AI Mastering Desktop (offline version)

We have released the desktop offline version of AI Mastering. In line with this, we have released the mastering algorithm as open-source. Going forward, our emphasis will be on the offline version rather than the API. Please refer to the following for more details.

AI Mastering API

AI Mastering provides API interface. You can access following functions.

  • Upload/Download audio
  • Do the mastering
  • Change the target loudness
  • Change the mastering level
  • etc...

API Specification

AI Mastering API is defined by Open API Specification. For details, please click following links.

API Client Libraries

Javascript (Node)

# clone tutorial repository
git clone
cd tutorial-node

# install dependencies
npm install

# upload test.wav, do the mastering, and download the output as output.wav
node main.js --input test.wav --output output.wav

#For details, please see main.js


# clone tutorial repository
git clone
cd tutorial-ruby

# install dependencies
bundle install

# upload test.wav, do the mastering, and download the output as output.wav
bundle exec ruby main.rb --input test.wav --output output.wav

#For details, please see main.rb

Other languages

API client libraries for other languages are in preparation. We generate client libraries by swagger-codegen. Some may be OK just to generate it, others may require fine tuning depending on the language. So it takes a while. Contributions are welcome!