name of the triggering event.
    event[product] string The json of the product object.
    event[invoice] string The json of the invoice object.
    event[product_id] string The id of the product_id in the triggering event.
    data array The attributes of the object triggering the event. This data can be limited to a simple ID, limited to just essential fields, or contain the full array of object data. For a contact, full data looks like this. Note that at different points during object creation, more or less data may be saved for a contact. For example, when contacts are added in-app, the contact object is created first and fields are subsequently updated, meaning object_create will send an ID and updated date fields. If a contact is created via the API, all data included in the request will sent with the webhook.
    timestamp timestamp The date and time of the webhook, measured in seconds from the Unix Epoch.

    Webhook Log

    Object Type ID: 187

    The Webhook log contains a max of 10,000 entries. These entries are the tracked history of all sucessful webhooks from the past 2 days and all unsuccessful webhooks from the past 7 days. Additionally, Webhooks seen within the Webhook Log are webhooks that have been sent from preferences in the Ontraport App or from an Ontraport API webhook subscription.

    The webhhook_log object

        "id": "9",
        "date": "1685575007",
        "request": "{\n\t\"url\": \"https:\\/\\/\\/123456\",\n\t\"headers\": [\n\t\t\"content-type: application\\/x-www-form-urlencoded\"\n\t],\n\t\"payload\": \"ye\",\n\t\"http_method\": \"POST\"\n}",
        "response_code": "200",
        "response_data": "{\n\t\"response\": \"HTTP\\/1.1 200 OK\\r\\nServer: nginx\\r\\nContent-Type: text\\/plain; charset=UTF-8\\r\\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\\r\\nVary: Accept-Encoding\\r\\nX-Request-Id: 0b44f121-5d80-4634-981b-272586dcbdba\\r\\nX-Token-Id: 0cc62a86-b752-4e5b-ab86-8afc9dd0243a\\r\\nCache-Control: no-cache, private\\r\\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2023 23:16:46 GMT\\r\\n\\r\\n\",\n\t\"http_code\": 200,\n\t\"errno\": 0,\n\t\"headerSize\": 299\n}",
        "name": "<a href=\"#!/rule/edit&id=1\" class=\"ussr-component-collection-cell-data \" title=\"webhook rule \">webhook rule</a>",
        "origin_object": "Contact",
        "webhook_type": "Global Rules",
        "webhook_id": null
    Attribute Type Description
    id bigint The webhook log's id
    date bigint The date the related webhook was sent
    request text The payload and request headers sent in the related webhook
    response_code integer The HTTP response code received from the related webhook's destination server
    response_data text The response data and headers received from the destination server
    name text The name of the specific Ontraport system that triggered the webhook, linked to the edit screen of that system within the web app
    origin_object text The Ontraport object related to this webhook
    webhook_type text The Ontraport system that sent the related webhook
    webhook_id bigint The id of the related webhook, only not null if the webhook_type is API

    Retrieve a specific Webhook Log

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "date": "1685575007",
        "request": "{\n\t\"url\": \"https:\\/\\/\\/123456\",\n\t\"headers\": [\n\t\t\"content-type: application\\/x-www-form-urlencoded\"\n\t],\n\t\"payload\": \"ye\",\n\t\"http_method\": \"POST\"\n}",
        "response_code": "200",
        "response_data": "{\n\t\"response\": \"HTTP\\/1.1 200 OK\\r\\nServer: nginx\\r\\nContent-Type: text\\/plain; charset=UTF-8\\r\\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\\r\\nVary: Accept-Encoding\\r\\nX-Request-Id: 0b44f121-5d80-4634-981b-272586dcbdba\\r\\nX-Token-Id: 0cc62a86-b752-4e5b-ab86-8afc9dd0243a\\r\\nCache-Control: no-cache, private\\r\\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2023 23:16:46 GMT\\r\\n\\r\\n\",\n\t\"http_code\": 200,\n\t\"errno\": 0,\n\t\"headerSize\": 299\n}",
        "name": "<a href=\"#!/rule/edit&id=1\" class=\"ussr-component-collection-cell-data \" title=\"webhook rule \">webhook rule</a>",
        "origin_object": "Contact",
        "webhook_type": "Global Rules",
        "webhook_id": null
      "account_id": 60

    Retrieves all information for an existing Webhook.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    id integer The Webhook ID. Required.

    Retrieve multiple Webhook Logs

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "date": "1685575007",
          "request": "{\n\t\"url\": \"https:\\/\\/\\/0cc62a86-b752-4e5b-ab86-8afc9dd0243a\",\n\t\"headers\": [\n\t\t\"content-type: application\\/x-www-form-urlencoded\"\n\t],\n\t\"payload\": \"ye\",\n\t\"http_method\": \"POST\"\n}",
          "response_code": "200",
          "response_data": "{\n\t\"response\": \"HTTP\\/1.1 200 OK\\r\\nServer: nginx\\r\\nContent-Type: text\\/plain; charset=UTF-8\\r\\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\\r\\nVary: Accept-Encoding\\r\\nX-Request-Id: 0b44f121-5d80-4634-981b-272586dcbdba\\r\\nX-Token-Id: 0cc62a86-b752-4e5b-ab86-8afc9dd0243a\\r\\nCache-Control: no-cache, private\\r\\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2023 23:16:46 GMT\\r\\n\\r\\n\",\n\t\"http_code\": 200,\n\t\"errno\": 0,\n\t\"headerSize\": 299\n}",
          "name": "<a href=\"#!/rule/edit&id=1\" class=\"ussr-component-collection-cell-data \" title=\"webhook rule \">webhook rule</a>",
          "origin_object": "Contact",
          "webhook_type": "Global Rules",
          "webhook_id": null
          "id": "2",
          "date": "1685576349",
          "request": "{\n\t\"url\": \"https:\\/\\/\\/0cc62a86-b752-4e5b-ab86-8afc9dd0243a\",\n\t\"headers\": [\n\t\t\"content-type: application\\/x-www-form-urlencoded\"\n\t],\n\t\"payload\": \"ye\",\n\t\"http_method\": \"POST\"\n}",
          "response_code": "200",
          "response_data": "{\n\t\"response\": \"HTTP\\/1.1 200 OK\\r\\nServer: nginx\\r\\nContent-Type: text\\/plain; charset=UTF-8\\r\\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\\r\\nVary: Accept-Encoding\\r\\nX-Request-Id: 4cc92e9c-3030-4025-926c-4000e13f9c59\\r\\nX-Token-Id: 0cc62a86-b752-4e5b-ab86-8afc9dd0243a\\r\\nCache-Control: no-cache, private\\r\\nDate: Wed, 31 May 2023 23:39:09 GMT\\r\\n\\r\\n\",\n\t\"http_code\": 200,\n\t\"errno\": 0,\n\t\"headerSize\": 299\n}",
          "name": "<a href=\"#!/rule/edit&id=1\" class=\"ussr-component-collection-cell-data \" title=\"webhook rule \">webhook rule</a>",
          "origin_object": "Contact",
          "webhook_type": "Global Rules",
          "webhook_id": null
      "account_id": 60,
      "misc": []

    Retrieves a collection of Webhook Logs based on a set of parameters. You can limit necessary API requests by utilizing criteria and our pagination tools to select only the data set you require.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    ids string An integer array as a comma-delimited list of the IDs of the Webhook Logs to retrieve. Entering a value of 0 will result in all Webhook Logs being selected.
    start integer The offset to return results from.
    range integer The number of Webhook Logs you want to retrieve. The maximum and default range is 50.
    sort string The field results should be sorted on.
    sortDir string The direction your results should be sorted. Your options are asc and desc. This field must be used in conjunction with the sort parameter.
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which Webhook Logs to bring back. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your Webhook Log objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other Webhook Log fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    externs string If you have a relationship between your Webhook Log object and another object, you may want to include the data from a related field in your results. Each external field is listed in the format {object}//{field}. Multiple fields are separated by commas.
    listFields string A string array as a comma-delimited list of the fields which should be returned in your results.

    Retrieve Webhook Log object meta

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "187": {
          "name": "WebhookLog",
          "fields": {
            "date": {
              "alias": "Date",
              "type": "timestamp",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "request": {
              "alias": "Request",
              "type": "longtext",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "response_data": {
              "alias": "Response Data",
              "type": "longtext",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "origin_object": {
              "alias": "Object",
              "type": "longtext",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "webhook_type": {
              "alias": "Type",
              "type": "longtext",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "response_code": {
              "alias": "Response Code",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "webhook_id": {
              "alias": "Webhook ID",
              "type": "numeric",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
            "name": {
              "alias": "Name",
              "type": "longtext",
              "required": 0,
              "unique": 0,
              "editable": 1,
              "deletable": 0
      "account_id": 123456

    Retrieves the field meta data for the Webhook Log object.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters


    Retrieve Webhook Log collection info

    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "cardViewSettings": {
          "fields": [
        "viewMode": [],
        "widgetSettings": {
          "map": [
          "widgets": {
            "overview": {
              "type": "object_widget_overview",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "tasks": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_task_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 1,
                "header": "Tasks"
            "notes": {
              "type": "object_widget_object_list_text_object_notes_widget",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "objectID": 12,
                "header": "Notes"
            "settings": {
              "type": "object_widget_settings",
              "options": {
                "placeAtEndOfColumn": true,
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true
            "fields": {
              "type": "object_widget_fields",
              "options": {
                "visible": "true",
                "excludeFromWidgetSettings": true,
                "fields": [
          "listFields": [
        "count": "2"
      "account_id": 123456

    Retrieves information about a collection of Webhook Logs, such as the number of Webhook Logs that match the given criteria.


    Request URL


    Required Headers

    Api-Key: {api-key}

    Api-Appid: {app-id}

    Request Parameters

    Request parameters should be appended to the URL as a query string.

    Parameter Type Description
    condition string A JSON encoded string to more specifically set criteria for which Webhook Logs to select. For example, to check that a field equals a certain value. See criteria examples for more details.
    search string A string to search your Webhook Log objects for.
    searchNotes boolean A boolean flag used in conjunction with the search parameter to indicate whether or not notes should be searched for the specified string in addition to other Webhook Log fields.
    group_id integer The group id of objects to act upon. If set to a non-zero value, performAll should be set to 1.
    performAll integer A binary integer flag to be used in conjunction with group_id. A value of 1 indicates that specified action should be performed on all members of a group. Be sure that group_id has a non-zero value when using this parameter unless you want to affect all objects in a collection.

    Use Cases

    This section contains a number of useful multistep processes which can be completed via the API. Explanations of the steps involved are detailed below, and code samples are included at the right. Example PHP scripts are written using our official PHP client library.

    Add UTM variables by name

    # Update a contact using UTM variable names
    curl -X PUT -d 'id=7&n_lead_source=New%20Lead%20Source&n_campaign=New%20Campaign&use_utm_names=true' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    // Update a contact using UTM variable names
    $requestParams = array(
        "id"            => 7,
        "use_utm_names" => true, // Enables passing utm names instead of IDs
        "n_lead_source" => "New Lead Source", // Lead source is created if it does not exist
        "n_campaign"    => "New Campaign" // Tracking campaign is created if it does not exist
    $response = $client->contact()->update($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
        "data": {
          "attrs": {
            "dlm": "1530897270",
            "n_lead_source": "3",
            "n_campaign": "4",
            "id": "7"
      "account_id": "12345"

    When creating or updating contacts, you may want to add or update UTM variables by name rather than ID. Though the default behavior is to accept IDs, names can be passed in the following manner:

    1. Create or update a contact

    Change gateways on an open order

    # Retrieve the gateway data for your current gateway to obtain the external_id
    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "Dummy",
        "status": 0,
        "date": "1503003727",
        "type": "dummy",
        "id": "1",
        "external_id": "53713",
        "owner": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"
    # Bring back all of the orders with a gateway ID that matches the external_id
    curl -X GET --header '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "2",
          "offer_id": "15",
          "contact_id": "1",
          "gateway_id": "53713"
          "id": "3",
          "offer_id": "16",
          "contact_id": "7",
          "gateway_id": "53713"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []
    # Retrieve the offer for each order
    curl -X GET --header '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": "15",
        "name": null,
        "public": "0",
        "data": "{\"products\":[{\"quantity\":\"1\",\"minQuantity\":\"1\",\"maxQuantity\":\"99\",\"total\":\"10.00\",\"shipping\":\"false\",\"tax\":\"false\",\"price\":[{\"price\":\"10.00\",\"payment_count\":\"1\",\"unit\":\"month\",\"id\":\"270337994670\"}],\"type\":\"subscription\",\"quantityEditable\":\"false\",\"index\":\"0\",\"name\":\"Slime\",\"description\":\"\",\"owner\":\"1\",\"date\":\"1503354425\",\"dlm\":\"1503354425\",\"level1\":\"0\",\"level2\":\"0\",\"external_id\":\"null\",\"product_group\":\"null\",\"offer_to_affiliates\":\"true\",\"trial_period_unit\":\"day\",\"trial_period_count\":\"0\",\"trial_price\":\"0\",\"setup_fee\":\"0\",\"delay_start\":\"0\",\"sku\":\"null\",\"setup_fee_when\":\"immediately\",\"setup_fee_date\":\"0\",\"product_type\":\"digital\",\"subscription_fee\":\"0\",\"subscription_count\":\"0\",\"subscription_unit\":\"day\",\"download_limit\":\"0\",\"download_time_limit\":\"0\",\"taxable\":\"null\",\"deleted\":\"false\",\"total_income\":\"null\",\"total_purchases\":\"null\",\"id\":\"2\",\"uid\":\"eaf93424-a5f2-ef69-6013-9555f127191c\"}],\"shipping\":\"null\",\"delay\":\"0\",\"invoice_template\":\"1\",\"subTotal\":\"10\",\"grandTotal\":\"10.00\",\"hasTaxes\":\"false\",\"hasShipping\":\"false\",\"paypalValid\":\"false\",\"offerCoupon\":\"false\",\"coupon\":\"null\",\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\":\"false\",\"resorted\":\"null\"}",
        "referenced": "1"
      "account_id": "12345"
    # Update the gateway ID of each order
    curl -X PUT -d '{
                    }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/pathto/Ontraport.php");
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    $from_gateway = 2;
    $to_gateway = 1;
    // Instantiate client
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    // Retrieve external gateway ID
    $params = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::GATEWAY, // Object type ID: 70
        "id" => $from_gateway
    if ($from_gateway_external = json_decode($client->object()->retrieveSingle($params), true))
        $from_gateway_external = $from_gateway_external["data"]["external_id"];
        // Retrieve all orders with a specific gateway
        $conditions = new OntraportAPI\Criteria("gateway_id", "=", $from_gateway_external);
        $order_params = array(
            "objectID" => ObjectType::ORDER, // Object type ID: 52
            "condition" => $conditions->fromArray()
    // Make sure to paginate requests so you can retrieve all matching orders
    $pages = json_decode($client->object()->retrieveMultiplePaginated($order_params), true);
    foreach ($pages as $page)
        foreach ($page["data"] as $order)
            $order_id = $order["id"];
            $offer_id = $order["offer_id"];
            $contact_id = $order["contact_id"];
            // Retrieve offer
            $params = array(
                "objectID" => ObjectType::OFFER, // Object type ID: 65
                "id" => $offer_id
            $offer = json_decode($client->object()->retrieveSingle($params), true);
            $offer_data = json_decode($offer["data"]["data"], true);
            // Update order with new gateway -- if offer data isn't included, the order will be deleted
            $update_order_data = array(
                "objectID" => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
                "contact_id" => $contact_id,
                "gateway_id" => $to_gateway,
                "offer" => $offer_data
            $update_order_data["offer"]["offer_id"] = $offer_id;
            $update_order_data["offer"]["order_id"] = $order_id;

    If you are changing card processors, you may want to change the gateway for your subscription orders. This can be accomplished through the API with a few steps.

    1. Retrieve the gateway data for your current gateway to obtain the external_id

    2. Bring back all of the orders with a gateway ID that matches the external_id

    3. Retrieve the offer for each order

    4. Update the gateway ID of each order

    Completed task outcomes/followups

    # Create your followup task message and retain the id
    curl -X POST -d 'alias=Followup%20Task&subject=Follow%20up&type=Task&object_type_id=0&from=owner&task_data=%5BFirst%20Name%5D%2C%20please%20follow%20up%20on%20this%20task.&due_date=5&task_owner=1' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": 16,
        "date": "1503594192"
      "account_id": "12345"
    # Mark your primary task completed, create outcome and assign followup task
    curl -X POST -d '{ \
       "object_type_id": 0, \
       "ids": [ \
         2 \
       ], \
       "data": { \
         "outcome": ":=Pending", \
         "followup": { \
           "message_id": 16, \
         } \
       } \
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "account_id": "12345"
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/api/sdks/php/src/Ontraport.php");
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\RuleBuilder as Builder;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Events;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Conditions;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Actions;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    $initial_task_id = 1;
    // Instantiate client
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    // Create follow-up task
    $task_params = array(
        "alias" => "Followup Task",
        "type" => "Task",
        "object_type_id" => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "subject" => "Follow up",
        "from" => "owner",
        "task_data" => "[First Name], please follow up on this task.",
        "due_date" => 5,
        "task_owner" => 1
    if ($task = json_decode($client->message()->create($task_params), true))
        $followup_task_id = $task["data"]["id"];
        // Mark task as completed with specific outcome, assign followup task
        $complete_params = array(
            "object_type_id" => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
            "ids" => array($initial_task_id),
            "data" => array(
                "outcome" => ":=Pending",
                "followup" => array(
                    "message_id" => $followup_task_id,
    // You can also create a rule that adds a tag to a contact when a task is completed
    $tag_id = 1;
    $builder = new Builder("Completed Task", ObjectType::CONTACT);
    $eventParams = array($initial_task_id);
    $builder->addEvent(Events::TASK_COMPLETED, $eventParams);
    $actionParams = array($tag_id);
    $builder->addAction(Actions::ADD_OBJECT_TO_TAG, $actionParams);
    $requestParams = $builder->toRequestParams();

    When managing tasks, you may want to monitor task outcomes and follow up task completion with additional tasks. The following is an example of how to mark a task completed, create an outcome for that task, and assign a secondary followup task using the API. You can also have the option of adding tags to objects that have completed that task by creating a rule to trigger when that occurs.

    1. Create your followup task message

    2. Mark your primary task completed, create outcome and assign followup task

    3. Create a rule to trigger when a task is marked as completed for an object.

    Create and assign a task

    # Create your task message and retain the `id` field from the response data
    curl -X POST -d 'alias=Test%20Task&subject=Task%20Assignment&type=Task&object_type_id=0&from=owner&task_data=%5BFirst%20Name%5D%2C%20please%20complete%20this%20task.&due_date=3&task_owner=1' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": 17,
        "date": "1503595111"
      "account_id": "12345"
    # Assign the task for your contact using the task message `id` you just created
    curl -X POST -d '{ \
       "object_type_id": 0, \
       "ids": [ \
         1 \
       ], \
       "message": { \
         "id": 17 \
       } \
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/pathto/Ontraport.php");
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    $contact_id = 1;
    // Instantiate client
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    // Create task
    $task_params = array(
        "alias" => "Test Task",
        "type" => "Task",
        "object_type_id" => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "subject" => "Task Assignment",
        "from" => "owner",
        "task_data" => "[First Name], please complete this task.",
        "due_date" => 3,
        "task_owner" => 1
    $task = json_decode($client->message()->create($task_params), true);
    $task_id = $task["data"]["id"];
    // Assign task
    $assign_params = array(
        "object_type_id" => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
        "ids" => array(1),
        "message" => array(
            "id" => $task_id

    1. Create your task message

    2. Create a task assignment

    Create and update a rule

    # Create a new tag for new contacts
    curl -X POST -d 'tag_name=New%20Contact&object_type_id=0' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
          "code": 0,
          "data": {
            "tag_name": "New Contact",
            "object_type_id": "0",
            "tag_id": "4",
            "group_id": "0"
          "account_id": "12345"
    # Create a rule to trigger whenever a new contact is added
    curl -X POST -d 'name=Create%20Me&event=Contact_added_to_my_database()&action=Add_contact_to_category(4)' \
        '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
          "code": 0,
          "data": {
            "name": "Create Me",
            "id": 1,
            "drip_id": null,
            "events": "Contact_added_to_my_database()" ,
            "conditions": "",
            "actions": "Add_contact_to_category(4)",
            "pause": "0",
            "last_action": "0",
            "object_type_id": "0",
            "date": "1527092122",
            "dlm": "1527092122"
          "account_id": "12345"
    # Update an existing rule's trigger
    curl - PUT -d 'id=2&events=Contact_added_to_campaign(0)''' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
              "code": 0,
              "data": {
                "id": 1,
                "drip_id": null,
                "events": "Contact_added_to_campaign(0)" ,
                "dlm": "1527092161"
              "account_id": "12345"
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/pathto/Ontraport.php");
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\RuleBuilder as Builder;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Events;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Conditions;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Actions;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    // Create a new tag for new contacts
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    $requestParams = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::TAG,
        "tag_name" => "New Contact",
        "object_type_id" => ObjectType::CONTACT
    $tag = json_decode($client->object()->create($requestParams), true);
    $tag_id = $tag["data"]["tag_id"];
    // Build your new rule to add to "New Contact" tag whenever a new contact is added
    $builder = new Builder("My new Rule", ObjectType::CONTACT);
    // Add trigger and action
    $builder->addEvent(Events::OBJECT_CREATED, array());
    $builder->addAction(Actions::ADD_OBJECT_TO_TAG, array($tag_id));
    $builder->addConditions(Conditions::OBJECT_NO_TAG, array($tag_id));
    $builder->addConditions(Conditions::OBJECT_NO_TAG, array(1)); // existing tag with id 1
    // Convert from Rule Builder object to request parameters
    $requestParams = $builder->toRequestParams();
    // Create rule
    $rule = json_decode($client->rule()->create($requestParams), true);
    $rule_id = $rule["data"]["id"];
    // Update a Rule
    // Retrieve rule we just created
    $json_rule = $client->rule()->retrieveSingle(array("id" => $rule_id));
    $rule = json_decode($json_rule, true);
    // Convert rule to Rule Builder object using data of rule
    $rule = Builder::CreateFromResponse($rule["data"]);
    // Remove an existing condition with a duplicate condition type in rule by specifying full rule data
    $rule->removeConditionByName(Conditions::OBJECT_NO_TAG . "(1)");
    // Clear the existing actions
    // Change the action for the rule, add to campaign whenever new contact is added
    $eventParams = array(Builder::ADD, 1);
    $rule->addAction(Actions::ADD_REMOVE_OBJECT_FROM_CAMPAIGN, $eventParams);
    // Convert from Rule Builder object to request parameters
    $requestParams = $rule->toRequestParams();
    // Update rule

    1. Build your rule

    2. Create your rule

    3. Update your rule

    Create transaction offers

    # Create a tax object and retain the entire response `data` array
    curl -X POST -d 'name=Retail&rate=8.75' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "Retail",
        "rate": "8.75",
        "id": "11",
        "form_id": "0",
        "rules": ""
      "account_id": "12345"
    # Create a shipping object and retain the entire response `data` array
    curl -X POST -d 'name=Ground&price=10' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "Ground",
        "price": "10.00",
        "id": "1",
        "form_id": "0",
        "rules": ""
      "account_id": "12345"
    # Create a product object and retain at least the `id` and `price` from the response data
    curl -X POST -d 'name=Test&price=50' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "Gadget",
        "price": "50",
        "id": "11",
        "description": "",
        "owner": "1",
        "date": "1503589761",
        "dlm": "1503589761",
        "level1": "0",
        "level2": "0",
        "external_id": null,
        "product_group": null,
        "offer_to_affiliates": "true",
        "trial_period_unit": "day",
        "trial_period_count": "0",
        "trial_price": "0",
        "setup_fee": "0",
        "delay_start": "0",
        "shipping": "0",
        "sku": null,
        "type": "one_time",
        "setup_fee_when": "immediately",
        "setup_fee_date": "0",
        "product_type": "digital",
        "subscription_fee": "0",
        "subscription_count": "0",
        "subscription_unit": "day",
        "download_limit": "0",
        "download_time_limit": "0",
        "taxable": null,
        "deleted": "false",
        "total_income": null,
        "total_purchases": null
      "account_id": "12345"
    # Process your transaction, including created product, tax, and shipping in your offer data
    curl -X POST -d '{
                "offer": {
                    "products": [
                            "price": [
                    "taxes": [
                    "shipping": [
                "billing_address": {
                    "address":"123 XYZ St",
                    "city":"Santa Barbara",
                    "payer": {
                }' '' \
                --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
                --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/pathto/Ontraport.php");
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Transaction as Transaction;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Product as Product;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Offer as Offer;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    $contact_id = 1;
    $gateway_id = 1;
    $invoice_id = 1;
    // Instantiate client
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    // Instantiate transaction
    $transaction = new Transaction($contact_id, Transaction::CHARGE_NOW, $gateway_id);
    // Create tax
    $tax_params = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::TAX, // Object type ID: 63
        "name" => "Retail",
        "rate" => "8.75"
    $tax = json_decode($client->object()->create($tax_params), true);
    $tax_data = $tax["data"];
    // Create shipping
    $shipping_params = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::SHIPPING_METHOD, // Object type ID: 64
        "name" => "Ground",
        "price" => "10"
    $shipping = json_decode($client->object()->create($shipping_params), true);
    $shipping_data = $shipping["data"];
    // Create product
    $product = new Product("Gadget", 200);
    $product_params = $product->toRequestParams();
    $product = json_decode($client->product()->create($product_params), true);
    $product_data = $product["data"];
    // Create an Offer
    $offer = new Offer("transaction offer");
    $offer->addProduct(Product::CreateFromResponse($product_data), 1, true, true);
    $offer->addTax($tax_data["id"], $tax_data["rate"], false, $tax_data["name"]);
    $offer->setShipping($shipping_data["id"], $shipping_data["price"], $shipping_data["name"]);
    // Load offer into transaction
    // Set payment information
    $address = array(
        "address"   => "123 XYZ St",
        "city"      => "Santa Barbara",
        "state"     => "CA",
        "zip"       => "93101",
        "country"   => "US"
    $payer = array(
        "ccnumber"      => "4111111111111111",
        "code"          => "123",
        "expire_month"  => 1,
        "expire_year"   => 2035
    // Process transaction
    $transaction_params = $transaction->toRequestParams();

    Processing manual transactions through the API can require some complicated data. This is an example of how to create some of the pieces of an offer, such as products, tax, and shipping, prior to initiating a manual transaction.

    1. Create a tax object

    2. Create a shipping object

    3. Create a new product

    4. Process your transaction

    Create and load an offer

    # Retrieve the products for this offer 
    curl -X GET ''
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
     > Example Response: 
       "code": 0,
       "data": [
           "id": "4",
           "price": "3.00",
           "name": "Earl Grey Tea",
           "description": "",
           "date": "1534186302",
           "dlm": "1534186302",
           "external_id": null,
           "product_group": null,
           "sku": null,
           "taxable": null,
           "deleted": "false",
           "total_income": null,
           "total_purchases": null
           "id": "6",
           "price": "2.00",
           "name": "Citrus Extract Tea",
           "description": "",
           "date": "1534186353",
           "dlm": "1534186353",
           "external_id": null,
           "product_group": null,
           "sku": null,
           "taxable": null,
           "deleted": "false",
           "total_income": null,
           "total_purchases": null
           "id": "7",
           "price": "5.00",
           "name": "French Macaroons",
           "description": "",
           "date": "1534186378",
           "dlm": "1534186378",
           "external_id": null,
           "product_group": null,
           "sku": null,
           "taxable": null,
           "deleted": "false",
           "total_income": null,
           "total_purchases": null
       "account_id": "12345",
       "misc": []
    # Create the offer with products and tax
    curl -X POST -d '{"data": "{\"products\":[{\"quantity\":1,\"minQuantity\":1,\"maxQuantity\":99,\"total\":\"3.00\",\"shipping\":false,\"tax\":true,\"price\":[{\"price\":\"3.00\",\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"month\"5}],\"type\":\"subscription\",\"quantityEditable\":\"false\",\"index\":0,\"name\":\"Earl Grey Tea\",\"id\":\"4\",\"description\":\"\",\"date\":\"1534186302\",\"dlm\":\"1534186302\",\"external_id\":null,\"product_group\":null,\"taxable\":null,\"deleted\":\"false\",\"total_income\":null,\"total_purchases\":null},{\"quantity\":1,\"minQuantity\":1,\"maxQuantity\":99,\"total\":\"2.00\",\"shipping\":false,\"tax\":true,\"price\":[{\"price\":\"2.00\",\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"month\"}],\"type\":\"subscription\",\"quantityEditable\":\"false\",\"index\":0,\"name\":\"Citrus Extract Tea\",\"id\":\"6\",\"description\":\"\",\"date\":\"1534186353\",\"dlm\":\"1534186353\",\"external_id\":null,\"product_group\":null,\"taxable\":null,\"deleted\":\"false\",\"total_income\":null,\"total_purchases\":null},{\"quantity\":1,\"minQuantity\":1,\"maxQuantity\":99,\"total\":\"5.00\",\"shipping\":false,\"tax\":true,\"price\":[{\"price\":\"5.00\",\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"month\"}],\"type\":\"subscription\",\"quantityEditable\":\"false\",\"index\":0,\"name\":\"French Macaroons\",\"id\":\"7\",\"description\":\"\",\"date\":\"1534186378\",\"dlm\":\"1534186378\",\"external_id\":null,\"product_group\":null,\"taxable\":null,\"deleted\":\"false\",\"total_income\":null,\"total_purchases\":null}],\"taxes\":[{\"rate\":7.00,\"name\":\"Monthly\",\"taxShipping\":\"false\",\"taxTotal\":0.7,\"form_id\":\"0\",\"id\":\"2\"}],\"paymentmethods\":[],\"shipping\":null,\"delay\":0,\"invoice_template\":1,\"subTotal\":10,\"grandTotal\":10.7,\"hasTaxes\":true,\"hasShipping\":false,\"paypalValid\":false,\"offerCoupon\":false,\"coupon\":null,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\":false,\"resorted\":null,\"name\":\"Monthly Subscription\"}", "name": "Monthly Subscription" }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' 
    > Example Response:
            "data":"{\"products\":[{\"quantity\":1,\"minQuantity\":1,\"maxQuantity\":99,\"total\":\"3.00\",\"shipping\":false,\"tax\":true,\"price\":[{\"price\":\"3.00\",\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"month\"5}],\"type\":\"subscription\",\"quantityEditable\":\"false\",\"index\":0,\"name\":\"Earl Grey Tea\",\"id\":\"4\",\"description\":\"\",\"date\":\"1534186302\",\"dlm\":\"1534186302\",\"external_id\":null,\"product_group\":null,\"taxable\":null,\"deleted\":\"false\",\"total_income\":null,\"total_purchases\":null},{\"quantity\":1,\"minQuantity\":1,\"maxQuantity\":99,\"total\":\"2.00\",\"shipping\":false,\"tax\":true,\"price\":[{\"price\":\"2.00\",\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"month\"}],\"type\":\"subscription\",\"quantityEditable\":\"false\",\"index\":0,\"name\":\"Citrus Extract Tea\",\"id\":\"6\",\"description\":\"\",\"date\":\"1534186353\",\"dlm\":\"1534186353\",\"external_id\":null,\"product_group\":null,\"taxable\":null,\"deleted\":\"false\",\"total_income\":null,\"total_purchases\":null},{\"quantity\":1,\"minQuantity\":1,\"maxQuantity\":99,\"total\":\"5.00\",\"shipping\":false,\"tax\":true,\"price\":[{\"price\":\"5.00\",\"payment_count\":1,\"unit\":\"month\"}],\"type\":\"subscription\",\"quantityEditable\":\"false\",\"index\":0,\"name\":\"French Macaroons\",\"id\":\"7\",\"description\":\"\",\"date\":\"1534186378\",\"dlm\":\"1534186378\",\"external_id\":null,\"product_group\":null,\"taxable\":null,\"deleted\":\"false\",\"total_income\":null,\"total_purchases\":null}],\"taxes\":[{\"rate\":7.00,\"name\":\"Monthly\",\"taxShipping\":\"false\",\"taxTotal\":0.7,\"form_id\":\"0\",\"id\":\"2\"}],\"paymentmethods\":[],\"shipping\":null,\"delay\":0,\"invoice_template\":1,\"subTotal\":10,\"grandTotal\":10.7,\"hasTaxes\":true,\"hasShipping\":false,\"paypalValid\":false,\"offerCoupon\":false,\"coupon\":null,\"shipping_charge_reoccurring_orders\":false,\"resorted\":null,\"name\":\"Monthly Subscription\"}",
            "name":"Monthly Subscription",
    # Process a transaction for a new contact with the offer 
    curl -X POST -d '{
               "contact_id": 2,
               "chargeNow": "chargeNow",
               "trans_date": 1369820760000,
               "invoice_template": 1,
               "gateway_id": 1,
               "offer": {
                 "products": [{
                     "quantity": 1,
                     "shipping": false,
                     "tax": true,
                     "price": [{
                         "price": 3.00,
                         "payment_count": 1,
                         "unit": "month",
                         "id": 314159265
                     "type": "subscription",
                     "owner": 1,
                     "taxable": true,
                     "name": "Earl Grey Tea",
                     "id": 4
                     "quantity": 1,
                     "shipping": false,
                     "tax": true,
                     "price": [{
                         "price": 3.00,
                         "payment_count": 1,
                         "unit": "month",
                         "id": 314159265
                     "type": "subscription",
                     "owner": 1,
                     "taxable": true,
                     "name": "Citrus Extract Tea",
                     "id": 6
                     "quantity": 1,
                     "shipping": false,
                     "tax": true,
                     "price": [{
                         "price": 3.00,
                         "payment_count": 1,
                         "unit": "month",
                         "id": 314159265
                     "type": "subscription",
                     "owner": 1,
                     "taxable": true,
                     "name": "French Macaroons",
                     "id": 7
               "tax": [{
                    "name": "Monthly",
                    "id": 2,
                    "rate": 7.00
             }' '' \
             --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
             --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
             --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/pathto/Ontraport.php");
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Transaction as Transaction;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Product as Product;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Offer as Offer;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    $contact_id = 1;
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    $offer = new Offer("subscription");
    // Retrieve the products for this offer 
    $condition = new OntraportAPI\Criteria("price", "<=", 5.00);
    $products = $client->product()->retrieveMultiplePaginated(array("condition" => $condition->fromArray()));
    $products = json_decode($products, true);
    // Add all products to offer with monthly subscriptions
    foreach ($products as $page)
        $product_data = $page["data"];
        foreach ($product_data as $data)
            $product = Product::CreateFromResponse($data);
            $offer->addProduct($product, 1, false, true);
            $offer->addSubscription($data["id"], Offer::MONTH);
    // Tax applies to all the products
    $tax = $client->object()->retrieveSingle(array("objectID" => ObjectType::TAX, "search" => "Monthly"));
    $tax = json_decode($tax, true);
    $tax_data = $tax["data"][0];
    $offer->addTax($tax_data["id"], $tax_data["rate"]);
    // Create the offer
    $requestParams = $offer->toRequestParams();
    // Load the offer to process a transaction for another contact
    $contact_id = 2;
    $gateway_id = 1;
    $transaction = new Transaction($contact_id, Transaction::CHARGE_NOW, $gateway_id);
    // Process the transaction
    $requestParams = $transaction->toRequestParams();

    If your transactions frequently use the same transaction details, an offer can be created to speed up the process of logging or charging transactions by allowing users to simply load a pre-existing offer with those details into the transaction.

    1. Build your offer

    2. Create your offer

    3. Load your offer into a new transaction

    4. Process a transaction with the offer

    Get all contacts with a tag

    # Retrieve a count of all contacts with desired tag from response data
    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "count": "64"
      "account_id": "12345"
    # Make sequential requests to retrieve all tag subscribers by increasing `start` by `range` until `count` is reached
    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > The `object_id` field in the response data contains ID of each contact
      "code": 0,
      "data": [
          "id": "1",
          "object_id": "1",
          "tag_id": "3"
      "account_id": "12345",
      "misc": []
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    $tag_id = 1;
    // Instantiate client
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    // Build condition object
    $condition = new OntraportAPI\Criteria("tag_id", "=", $tag_id);
    // Using pagination, retrieve the contact IDs from the tag subscriber objects
    $result = $client->object()->retrieveMultiplePaginated(
            "objectID" => ObjectType::TAG_SUBSCRIBER, // Object type ID: 138
            "condition" => $condition->fromArray(),
            "start" => 0,
            "range" => 50

    You may want to retrieve a list of all the contacts having a specific tag. Because you can only bring back a maximum of fifty objects per API request, you will need to utilize pagination tools. The tag subscriber object, object ID number 138, will provide you a list of all related objects and tags.

    1. Construct a condition object

    2. Retrieve a count of tag subscribers matching that condition

    3. Using pagination, retrieve those tag subscribers

    Log a transaction manually

    curl -X POST -d '{
       "contact_id": 1,
       "chargeNow": "chargeLog",
       "invoice_template": 1,
       "offer": {
         "products": [
             "quantity": 1,
             "shipping": false,
             "tax": false,
             "price": [
                 "price": 40.00,
                 "id": 1
             "type": "single",
             "owner": 1,
             "id": 1
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport;
    $client = new Ontraport("2_AppID_12345678","Key5678");
    $requestParams = array(
      "contact_id"  => 1,
      "chargeNow"   => "chargeLog",
      "offer"       => array(
          "products"  => array(
                  "quantity"  => 1,
                  "shipping"  => false,
                  "tax"       => false,
                  "price"     => array(
                          "price" => 40,
                          "payment_count"  => 0,
                          "id"             => 1
                  "type"      => "single",
                  "owner"     => 1,
                  "id"        => 1
    $response = $client->transaction()->processManual($requestParams);

    Example Response:

      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "invoice_id": 3
      "account_id": "12345"

    If you would like to pass in a previously charged transaction to be logged in Ontraport without actually charging your contact, you can use the transaction/processManual endpoint with the chargeNow field set to "chargeLog".

    Far less data is needed to simply log a transaction than to manually process one. The gateway, payer, and billing details are unnecessary in this case. The mandatory information in this case include a contact ID, the "chargeLog" designation, and product and pricing details.

    Product-specific coupons

    # Create a new product and retain the `id` from the response data
    curl -X POST -d '{
       "objectID": 16,
       "name": "Widget",
       "price": "1000"
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "name": "Widget",
        "price": "1000",
        "id": "21",
        "description": "",
        "owner": "1",
        "date": "1503598868",
        "dlm": "1503598868",
        "level1": "0",
        "level2": "0",
        "external_id": null,
        "product_group": null,
        "offer_to_affiliates": "true",
        "trial_period_unit": "day",
        "trial_period_count": "0",
        "trial_price": "0",
        "setup_fee": "0",
        "delay_start": "0",
        "shipping": "0",
        "sku": null,
        "type": "one_time",
        "setup_fee_when": "immediately",
        "setup_fee_date": "0",
        "product_type": "digital",
        "subscription_fee": "0",
        "subscription_count": "0",
        "subscription_unit": "day",
        "download_limit": "0",
        "download_time_limit": "0",
        "taxable": null,
        "deleted": "false",
        "total_income": null,
        "total_purchases": null
      "account_id": "12345"
    # Create a product specific coupon using the `id` of the product you just created
    curl -X POST -d '{
       "objectID": 123,
       "name": "$100 off Widgets",
       "type": "personal",
       "discount_type": "flat",
       "discount_value": "100",
       "discount_description": "Save $100 on Widget purchase.",
       "valid_type": "time",
       "valid_timeframe": "240",
       "status": "Valid",
       "product_selection": "specific",
       "products": [21]
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "id": 13
      "account_id": "12345"
    # Create a message with the coupon code and expiration date in the body
    curl -X POST -d 'alias=Coupon%20Message&subject=Save%20%24100%20on%20a%20Widget&#33;&type=e-mail&object_type_id=0&from=owner&message_body=%5BFirst%20Name%5D%2C%20your%20single%20use%20coupon%20code%20%5BONTRACOUPON_13_code%5D%20expires%20%5BONTRACOUPON_13_expiration%5D.' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/pathto/Ontraport.php");
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    // Instantiate client
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    // Create product
    $product_params = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::PRODUCT, // Object type ID: 16
        "name" => "Widget",
        "price" => "1000"
    $product = json_decode($client->object()->create($product_params), true);
    $product_id = $product["data"]["id"];
    // Create product specific coupon
    $coupon_params = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::COUPON, // Object type ID: 123
        "name" => "$100 off Widgets",
        "type" => "personal",
        "discount_type" => "flat",
        "discount_value" => "100",
        "discount_description" => "Save $100 on Widget purchase.",
        "valid_type" => "time",
        "valid_timeframe" => "240",
        "status" => "Valid",
        "product_selection" => "specific",
        "products" => array($product_id)
    $coupon = json_decode($client->object()->create($coupon_params), true);
    $coupon_id = $coupon["data"]["id"];
    // Create a message containing the coupon code
            "alias" => "Coupon Message",
            "type" => "e-mail",
            "object_type_id" => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
            "subject" => "Save $100 on a Widget!",
            "from" => "owner",
            "message_body" => "[First Name], your single use coupon code [ONTRACOUPON_{$coupon_id}_code] expires [ONTRACOUPON_{$coupon_id}_expiration]."

    Coupons can either be general or product specific, and can either be general use group coupons or generated specifically for individuals. This is an example of how to create a product and a coupon for that product, and then create a message capable of sending individual coupon codes for this product to your contacts:

    1. Create a new product

    2. Create a product-specific coupon

    3. Create your message with your coupon code and expiration date in the body

    Sales reporting

    # Retrieve sales report information meeting minimum and maximum date conditions
    curl -X GET '' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Reponse:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "listFields": [
        "listFieldSettings": [],
        "count": "9",
        "sums": {
          "attempted": 263,
          "paid": 213,
          "declined": 50,
          "refunded": 0,
          "voided": 0,
          "tax": 0,
          "net": 213
      "account_id": "12345"
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/pathto/Ontraport.php");
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    $min_date = 1500768000;
    $max_date = 1503528963;
    // Instantiate client
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    // Construct minimum date condition
    $conditions = new OntraportAPI\Criteria("date", ">", $min_date);
    // Add maximum date condition
    $conditions->andCondition("date", "<", $max_date);
    // Retrieve data
    $params = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::PRODUCT_SALES_LOG_REPORT, // Object type ID: 95
        "condition" => $conditions->fromArray()
    $purchase_log = json_decode($client->object()->retrieveCollectionInfo($params), true);
    echo "Total purchased: $" . $purchase_log["data"]["sums"]["paid"] . "\n";
    echo "Total declined: $" . $purchase_log["data"]["sums"]["declined"] . "\n";

    There are a number of different ways to retrieve sales reporting via the API. Sometimes you may not want the details but just to retrieve the total amount of sales meeting a certain criteria, such as sales within a designated time period. The following is an example of how to retrieve high level sales reporting within a minimum and maximum date:

    1. Retrieve sales report information meeting minimum and maximum date conditions

    Search message subject

    # Retrieve messages meeting condition
    curl -X GET ''
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    // Instantiate client
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    // Create a condition checking for your phrase in the subject line
    $conditions = new OntraportAPI\Criteria("subject",  "LIKE", "%Test%");
    // Retrieve messages matching that condition
    $messages = $client->message()->retrieveMultiplePaginated(array("condition" => $conditions->fromArray()));

    If you have many messages, you may want to search the subject line (or another field) to find one with specific content. This can be easily accomplished via our API:

    1. Construct a condition object

    2. Retrieve messages meeting condition

    # Create a tracked link, retaining the `id` and `turl_code` from the response data
    curl -X POST -d '{
                        "name":"Test Tracked Link",
                    }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    > Example Response:
      "code": 0,
      "data": {
        "objectID": 80,
        "name": "Test Tracked Link",
        "url": "",
        "id": 10,
        "turl_code": ""
      "account_id": "12345"
    # Create a message with a tracked link retrieved from `turl_code` in the body
    curl -X POST -d 'alias=Tracked%20Link%20message&subject=Cool%20free%20stuff&#33;&type=e-mail&object_type_id=0&from=owner&!' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    # Create a rule to perform an action if the tracked link is clicked
    curl -X POST -d '{
       "objectID": 6,
       "name": "Tracked Link Rule",
       "events": "clicks_tracked_link(10)",
       "actions": "Add_contact_to_category(1)"
     }' '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --header 'Api-Key: Key5678' \
        --header 'Api-Appid: 2_AppID_12345678'
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/pathto/Ontraport.php");
    use OntraportAPI\Ontraport as Client;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\RuleBuilder as Builder;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Events;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Conditions;
    use OntraportAPI\Models\Rules\Actions;
    use OntraportAPI\ObjectType;
    $api_key = "Key5678";
    $app_id = "2_AppID_12345678";
    // Instantiate client
    $client = new Client($app_id, $api_key);
    // Create tracked link
    $link_params = array(
        "objectID" => ObjectType::TRACKED_LINK, // Object type ID: 80
        "name" => "Test Tracked Link",
        "url" => ""
    $tracked_link = json_decode($client->object()->create($link_params), true);
    $tracking_url = $tracked_link["data"]["turl_code"];
    $link_id = $tracked_link["data"]["id"];
    // Create message with tracked link in the content
            "alias" => "Tracked Link Message",
            "type" => "e-mail",
            "object_type_id" => ObjectType::CONTACT, // Object type ID: 0
            "subject" => "Cool free stuff!",
            "from" => "owner",
            "message_body" => "[First Name], check out the free content on <a href=\"" . $tracking_url . "\">our site</a>!"
    // You can also create a rule to run when the tracked link is clicked
    $tag_id = 2;
    // Create a new Rule Builder to build your rule
    $builder = new Builder("Tracked Link Rule", 0);
    // Add event to set rule to act whenever tracked link is clicked
    $event = Events::TRACKED_LINKED_CLICKED;
    $eventParams = array($link_id);
    $builder->addEvent($event, $eventParams);
    // Add action for rule to add the object to the tag when rule is triggered
    $action = Actions::ADD_OBJECT_TO_TAG;
    $actionParams = array($tag_id);
    $builder->addAction($action, $actionParams);
    // Convert builder object into request parameters
    $requestParams = $builder->toRequestParams();
    // Create the rule with the request parameters

    Tracked links allow you to keep tabs on how effective your emails and landing pages are at directing traffic where you want it to go. You can create tracked links through the API and add them to messages. If you have global rules enabled, you can also create rules for actions to be taken when the link is clicked:

    API Change Log

    Every SDK related change will be indicated in this change log with the SDK type and version number:

    SDK-PHP v. 1.1.1

    For bug fixes and small changes, there will be a minor increment. For new functionalities, such as models or new SDK wrapper classes, there will be a middle increment. For large changes that may break previous working SDK versions, there will be a whole version increment.

    Keep your integrations updated by subscribing to our changes! rss feed

    Sep 28 2023
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    Oct 02 2019
    Jul 23 2019
    Jul 11 2019
    Jun 27 2019
    Jun 19 2019
    Dec 18 2018
    Nov 20 2018
    Nov 12 2018
    Nov 08 2018
    Oct 11 2018 | SDK-PHP v. 1.1.1
    Jul 31 2018 | SDK-PHP v. 1.1.0
    Jul 30 2018
    Jun 26 2018
    Jun 21 2018
    Mar 27 2018
    Mar 22 2018 | SDK-PHP v. 1.0.4
    Mar 06 2018
    Feb 26 2018
    Jan 25 2018 | SDK-PHP v. 1.0.3
    Dec 22 2017
    Dec 12 2017
    Nov 30 2017 | SDK-PHP v. 1.0.2
    Nov 17 2017 | SDK-PHP v. 1.0.2
    Nov 16 2017 | SDK-PHP v. 1.0.2
    Nov 10 2017
    Nov 07 2017
    Nov 02 2017
    Oct 11 2017 | SDK-PHP v. 1.0.1
    Sep 08 2017 | SDK-PHP v. 1.0
    Sep 01 2017
    Aug 09 2017
    Jul 25 2017
    May 25 2017

    RSS Feeds rss feed

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    Listed below are various tools you may use to get yourself set up. After getting setup, simply visit our RSS Feed by clicking this which will redirect you to the RSS Feed link you will need to stay subscribed to our updates!

    Browser Built-In Feed Readers
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